Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 462: Jaguar

The two continued to walk forward, Zhou Zhiyao was attracted by the beautiful scenery in front of him, looked around along the way, admiring the scenery on the road.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't tell me, the scenery here is quite beautiful." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen touched Zhou Zhiyao's head and said, "Yes, the Amazon jungle is a very magical place. The scenery is also very good."

"However, this is only one side of the Amazon jungle. The other side is very terrifying. We'd better be careful." Jiang Chen said and held Zhou Zhiyao's hand tightly.

This is a huge challenge for Jiang Chen, because he must not only ensure his own safety, but also take good care of Zhou Zhiyao. After all, Zhou Zhiyao knew nothing about the dangers of the Amazon jungle.

At this moment, a huge python appeared in front of the two of them, which made Zhou Zhili, who was still admiring the wind, feel a little at a loss.

"Brother Jiang Chen, snake! What a big snake!" Zhou Zhiyao shouted at Jiang Chen in a panic.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen stopped in his tracks. He told Zhou Zhiyao to keep quiet so as not to startle the giant python.

At this moment, Jiang Chen took a closer look and realized that the giant python was not an ordinary giant python, but a green boa snake!

He leaned into Zhou Zhiyao's ear and said softly: "This kind of snake is called the green boa snake. It is the largest snake in the world. The female is bigger than the male, but the body size does not have a certain length in the literature. Generally, the adult body size is already More than 9 meters and weighing more than 150 kilograms."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said to her: "The strange thing is that this kind of snake is not poisonous. They mainly live in the swamps of Amazon rivers, and they live almost entirely in the water, rarely going ashore. There are many witnesses Said that snakes can devour humans."

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao became even more flustered after hearing this.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what are we doing here, run away!" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded to Zhou Zhiyao, and said, "I'll count to three later, let's run!"




As soon as Jiang Chen finished speaking, the two ran towards each other.

But seeing this, the green boa snake didn't give Jiang Chen and Chen any chance to escape, and then chased them.

Seeing the green boa snake chasing after him, Jiang Chen took Zhou Zhiyao's hand and quickened his pace.

But how can a man beat a snake? After a while, Lu caught up with the two.

Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao stopped and confronted the green boa snake.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what should we do now?" Zhou Zhiyao asked Jiang Chen.

Looking at the huge monster in front of him, Jiang Chen was still somewhat flustered, but he was not scared by it.

Jiang Chen looked up at the big tree above his head and smiled.

"Zhiyao! Get on my back and hold me tight!" Jiang Chen then said to Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao looked at a loss at this time, she didn't know what Jiang Chen was going to do, but she already knew in her heart that Jiang Chen had thought of a way and lay on Jiang Chen's back.

Jiang Chen jumped onto the branch.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao was even more stunned. Her brother Jiang Chen might not be a human being, but he has such a high jumping ability. Anyway, this tree is more than ten meters high. At least give the big tree some face. ah.

"Brother Jiang Chen, how did you do it?" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with a confused face.

"Let's wait until the green boa snake is dealt with," Jiang Chen said.

At this time, the green boa snake below also looked at the two people on the tree with a dazed expression. Is this human?

But the green boa snake still didn't give up, and climbed up the trunk of the big tree.

"There is no clue." The rescuer said to Captain Jack at this time.

Obviously, they have searched the entire area, but they still haven't found any traces of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao.

"Is there really no clue at all?" Captain Jack looked at the rescuers in disbelief and said to him.

The rescuers also answered Captain Jack disappointedly.

"Yes, not a clue."

Captain Jack sat down in despair, he always felt that Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were living in a certain corner of the world.

"Call rescue No. 1, call rescue No. 1! Please return immediately, please return immediately!" At this time, the intercom of the rescue team rang.

"Rescue No. 1 received!" The rescuer replied to the walkie-talkie.

"Captain Jack, we are returning. I'm sorry we couldn't save your friend." The rescuer 993 said to Captain Jack.

Captain Jack nodded in disappointment, and said, "It's okay, everyone has done their best, let's go back."

After Captain Jack finished speaking, the rescuers signaled for the rescue helicopter to return.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were confronting the green boa snake.

The green boa snake gradually climbed up towards them.

"Jiang Chen, it's coming up!" Zhou Zhiyao shouted towards Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen remained calm, knowing that the more panicked he was, the more difficult it would be to deal with the green boa snake. ,

I saw the green boa snake crawling to the bottom of their feet, with the sun mouth facing Jiang Fa!

Seeing this, Jiang Chen got down on the branch and successfully avoided the green boa snake's attack, but Jiang Chen didn't show any expression on his face, because he knew the green boa snake would not give up.

Just as Jiang Chen thought, the green boa snake did not give up attacking, but turned around, and rushed towards Jiang Chen again.

This time, Jiang Chen didn't choose to dodge. He leapt forward and rode on the green boa snake. Then he took out his golden dagger and stabbed madly at the green boa snake's head.

The green boa snake rolled on the tree in pain, Jiang Chen saw it, and ruthlessly repaired it a few more times.

This time the green boa snake finally stopped moving and fell down the big tree.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen felt very anxious. It seemed that he and Zhou Zhiyao still had to be extremely careful in the days to come.

Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao got off the tree, walked to the corpse of the green boa snake, and checked again whether they were still alive. After confirming that it was correct, the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Jiang Chen, there was really no danger just now!" At this time, Zhou Zhiyao hadn't recovered from the scene just now, her eyes were glazed over, and she was so frightened that she was powerless.

"Yes, yes, it really scared me just now!" Jiang Chen wiped the sweat from his forehead after speaking.

Jiang Chen then asked Zhou Zhiyao, "Zhiyao, are you okay?"

"Brother Jiang Chen, I'm fine, I just thought you were really handsome just now!" Zhou Zhiyao said innocently.

Jiang Chen smiled awkwardly when he heard this, then he scratched the back of his head and said, "Zhiyao, don't talk about me like that, I'll be proud!"

After speaking, the two laughed.

"By the way, Brother Jiang Chen, you haven't told me why you jumped so high?" Zhou Zhiyao asked Jiang Chen at this time.

"This is a chance for me, and I suddenly discovered it by myself." Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao with a smile.

After Zhou Zhiyao heard this, she was very shocked. Brother Jiang Chen standing in front of her turned out to be a superman!

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "Not only that, I also have shark-like breathing lungs and great strength!" At this time, Jiang Chen continued to show off his inhuman abilities

After Zhou Zhiyao listened to Jiang Chen's words, the expression on her face became frozen, and her mouth almost fell to the ground in surprise.

Brother Jiang Chen's ability is too strong! No wonder Jiang Chen pulled himself desperately like a fish in the sea after they fell into the whirlpool.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are too cool!" Zhou Zhiyao put away the surprised expression on his face and said to Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen smiled shyly again.

"Oh, Zhiyao! I told you not to praise me, it made me feel embarrassed." At this time, Jiang Chen's face was already blushing from Zhou Zhiyao's praise.

"Okay, okay! I won't praise you!" Zhou Zhiyao looked at the shy Jiang Chen, and also became shy.

Goo~ Goo~ Goo~

At this moment, there was a sound of being hungry.

"Zhiyao, are you hungry?" Jiang Chen asked Zhou Zhiyao when he heard the voice.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao blushed and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang Chen, I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry!"

Goo~ Goo~ Goo~

He even said that he was not hungry, but his stomach couldn't hide this fact.

"Oh, what are you embarrassed about Zhiyao and I, I'll get you something to eat right away." Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao.

"Hey, thank you brother Jiang Chen." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with a smile.

Jiang Chen opened his backpack and took out the weapons in the backpack.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why do you have these things?" Zhou Zhiyao asked suspiciously.

"Oh, what are you talking about! I also took these from the arsenal of the cruise ship. It was mainly for self-defense at the time. Looking at it now, we are now in the dangerous zone of the Amazon jungle, and we don't know what will happen to us. Well, it seems that these weapons will come in handy (cgaa)." Jiang Chen said while taking out the weapons in his backpack.

"So that's the case, I thought brother Jiang Chen did something outrageous!" Zhou Zhiyao joked to Jiang Feng at this moment.

After Jiang Chen heard this, he quickly explained: "Zhiyao, how could I do that kind of thing? If you say that again, I won't find you something to eat." Jiang Chen gave Zhou Zhiyao a smirk .

Zhou Zhiyao looked at the smile on Jiang Chen's face, and said, "Brother Jiang Chen is so annoying, he knows he's hungry and still says that."

Seeing this, Jiang Chen burst out laughing.

When Jiang Chen took out all the weapons in the backpack, the food in the backpack made Zhou Zhiyao's mouth water.

What kind of canned food, meat food, vegetables, they have everything that one expects to find, but the quantity is a little less.

"Brother Jiang Chen, where did you find so much food?" Zhou Zhiyao asked again with a look of shock.

"I found these in the kitchen of the cruise ship, hahahaha." Jiang Chen smiled at Zhou Zhiyao.

"My God, why did you come across so many good things!" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with an incredulous expression.

Jiang Chen smiled at Zhou Zhiyao, and said: "If it weren't for the fact that I bumped into it so much, we still don't know what we would eat, so you say yes, hahahaha.

Zhou Zhiyao nodded after hearing this. This is indeed the truth. If I lived alone in this Amazon jungle, I don’t know what it would be like to live, but fortunately, I have Jiang Chen by my side.

"Okay, okay, let's eat." Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao at this time.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao ate something with Jiang Chen.

After about an hour, the two finished their food and prepared to continue on their way.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao looked around along the way, not feeling at all that she was living in the Amazon jungle, but came to travel and enjoy the scenery along the way.

"Zhiyao, run slowly, wait for me!" Jiang Chen desperately chased after Zhou Zhiyao, never expecting her to be so energetic.

At this moment, Zhou Zhiyao stopped and squatted down.

She saw a frog, grabbed it, and shouted to Jiang Chen behind her: "Brother Jiang Chen, look! I caught a little frog!"

At this time, Jiang Chen came to Zhou Zhiyao's side when he saw the situation. When he saw the frog in Zhou Zhiyao's hand, he was dumbfounded.

"Zhiyao, throw it away!" Jiang Chen shouted at Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao was startled by Jiang Chen's shout, and quickly threw away the frog in Jiang Chen's arms, crying.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you just scared me." Zhou Zhiyao complained to Jiang Chen while crying in Jiang Chen's arms.

Jiang Chen not only comforted Zhou Zhiyao, but said, "You really scared me just now! Do you know how dangerous it was just now?" Jiang Chen was sweating profusely at this moment, really sweating for Zhou Zhiyao.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't attack me, just speak slowly, people like you are scared." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with a pitiful look.

At this time, Jiang Chen moved Zhou Zhiyao in front of him, and said: "The frog just now is called the golden poison dart frog. It is a species of the new frog suborder and the poison dart frog family. It is distributed in the jungle areas from the Americas to the Pacific Ocean." Because the skin surface can secrete extremely toxic alkaloid toxins, it is considered the most poisonous animal in the world, and two micrograms of venom can kill a human or a large animal."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "The golden poison dart frog is native to Central and South America. It is a kind of giant poison frog in the poison dart frog family. It is about 5 cm long and has bright orange skin all over its body." , its surface can secrete deadly alkaloid toxin, which is the self-defense instinct of the golden poison dart frog. This toxin can prevent the transmission of nerve excitation, and make the muscles appear in a state of continuous contraction, eventually leading to heart failure and death , the entire process takes place in minutes. A two-inch golden poison dart frog can kill ten adult humans in a matter of minutes, and even contact with a tissue the frog has stuck to can be fatal .

What Jiang Chen said frightened Zhou Zhiyao immediately, his eyes were glazed over, and he couldn't imagine that such a small frog could cause such a great harm.

"It's a good thing you're lucky, otherwise you would have collapsed here today." Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao cried loudly at this time.

"I don't want to die yet! I haven't had enough time with brother Jiang Chen!" Zhou Zhiyao cried and hugged Jiang Chen, afraid that Jiang Chen would leave her.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen immediately comforted Zhou Zhiyao.

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid, I'll be fine." Jiang Chen comforted.

"By the way, Zhiyao, do you feel unwell?" Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen asked Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao wiped away her tears and said to Jiang Chen: "Brother Jiang Chen, no, I don't feel unwell.

Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"It's good that you don't feel any discomfort, which means that the poison of the golden poison dart frog has not entered your body." Jiang Chen patted Zhou Zhiyao's head and said.

Knowing that she was fine, Zhou Zhiyao jumped around beside Jiang Chen like a child.

"Zhiyao, slow down!" Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao jumped in front of Jiang Chen at this time, took his hand and said, "Brother Jiang Chen, let's continue walking!"

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Zhiyao's appearance, and there was nothing he could do with her, so the two continued to walk forward.

As night fell, the two were still walking in the Amazon jungle.

At this time, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "Zhiyao, are you tired from walking?"

Looking at Zhou Zhiyao's tired face, Jiang Chen knew that she was tired from walking.

"Hey, brother Jiang Chen, to be honest, I'm really tired." Zhou Zhiyao smiled at Jiang Chen foolishly.

"Then let's find a place to rest." Jiang Chen said.

But at this time, Jiang Chen sighed again, because he knew that they had no shelter at this time, so they could only find a place in the jungle to deal with it, but also need to consider that there will be various creatures at night existence, safety measures must be taken.

Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "Come on, Zhiyao! I'll carry you on my back, I've been walking all day today, and you must be tired too.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao quickly shook his hand at Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Chen, forget it, you are the same, you must be tired too, I can continue walking by myself.

At this time, Jiang Chen ignored what Zhou Zhiyao said to him, but stepped forward and carried Zhou Zhiyao on his back.

"Oh, brother Jiang Chen, I said no, what are you doing?" Zhou Zhiyao's face was completely red at this time, and she fell headfirst on Jiang Chen's back.

"Okay, okay, you're just too shy, you're still showing off even though you can't walk anymore." Jiang Chen turned his head and smiled.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so bad, I love you so much!" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't say much, but continued to walk forward with Zhou Zhiyao on his back.

"Let's go!"

At this time, Captain Jack has safely arrived at home.

Although Captain Jack himself has already returned home, Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao are always in his heart.

Captain Jack has always had a plan in mind, that is, to find the two of them by himself.

But now I am completely confused, and I don't know where to start.

While Captain Jack was still thinking, the doorbell of his house rang.

Captain Jack opened the door, and suddenly found that it was the aunt.

Because the two were discussing on the rescue helicopter that when they returned home, if Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao came back, they should contact Auntie immediately, so Captain Jack gave Auntie the address of their immediate home.

"Aunt, why are you here?" Captain Jack asked the aunt in front of the door.

"Isn't it because I'm also worried about Xiao Jiang and Xiao Zhou, so I came here to ask you if you have any clues." The aunt sighed deeply after speaking.

"Auntie come in first." Captain Jack motioned for his aunt to come into the room.

Captain Jack arranged for the aunt to sit down, then went to make a cup of tea for the aunt, and handed it to the aunt.

"Auntie, I actually don't have any clues right now." Captain Jack said to Auntie.

"But I have an idea, that is to find them by myself, I always feel that they are near us!" Captain Jack said to the aunt with a sure face.

"Actually, my heart is the same as what you think. I just think they are still there." The aunt said after taking a sip of tea.

"Then what is your plan?" Big Mom then asked Captain Jack again.

Captain Jack was silent for a while and said: "I plan to check some information on the accident site of the cruise ship on the Internet first, see what islands are nearby, and then search one by one.


The aunt nodded, affirming Captain Jack's thoughts.

"Then it's settled, you can check the information during this time, and contact me when you set off." The aunt said to Captain Jack.

"Okay aunt, I will notify you as soon as possible!" Captain Jack said.

After hearing this, the aunt got up and walked towards the door.

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll go back first, don't forget me then" the aunt left after she finished speaking.

Captain Jack stood in front of the door and watched aunt leave.

"Auntie, please slow down all the way!"

At this time, Jiang Chen carried Zhou Zhiyao on his back and had already walked a long way. At this moment, the two saw a small cave.

Jiang Chen quickly ran towards the cave with Zhou Zhiyao on his back.

"Okay Zhiyao, let's deal with it here tonight." Jiang Chen said while putting Zhou Zhiyao off his back.

"Hey, okay, Zhiyao and brother Jiang Chen are together, I don't care where they live." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with a silly face.

Jiang Chen was very relieved when he heard what Zhou Zhiyao said to him.

Jiang Chen simply tidied up the cave, then found some palm leaves nearby, and spread them on the ground.

"Zhiyao, you can sleep here tonight." Jiang Chen pointed to his bed made of palm leaves, and said to Zhou Zhiyao.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao found that the bed made by Jiang Chen only had room for the next person, Zhou Zhiyao expressed doubts at this time.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I sleep here, so where do you sleep?" Zhou Zhiyao asked with a puzzled expression.

At this time, Jiang Chen patted his head and said, "Me? I'm not sleepy now, you go to bed first.

"Hmph! I don't believe it!" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen with his hands clasped together.

"Oh, really, I'll sleep later when I'm sleepy." Jiang Chen explained to Zhou Zhiyao with a smile.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao looked at Jiang Chen dubiously and said, "Okay then, I'll go to bed first, and if you get sleepy later, just sleep next to me."

After Zhou Zhiyao finished speaking, she fell asleep and fell asleep. It is true that Zhou Zhiyao is a girl after all, and she is naturally tired after walking so much today.

At this time, Jiang Chen was sitting outside the cave, looking around.

In fact, Jiang Chen was already extremely sleepy at this time, but thinking that if both of them fell asleep, they might be in danger. So I lied to Zhou Zhiyao, and stayed outside alone to observe the situation.

Jiang Chen was sitting outside the cave with a golden dagger pinned to his waist.

Although Jiang Chen was very sleepy, he did not dare to relax at all, because this is the Amazon jungle, one of the most dangerous places in the world.

In order for Zhou Zhiyao to have a good rest, she could only watch outside.

It was late at night at this moment.

Jiang Chen sat there motionless. He seemed very spiritless, so he stood up and walked around.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a sound from the grass in front of him, as if something was approaching him.

At this time, Jiang Chen hid behind a tree and raised his vigilance.

I saw a jaguar coming out of the grass and walking towards Zhou Zhiyao's resting place.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen did not stop the jaguar immediately, but continued to observe the jaguar's actions from behind the tree. His backpack was outside the cave. If he fought the jaguar with his bare hands like this, there was no hope of winning at all.

The jaguar is a carnivore, and not small in size. There are many species in the Amazon ecosystem, and jaguars usually live in deep forests, and as the forest area gradually decreases, the frequency of encounters between humans and jaguars increases.

It is the third largest cat in existence, with a weight of 100-160 kg, a body length of 110-180 cm, a tail length of 0.5-0.75 m, and a shoulder height of 0.7 m. It has large spots on its body. It likes to live alone and mainly lives in South America. in tropical rainforests and savannahs.

I saw the jaguar swaying around outside the cave, but it didn't go in, but lay down directly at the entrance of the cave. Obviously the jaguar didn't know that Zhou Zhiyao was lying inside.

At this moment, Jiang Chen panicked when he saw this, he was very afraid that the jaguar would suddenly enter the cave and threaten Zhou Zhiyao's life.

Jiang Chen had to find a way to attract the attention of the Jaguars.

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly ran out and said to the jaguar, "Hey, I'm here, come here!"

This move by Jiang Chen startled the jaguar, but also ignited the anger in its heart.

The jaguar walked straight towards Jiang Chen,

There is a possibility of jumping up at any time.

Yes, Jiang Chen guessed right, the jaguar rushed towards him at the fastest speed.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen turned sideways to avoid the attack of the jaguar.

At this time, Jiang Chen was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. He never expected that the jaguar could be so fast.

Seeing that his first attack was in vain, the jaguar did not give up, and rushed towards Jiang Chen several times one after another.

But these few attacks by the jaguars were dodged by Jiang Chen.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was panting, it was obvious that he had exhausted too much energy.

But Jiang Chen's perseverance told himself that he had to persevere, otherwise the result would be that both himself and Zhou Zhiyao would die for it.

Jiang Chen stood up, pointed at the jaguar with his golden dagger and said, "Come on, little cat, I will fight you to the end!"

Jiang Chen picked up the dagger in his hand and rushed towards the jaguar, fighting with the jaguar.

The jaguar rushed towards Jiang Chen frantically, but Jiang Chen tried his best to dodge.

Jiang Chen had no choice but to take advantage of the jaguar sitting defenseless, and cut a few times on its body with the dagger in his hand. But this injury is a piece of cake for the jaguars


At this moment, the Jaguars suddenly threw Jiang Chen to the ground.

The jaguar pressed Jiang Chen under its own body with its own strength, facing Jiang Chen with its big mouth.

At this moment, Jiang Chen resisted the jaguar's attack with both hands, and even his own golden dagger was bounced off.

Looking at the golden dagger that was bounced off by him, Jiang Chen instantly felt the true power of the jaguar. It seemed that he still underestimated it.

But Jiang Chen didn't give up, at this time the image of Zhou Zhiyao appeared in Jiang Chen's mind. After all, the woman I love the most is Zhou Zhiyao, even if it costs my life

to protect her.

At this time, Jiang Chen suddenly ran away, relying on his own strength, he kicked the jaguar away.

The jaguar fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing this, Jiang Chen quickly ran to the cave, and the jaguar got up from the ground, chasing Jiang Chen frantically.

Just when the jaguar reached the entrance of the cave, Jiang Chen came out.

It turned out that Jiang Chen suddenly remembered that he still had a gun in his backpack.

Jiang Chen pointed the jaguar with a gun in his hand.

In fact, Jiang Chen's move was not because he wanted to hurt the jaguar, but because he wanted to scare it away.

Seeing this, the jaguar stopped its steps and looked Jiang Chen up and down.

Jiang Chen raised his gun and walked towards the jaguar, signaling it to leave this place quickly.

The jaguar stood still and looked at Jiang Chen who was hovering in front of him, a little flustered, and took several steps back.

At this time, Jiang Chen thought that the jaguar would give up because of this, and gradually became less vigilant.

At this moment, the jaguar saw Jiang Chen let down his vigilance, turned his head suddenly, and rushed towards Jiang Chen.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't react, and was thrown to the ground by the jaguar.

The jaguar had its own big mouth, it fiercely pointed at Jiang Chen and then bit Jiang Chen with one bite.

At this moment, Jiang Chen didn't panic. Jiang Chen raised his pistol and fired several times at the jaguar's big mouth.

The gunshots rang almost throughout the Amazon jungle, the birds on the trees flew all over the sky, and the small animals on the ground were also scared and hid.

Zhou Hu fell to the ground and lost his life.

Jiang Chen sat on the ground, the gun still raised in his hand, his hands trembling.

Jiang Chen didn't want to hurt it intentionally, it was just out of necessity.

Jiang Chen has been interested in these things since he was a child. Naturally, he has a little understanding of this, and he has learned a lot more when he grows up. He will never intentionally harm any creature.

At this time, Jiang Chen saw that the jaguar was not breathing, so he went up to it by himself.

Jiang Chen touched the jaguar he had killed, tears fell from his eyes, and then hugged him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I just chose her between you and my favorite person, I hope you don't blame me."

Close your eyes and give it a close.

At this time, Jiang Chen stood up and bowed deeply to the jaguar's body, hoping to get its forgiveness.

At this moment, Zhou Zhiyao ran out of the cave, and she was also awakened by the gunshot.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Zhou Zhiyao walked straight to Jiang Chen. .

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