Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 437: Zhou Zhiyao Is Amazing!

Now, at this moment, all the crew members and tourists present, as well as all the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV, can do nothing!

Even if they clearly know that they absolutely cannot lose Captain Jack at this time, nor can they lose Zhou Zhiyao!

Under the situation that neither of them can lose, they can do nothing but watch, and they can only see that Zhou Zhiyao is doing useful things, and then they can really bring Captain Jack back safely, of course Zhou Zhiyao himself You can also come back safely, which is extremely important!

Everyone doesn't want any accident between Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, because let's not talk about everyone's feelings for Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack!

After all, whether it is Captain Jack or Zhou Zhiyao, they can actually be regarded as the saviors of everyone present. This is absolutely certain. Both of them have saved everyone more than once, so everyone cares about their safety .

Of course, in addition to this, there is another crucial point, that is, everyone knows that without Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, they will never be able to escape from this cruise ship that is almost completely silent. Absolutely sure!

Even losing any one of Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao 380, they may never get out, buried in the cruise ship forever, this is absolutely certain.

So they hope that Zhou Zhiyao and Captain Jack can come back safely. No matter what, only when they come back safely can everyone present, whether tourists or crew members, have a chance to escape.

Otherwise, even if they are above the safe negative third floor, they will only have a dead end. This is absolutely certain!

Therefore, everyone present, whether they were crew members or tourists, or the audience in the live broadcast room and in front of the TV, paid close attention to Zhou Zhiyao's movements.

It is no exaggeration to say that Zhou Zhiyao's body is not only his own life, but the lives of hundreds of people are also concerned about Zhou Zhiyao's body. This is absolutely certain!

However, now Zhou Zhiyao also knows this, but even with her knowing, he has no choice but to try his best to take Captain Jack up to the negative third floor, this is for sure of.

Zhou Zhiyao doesn't want to die either, he also shoulders the mission Jiang Chen gave him, so she also insists that he is chasing the life jacket now, in fact, it is to allow Captain Jack to reach the third floor safely, in fact, he is also trying to survive.

It’s just that all the tourists and crew members, as well as the viewers in the live broadcast room and the TV station, couldn’t see it due to the distance!

And at this moment, Zhou Zhiyao was actually very close to the life jacket. Seeing that Zhou Zhiyao was able to get the life jacket, Zhou Zhiyao's eyes revealed a touch of determination.

He used to be scruples about the undercurrent in the sea, etc., but now he has no scruples. She sees the life jacket in front of her, and she will never let the life jacket escape in front of her. This is for sure. .

So at this time, Zhou Zhiyao didn't care about so many messy things. When she saw the life jacket, she jumped with all her strength and took the life jacket into her hands!

After Zhou Zhiyao took the lifejacket into his hands, a rare smile finally appeared on his face. Obviously, it was very difficult for Zhou Zhiyao to get this small lifejacket.

She was able to get the life jacket. In fact, she herself was very surprised, but as long as she could get the life jacket, Zhou Zhiyao was completely relieved. He completely relaxed himself and let the turbulence push him outside.

Because the direction driven by the undercurrent is actually the direction where Captain Jack is and the elevator entrance, so although Zhou Zhiyao spent a lot of energy and wasted a lot of energy when chasing the life jacket, it seemed very difficult.

But as long as you get the life jacket, Zhou Zhiyao will be very relaxed when you come back, this is absolutely certain!

At this moment, it only took Zhou Zhiyao a short while to arrive at the side of Captain Jack (cgbh). Now Zhou Zhiyao put the life jacket directly on Captain Jack's body at an extremely fast speed.

Captain Jack has now completely fallen into a coma, completely ignorant of the outside world, and even more unable to support his body floating above the water.

So without a life jacket, it would be very difficult for Zhou Zhiyao to rescue Captain Jack, this is for sure.

No matter how you say it, Zhou Zhiyao is just a weak woman. She can't swim back with Captain Jack on her shoulders. She doesn't have such huge strength at all. This is absolutely certain, but it's completely different after wearing a life jacket.

Zhou Zhiyao can take Captain Jack back with no effort at all, because in this way Zhou Zhiyao doesn’t have to carry Captain Jack to swim back, Zhou Zhiyao only needs to put the life jacket on Captain Jack, and Captain Jack will not sink , Zhou Zhiyao didn't have to worry about the danger of Captain Jack sinking.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao just needs to go forward on his own, pulling on the lifejacket, and the lifejacket can take Captain Jack back together, so that Zhou Zhiyao can rescue Captain Jack back without any effort. This is what Zhou Zhiyao came up with!

At the same time, all the tourists and crew present, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and the TV station, finally saw clearly what Zhou Zhiyao was doing.

When everyone saw Zhou Zhiyao put on a life jacket for Captain Jack, everyone finally realized that they didn't know what Zhou Zhiyao was going to do before, and they thought Zhou Zhiyao was doing something useless to delay the rescue time.

Now it seems that instead of delaying the rescue time, Zhou Zhiyao has thought of a wonderful way to end the predicament he is facing now!

All the tourists and crew present at this moment, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room and the TV station, began to admire Zhou Zhiyao again.

Because Zhou Zhiyao's actions cannot be disregarded. No one thought that Zhou Zhiyao, as a woman, could be used in such a complicated and dangerous environment, calm down and think about problems, and perfectly find The solution to the problem is something normal people can't do.

Even if everyone present is placed in the same environment, they will never be able to maintain calm and calm thinking like Zhou Zhiyao, and think of a perfect ending plan. This is what makes Zhou Zhiyao different, and Zhou Zhiyao deserves it. A place of admiration!

"Zhou Zhiyao is amazing!"

"My God, I never thought that Zhou Zhiyao would be able to think calmly in such an environment!"

"Zhou Zhiyao is too powerful, her power is beyond all of our imagination!"

"He is a hero. Without him, we would never be able to become the captain. I believe this is certain. No one would deny it!?"

"I agree, Zhou Zhiyao is very powerful, under his leadership, we can hope to leave safely!"

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