Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 448: Total Despair!

Just when the man was so happy that he couldn't help himself, the blow came as expected, like a thunderbolt, hitting him on the body.

It made her whole body shake, her complexion became ugly in an instant, and the joy in her heart was also hit by a sudden blow, which wiped out more than half of it!

Because, even if there is a faint light emitted by the safety warning light, the light emitted by the safety warning light is too weak, and it cannot achieve any lighting effect at all.

A little bit of faint green light has no effect at all. Apart from playing a bright role in the safe and dark bar on the second floor, it is completely a piece of cake to see the drawings clearly with these dim lights. Impossible ~ thing.

Furthermore, the safety warning light is underground, and it is submerged by seawater in the water.

Originally, the safety warning light was originally on the ceiling of the bar, but after the cruise ship turned over, the entire safety warning light became the sole of the foot.

And now after the seawater pours in, the safety warning light is also submerged by the seawater. The light emitted by the safety warning is extremely weak, let alone being submerged by the seawater under such an environment, the safety warning light The brightness of the light is greatly reduced.

Therefore, if you want to check the structural drawings of the bar on the second floor of the cruise ship with the light of the safety warning light, it will be a fool's dream. It will be very difficult, very difficult!

But even so, what can men do?

Hope is in front of him, the opportunity to enter the negative third floor is in front of him, the chance to survive is in front of him, he can't just give up right now, right?

So, even if he is splashed with tears, even if he feels very uncomfortable, even if he is very unwilling, even if his heart is very uncomfortable, what else can he do?

He has come to this point, it is impossible to just give up, right?

This is completely impossible, so no matter how hard it is for him now, he has to bite the bullet to accept it and forcefully learn to adapt.

So now there is only one thing he can do, which is to try his best to see everything marked on the drawings on the wall.

For this reason, he can only stick to the drawings to see, and can only see clearly with a little bit of faint green light, to identify his position!

As a result, the man spent a very long time just looking at the drawings.

After all, the structure of the bar on the negative second floor is very complicated. It is still in such a dim environment, even in a normal lighting environment, looking at the complicated blueprint in front of me will probably take a lot of time. time.

Not to mention that in such a complicated environment, it is indeed not an easy task to understand this drawing and find out where you are, and it is also a bit embarrassing for a man.

So when the man was looking at the map clearly, he also scolded the designer who designed the bar and the blueprint in his heart.

This is also a helpless thing, after all, who let her encounter such a thing?

But having said that, no matter how much she scolds now, no matter how reluctant and unwilling he is, there is no way, he can't stop.

Because stopping means giving up and accepting death. He doesn't want to give up, and he doesn't want to accept and face death even more.

So no matter how hard it is for him now, he can only continue to watch it. This is a completely helpless thing, just like a dumb person who eats Coptis chinensis and cannot tell!

And the time was consumed by the male protagonist in this way, and finally after almost five minutes passed, the male finally found his location on the map.

It has to be said that the man still has some skills, at least his eyesight is very good, in such a dim environment, with a little faint green light of the underwater safety warning light, he can use only It takes only five minutes to find your own position, which is actually quite admirable!

Of course, this also gave the man the motivation to continue, it gave him a lot of encouragement, and gave him more confidence in himself.

So the next thing the man has to do now is to find out where the entrance from the bar on the second floor to the third floor is at the fastest speed.

He clearly knew that as long as he found the entrance from the bar on the second floor to the third floor, he would be able to escape from the second floor, and he would be safe for the time being, and he could catch up with the big troops and escape with them up.

In his opinion, this is something that he must do. If he doesn't do it, someone else will go back and do it, so the man now knows very clearly what he wants to do!

However, what disappoints the man is that what the man doesn't know is that in fact, on the structural drawing of the bar on the second floor, there is no indication of where the entrance to the third floor is.

Because the third floor of Fu'ah was originally expanded later, and it was built in violation of regulations, it is impossible to mark the entrance to the third floor on the bar structure drawing on the second floor, which is absolutely certain.

Moreover, in fact, from the very beginning, there was no safe exit from the bar on the second floor to the third floor.

The only intersection leading to the third floor is actually the elevator, and the elevator entrance, which is also illegal, will not be marked on the structural diagram of the bar on the second floor.

Only the staff working on the third floor, as well as the captain of the cruise ship and some important personnel know the location of the third floor, and can know where the specific passage on the third floor is.

Only then did they know how to get to the third floor. In fact, before Jiang Chen and Captain Jack said that the cruise ship had a third floor, in fact, almost all the tourists and most of the crew did not know that there was a third floor. of.

It is also the first time everyone has heard that there is a location on the third floor, so they realized that even the elevators that connect to the first floor, the second floor and the third floor at the same time do not have a button for the third floor. Employees who work on the first floor, if they want to reach the third floor, they can only rely on their cards to get to the main floor.

So from the outside world, the cruise ship does not actually have a third floor. Everyone thinks that the elevator only leads to the first deck, the first floor and the second floor. The number of floors, and the location of the negative third floor will not be realistic.

It can be seen from this that, in fact, the internal management personnel of the entire cruise ship are concealing the fact that there is a negative third floor in the cruise ship.

Therefore, it was impossible for the cruise ship to directly mark the entrance to the third floor on the structural drawings on the second floor, which is simply impossible!

Therefore, it is completely impossible for the man to find the entrance to the third floor on the structural drawing of the bar on the second floor.

Even if the man took out the blueprints, in a well-lit environment, he would never be able to find the location of the negative third floor. This is absolutely certain.

...... ask for flowers)-

Because the negative third floor was not marked on the blueprint at all, the man couldn't find it even if he tried to find it. It is absolutely impossible for the structural drawing to have an extra entrance to the negative third floor for no reason.

So no matter how hard the man searches, it is absolutely impossible to find the location of the negative third floor. This is absolutely certain. No matter what the man does now, no matter how serious he is looking for, no matter how hard she tries Looking for it will be futile in the end, this is absolutely certain!?

It's just that the man can't live with everything. He is still full of hope and yearning in his heart. He feels that he will be able to survive in the end, and he will be able to make it to the end. So the man is still working hard, Keep looking!

However, as time passed, ten minutes had passed, and it only took five minutes for him to find his position on the drawing.

But now it took ten minutes to find the entrance to the third floor. Even the man was a little anxious and began to become a little impatient. He had already read the entire blueprint. When it's over, there are almost no corners to watch.


But the result is obvious, he didn't do anything other than find out where he was, and he didn't know where the entrance to the third floor was, which made the man a little anxious!

But the man didn't give up either, he started to read it again from the beginning, he felt that the entrance to the third floor must be marked on it, he must have read it too fast and was too anxious before, and missed something, so It seems that the man started to search again from the beginning!

But as time passed, another five minutes passed, and the man almost quickly looked through the entire structural drawing, but he still didn't see where the entrance leading to the negative chairman was located.

The man was a little unconvinced, he was very stubborn, so he was very unconvinced, and looked again.

But the final result is still the same, even if he looked at Zhihuou again, he still couldn't find out where the entrance to the negative third floor is, the man is almost desperate now!

The hope in his heart has been completely shattered. If he didn't find the location of the entrance to the negative third floor for the first time, he might feel that he missed something.

So he searched for the second time, but when he finished searching for the second time, he still didn't see where the location leading to the negative third floor was, so he was a little anxious, but he could still comfort himself, thinking that it must be I was too anxious.

So some corners and places were not seen, and the surrounding environment is so dark, you must look more carefully to find it, so the man started searching for the third time, but unfortunately the result is still the same!

This makes the man desperate, and makes the man feel completely uncomfortable. After all, as the saying goes, there is no repeating again and again!

If it is said that the first time and the second time, I missed it by myself, it is impossible for me to continue to miss it after watching it for the third time!

If you haven't overlooked it, there is only one explanation, that is, there is no record of the location of the entrance to the third floor on the blueprint of the bar structure on the second floor!

This time, the man was shattered, he was completely desperate!

How happy and excited he was before, how painful and desperate he is now!

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