Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 456: Saved Another Life!

At this moment, for the man, everything is not over yet. Although he is very lucky, in the situation where his mentality and spirit have completely collapsed, he still uses this to calm himself down successfully and not be affected by emotional fluctuations , and successfully survived the whirlpool crisis. It is necessary to know that such a whirlpool crisis is very dangerous, and it is very dangerous for anyone. If you are not careful, you may die in it. This is absolutely certain!

Because it is no exaggeration to say that ninety-nine percent of people will be swallowed by the vortex when facing such a crisis, and it is impossible to pass through these dense vortexes. Men can easily pass through these vortexes. It can be regarded as a miracle, and even more so, it can be regarded as a kind of so-called giving, which is completely certain!

On the whole, the man deserves to be blessed. If his spirit does not collapse, the crisis he faces will definitely be greater. This is absolutely certain, and he certainly has no way to wear it. Those who have passed through the vortex will be directly swallowed by the vortex just like those 99% of the people who have been swallowed by the vortex, and will be forever silent in Wang Yang's sea. This is also completely certain!

So the man is considered to be a very lucky person. At least he managed to survive in the face of these vortexes, and he was not left in the cruise ship forever, was not swallowed by the vortex, and was not buried in the king's body. In the sea of ​​sun, he finally ended up with no bones left. This is absolutely certain, so the man should be happy, but the man is not happy at all!

The reason is actually very simple. It is because the man no longer has much emotional fluctuations, and his emotions have gone to a very short period. Even happy emotions cannot be aroused. Only when he is completely safe , only after he reached the negative third floor that he dreamed of, only after he completely escaped and ascended to heaven, and only after he fulfilled the desire in his heart, can he truly recover. It is also absolutely certain, absolutely undeniable, that after the man survives and completes his current extremely short-term emotions, other emotions will gradually recover. This is absolutely certain!

However, it seems that it is still very difficult to complete his extremely short mood, at least there is still a long way to go, although he has successfully survived the crisis of the whirlpool, but everything is still not over!

He didn't find out where the entrance to the third floor was, and he didn't succeed in going to the third floor to completely escape from the bar on the second floor that had been swallowed by the sea. It's not that he's happy, he doesn't have the heart to be happy at all, all his thoughts are used on the purpose of letting himself live, and in order to let himself live, now the only way to find the entrance to the negative third floor is to succeed. Going to the negative third floor is the real success!

Everything else is false, they are not taken seriously by men, they are illusory existences in the eyes of men, they don't need to care about them at all, and I don't care about them at all, the only things he cares about are from beginning to end. One point is to allow myself to survive! Therefore, although the whirlpool crisis has passed now, the man still does not relax. His face is still very ferocious. He carefully observes the changes around him, looking for the entrance to the third floor. He didn't miss any details, and he searched very carefully.

And not long after, the man clearly saw a corner not far from the corridor in front of him. The appearance of this corner immediately attracted the man's attention. Before the corner, there was nothing on both sides of the corridor, so the corner The location of is obviously a variable!

There is obviously no entrance to the negative third floor before the corner, and only after passing the corner, there will be an entrance to the negative third floor. This is absolutely certain, even if it is a fool, He could easily think of this, so the man's eyes began to stare at the corner, completely fixed, for fear that he would miss any details when he was at the corner!

After all, it is worth mentioning that whether there is an entrance leading to the third floor in this corridor, in fact, the man does not know at all, and he is not completely sure whether there is an entrance leading to the third floor in this corridor. It is absolutely certain that there is an entrance to the third floor. The reason why the man thinks that there is an entrance leading to the third floor in this corridor is entirely because this corridor is completely different from the other corridors in the bar on the second floor. Not the same, and this corridor is not luxuriously decorated, and there is no bar room!

So I think this corridor should not be used to find customers. Since it is not used to entertain guests, it must be a work corridor. If it is a work corridor, it is very likely that it is connected to the entrance to the third floor!

Of course, all of this is just the man's guess. The man doesn't know whether the entrance to the third floor is in the corridor, because although the corridor is very likely to be a work corridor, there are many kinds of work corridors. Is this work corridor only leading to the staff dormitory? Is it only leading to the changing room of the staff?

It is also very possible. It is not that this corridor is actually a work corridor, but it must be the work corridor leading to the entrance of the third floor. This is certain, so the man is also very nervous now, so Even after passing through the danger, his complexion didn't change any better, instead it became more ferocious!

Because he clearly knows that even if he has passed the danger, even if he firmly believes that this place is definitely a staff corridor, it is completely uncertain whether there is an entrance leading to the third floor here. The man's guess, everything is just the man's analysis, so when he has not really seen the location of the entrance leading to the third floor, it is impossible for the man to relax, this is absolutely certain!

However, it is worth mentioning that not long after, the man grabbed the wooden table and drifted to the corner of the corridor along with the current.

There is also a vortex here, and the vortex here happens to exist in the triangle point at the corner. This position is completely a blind spot, and it is easy to be ignored by people!

If a person comes here now, it is very likely that he will not notice the existence of the vortex, be directly sucked into it, be swallowed by the vortex, be submerged by the vast sea, and die completely. This is absolutely certain The point is, after all, the location of the vortex is too weird. When you are at the corner of the corridor, unless you pay special attention, you will not notice the existence of the vortex at all!

And as long as you don't notice the existence of the vortex, people will be easily sucked into it. You need to know that if you are a normal person now, the moment you see the corner, you will definitely be very curious about the vortex in the corner. What does the corridor look like, the eyes will always focus straight ahead, to explore the world behind the corner, and will not pay attention to the blind spot at the corner, and then will be attracted by the inexplicable vortex, and then swallowed by the vortex, even the reaction There is no chance, and I may not even know how I died, so I just drowned like this, this is absolutely certain!

Even if a man is normal, when his spirit is not broken, his mentality is not broken, and his emotion is not broken, he will definitely not observe the water surface at the corner or the blind spot at the corner, but will be like most normal people. Like people, they are curious about the world behind the corner, to explore and observe what the corridor behind the corner looks like.

However, it is worth mentioning that the man is completely different now, his mentality has completely collapsed, his nerves have completely collapsed, and his emotions have also completely collapsed, so it is completely unusable to watch Normal people look at him with eyes and thoughts, because what he thinks and what he sees are completely different from normal people, so this is why, when normal people see the man at this time, they will feel that the man's behavior It's very crazy, and I don't understand the reason for the man's words and deeds!

Of course, this also led to the fact that when the man passed the corner, his reaction was completely different from that of normal people. He did not explore the world behind the corner and wonder about the world behind the corner like ordinary people. The world behind the corner, to pay attention to the world behind the corner, the line of sight has been fixed in the world behind the corner!

The thinking of a man is completely different from that of normal people, and his words and deeds are also completely different from normal people. If a man is completely normal, he may also observe the world behind the corner just like normal people. )boundary!

However, the problem is that the man is completely different from everyone now, and the world he observes is also completely different from everyone. This is like a study by scientists, mental patients, and autistic patients, etc. People's thoughts, ideas, and the world they see are completely different from normal people.

Men are in this state now, so from the perspective of normal people, men should look and wonder what the world behind the corner looks like. Unfortunately, due to the mentality and spiritual problems of men, men are not as normal as they are. People are different, he just didn't observe what the world behind the corner looked like, his gaze was fixed on the water surface at the corner all the time, which also led him to discover the existence of the vortex in the blind area at the corner at a glance , and then easily avoided the vortex!

It has to be said that the impact of the man's emotional breakdown, mental breakdown, and mental breakdown successfully saved the man's life again!

If the man's emotions, mentality, and spirit haven't collapsed, then the result will be completely different. He will be like ordinary people, and he will not notice the existence of the vortex at the corner at all, and he will just walk over and walk into it. In the vortex, and then directly swallowed by the vortex, and buried here forever, this point is completely certain!.

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