Live: Exploring The World

Four Hundred And Sixtieth Chapters: Reunion!

Jiang Chen walked straight to the caiman and took out his golden dagger.

Hey, go back quickly! Jiang Chen said to the caiman, and after speaking, he waved his golden dagger in front of the caiman, trying to scare the caiman away.

But the caiman still stayed where it was, ignored Jiang Chen, and opened its mouth towards Jiang Chen instead.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what should we do?" Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen, looking flustered.

Jiang Chen didn't know what to do at this time. Generally speaking, caimans would be afraid when they encountered such a situation.

At this moment, while the two were not paying attention, the caiman rushed up to Zhou Zhiyao.

"Zhiyao be careful!" Jiang Chen noticed this scene and said to Zhou Zhiyao. Then Jiang Chen stood in front of Zhou Zhiyao.

Just like that, the caiman bit Jiang Chen's leg.

"Ah!" Jiang Chen yelled and fell to the ground. His own golden dagger also flew out.

Although Jiang Chen was bitten and fell to the ground, the caiman still didn't let go.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was trembling on the ground in pain, but he couldn't get out of the caiman's mouth at all.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao felt even more at a loss, and she had never encountered such a situation.

When encountering any difficulties before, brother Jiang Chen was always by my side, but now that brother Jiang Chen has collapsed, what should I do.

At this time, Jiang Chen was beating the head of the caiman with his fist, trying to make it let go.

But the caiman still bit Jiang Chen's leg, but even harder.

At this time, Jiang Chen was in so much pain that he had lost the ability to resist.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao finally raised her courage and stepped forward to kick the caiman a few times.

But these few kicks by Zhou Zhiyao were just tickling for the caiman.

The caiman slapped Zhou Zhiyao hard with its own tail. Of course, Zhou Zhiyao's small body couldn't withstand the attack of the caiman, and was directly sent flying by it.

Lying on the ground, Zhou Zhiyao watched Jiang Chen's elder brother who was being tortured by the caiman, and she shed tears silently.

Could it be that I really have nothing to do? Could it be that I really can’t save my brother Jiang Chen?

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao had many distracting thoughts lingering in her heart.

At this moment, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "Zhiyao, go get the dagger..." It was obvious that Jiang Chen was exhausted at this time.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao fell to the ground and looked at the golden dagger not far from her.

Zhou Zhiyao stood up with all her strength, stumbled towards the golden dagger, and picked it up.

Zhou Zhiyao walked up to the caiman with a golden dagger in his hand, and shouted at it: "Smelly crocodile, let go of brother Jiang Chen, or I will be rude to you!" At this time, Zhou Zhiyao's small body, But exudes a great light.

After all, this is the first time for Zhou Zhiyao to face these terrifying creatures "six seven three" alone.

But the caiman ignored Zhou Zhiyao and bit Jiang Chen even harder.

At this time, Jiang Chen's legs were already bloody, and the blood flowed profusely.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao finally plucked up her courage, picked up the golden dagger in her hand, rushed towards the caiman, and stabbed it into the body of the caiman.

At this time, the caiman rolled on the ground in pain, and let go of its mouth.

Taking advantage of the caiman's inattention, Zhou Zhiyao dragged Jiang Chen aside.

Zhou Zhiyao walked up to the caiman again, and swung the golden dagger in front of it a few times.

At this time, the caiman finally felt scared, and ran into the river in a hurry.

Seeing that the caiman was finally escaped by herself, Zhou Zhiyao breathed a sigh of relief, and ran back to Jiang Chen.

"Brother Jiang Chen, are you alright!" Zhou Zhiyao said distressedly as he covered Jiang Chen's wound with his hands.

At this time, Jiang Chen didn't even have the strength to speak, and just pointed to the backpack in the shelter with his finger.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao immediately ran to the shelter, and took out the backpack from inside.

Zhou Zhiyao opened the back bar and found some commonly used medical supplies inside.

She took out a bottle of medical alcohol and gauze from it, and poured the alcohol on Jiang Chen's wound to disinfect it.

"Brother Jiang Chen, bear with it, it might hurt a lot." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen and poured alcohol on it.

The fall caused Jiang Chen to bulge his eyes in pain, accompanied by a scream.

After the alcohol was poured, Zhou Zhiyao picked up the gauze and wrapped it carefully for Jiang Chen.

After finishing everything, Zhou Zhiyao carried Jiang Chen to the shelter with his small body, rested him on the palm leaves, and took care of Jiang Chen carefully by himself.

Gradually at night, Jiang Chen also woke up from his lethargy.

As soon as Jiang Chen opened his eyes, he saw Zhou Zhiyao sitting in front of him.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you're awake." At this time, Zhou Zhiyao saw Jiang Chen opened his eyes and said.

"What's wrong with me? Ah!" At this moment, Jiang Chen seemed to have forgotten what happened, so he wanted to get up by himself, but the severe pain in his leg helped him remember.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiyao said: "Brother Jiang Chen, don't move around, lie down and have a good rest."

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Zhiyao in front of him, and couldn't help smiling at her.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you can still laugh!" Zhou Zhiyao said with a burst of doubt.

"Zhiyao." At this moment, Jiang Chen called out to Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao heard and asked: "What's the matter, Brother Jiang Chen?"

"Thank you so much." Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao meaningfully.

Jiang Chen didn't expect that Zhou Zhiyao would defeat the caiman all by herself, how much courage she must have to do it!

At this time Zhou Zhiyao was already blushing.

"Oh, brother! Why are you saying thank you to others!" Zhou Zhiyao said, covering her face.

Jiang Chen took Zhou Zhiyao's hand, looked deeply into her eyes, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what are you laughing at?" At this moment, Zhou Zhiyao's face was blushing!

"Hahahaha, it's nothing. I just suddenly felt that you have grown up, Zhiyao." Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Zhiyao stood up after hearing this.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you have been the one who has protected me and cared for me for so long. Now that Brother Jiang Chen is injured, let me treat you like this instead!"

Immediately afterwards Zhou Zhiyao said: "Next, until your injury is not healed, you don't need to worry about anything, just leave it to me."

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao was like a girl who grew up suddenly overnight, and said to Jiang Chen with a face full of confidence.

After hearing this, Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction to Zhou Zhiyao.

It was already midnight at this time, Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and saw Zhou Zhiyao lying in front of him, already fast asleep.

Jiang Chen stroked Zhou Zhiyao's head, covered her with his coat, and showed a smile on his face.

Jiang Chen knew that Zhou Zhiyao had taken care of him all day, so he was really tired. After all, Zhou Zhiyao had never done such things before.

Seeing Zhou Zhiyao sound asleep, Jiang Chen also fell asleep with peace of mind.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Zhiyao got up early, while Jiang Chen was still asleep in the shelter.

Zhou Zhiyao came to the jungle not far away, found some branches, and then found two stones, preparing to make breakfast for his brother Jiang Chen.

After Zhou Zhiyao collected all the materials, she returned to the shelter.

She rubbed the two stones vigorously, watching brother Jiang Chen do this yesterday, so she learned a little bit.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao was already tired and sweating profusely, and her hands were also bloodied by the stone, but she did not give up.

"Zhou Zhiyao, you can do it! Zhou Zhiyao, you are the best!" Zhou Zhiyao muttered to himself while rubbing against the stone.

With Zhou Zhiyao's continuous efforts, sparks were finally rubbed out. She poured the sparks on the branch she had prepared in advance, and immediately ignited the fire.

Zhou Zhiyao took out the backpack again, took some leftover raw meat from it, and roasted it.

At this time, you will be awakened by a burst of delicious aroma.

Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes and found that Zhou Zhiyao was no longer lying in front of him. He really wanted to get up and look for Zhou Zhiyao, but his injury did not allow him to do that.

"Zhiyao! Zhiyao!" At this moment, Jiang Chen was lying in the shelter and shouting Zhou Zhiyao's name to the outside.

Zhou Zhiyao faintly heard someone calling her name outside the shelter, so she ran towards the shelter.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you're awake." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen who was lying on the palm leaves.

Seeing Zhou Zhiyao safely appearing in front of him, Jiang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Zhou Zhiyao, "Yes, I just woke up. By the way, what are you doing outside?"

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao obviously wanted to surprise Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen found out ahead of time, so he could only tell the truth.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I prepared breakfast for you outside. I obviously wanted to surprise you. Hehe, I didn't expect you to wake up early." Zhou Zhiyao smiled foolishly at Jiang Chen

"No wonder I can smell a scent, so you are cooking!" Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao with an incredulous expression on his face.

"That's right, Brother Jiang Chen serves me every time, and I should serve you too! Besides, didn't I say, just leave the rest to me."

"Okay, brother Jiang Chen, I don't give it to you anymore, I have to go outside to have a look, you should take a break soon!" Zhou Zhiyao ran out after finishing speaking.

Jiang Chen looked at Zhou Zhiyao who was leaving, and smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, Captain Jack was at home inquiring about the geographical environment of the cruise shipwreck.

Captain Jack, wearing glasses and holding a magnifying glass, is looking at the surrounding islands one by one.

At this moment, Captain Jack stopped his magnifying glass at a point on the map, and it was true that this place was the Amazon jungle where Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were.

At this time, Captain Jack has already determined that he is going to this place to search for the whereabouts of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao.

After Captain Jack made up his mind, he stood up and made a phone call.

"Hey, aunt, it's me, Captain Jack, come to my house quickly. "I have ten important things to tell you." Captain Jack said to aunt on the phone.

"Okay, I'll be right there." On the other end of the phone, the aunt hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

About half an hour later, Captain Jack heard a knock on the door, and went to look at the door.

At this time, the aunt appeared in front of Captain Jack and said to Captain Jack in a hurry: "Captain Jack, why are you looking for me in such a hurry? Did Xiao Jiang and Xiao Zhou find it?"

Seeing this, Captain Jack hurriedly said to his aunt: "Auntie, you go into the house first."

After hearing this, the aunt walked into the house.

"Captain Jack, tell me quickly, I'm so anxious." The aunt said to Captain Jack again.

Captain Jack looked at his aunt's panicked expression, and said, "Auntie, I just checked the whereabouts of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao at home, and found them

Probably in a place called the Amazon jungle. "

"Ah! What kind of place is that?" For the aunt, she obviously didn't know what kind of place it was.

At this time, Captain Jack stood up and said carefully to his aunt: "The Amazon jungle is a magical place, located near the equator, controlled by the equatorial low pressure zone all the year round.

, much rainfall. It contains the world's richest and most diverse biological resources, with millions of species. "

At this time, Captain Jack's tone suddenly increased, and he said to the aunt: "At the same time, this is also an extremely dangerous place!"

The aunt was dumbfounded when she heard it, and asked, "Extremely dangerous? What's going on here?"

"The rainy season in the Amazon is from October to May of the following year. During this half year, the rain is very frequent. During the day, the sun will rain for a while, and it is easy for people to live in it.

sick. The steaming hot and humid air will make you feel like you are in a water prison. You will feel uncomfortable all over your body, and you will have trouble sleeping and eating. Gradually, your immunity will decline, and you will even have difficulty breathing in your lungs.

The body becomes weak. Combine that with mosquitos in the jungle or an unclean diet, and you'll soon get pneumonia, malaria, and other diseases, even if they're mild enough to give you more than enough diarrhea.

"And the rain in the Amazon is usually a torrential downpour, which at any moment can form a ferocious flood, drowning the forest, and taking away everything that is in the way of the river, which can easily make the rain

The topography of the forest has changed, making people lost in it, even in an isolated island surrounded by floods. said Captain Jack.

"In addition, the unique sultry and humid environment in the tropical rainforest is a paradise for snakes. All kinds of non-venomous and poisonous snakes have the opportunity to survive here, including the most horrific snakes.

The astonishing Amazon anaconda is the largest snake in the world, the largest can reach 225 kilograms, and it is as thick as an adult man's torso! The body length can reach 6 meters! And it

Since ancient times, they have been known as silent killers in the riverwood area of ​​South America, Amazon and predators. Once you are spotted by it, please be attracted by the powerful

The muscles twisted the little life directly. "

At this time, the aunt's expression was very dignified after hearing this. She didn't expect that there are so many dangers in the Amazon jungle. It is really not to be underestimated!

The aunt said, "Then what shall we do?"

Captain Jack was silent for a while and said to the aunt: "Despite all the dangers, I will go to rescue them!"

The aunt looked at Captain Jack's determined face and said.

"Who said you are the only one, I will follow you to rescue them!"

In this way, the two reached a consensus and decided to go to the Amazon jungle to rescue Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao together!

At this time, Captain Jack and Big Mom simply made some plans at home.

First they have to find a helicopter that can fly to the Amazon jungle, and then they have to find a map of the Amazon jungle, in case they and their aunt get lost in the Amazon jungle

At this time, Captain Jack of the aunt team said: "Captain, I may need to trouble you for these things. You also know that I am an old woman who doesn't understand anything about these things. Really

can't help you much.

After hearing this, Captain Jack comforted: "Auntie, don't worry! Just leave it to me, it's fine.

Hearing what Captain Jack said to himself, he was relieved a lot.

At this point Captain Jack picked up the phone and made a call.

"Hi, Mike, I'm Captain Jack, I need your help with something." Captain Jack said into the phone.

"Oh? It's Captain Jack, what do you need me to do for you?" said the other end of the phone.

"I need to borrow your helicopter. Two of my friends had an accident. I'm going to rescue them." Captain Jack said again.

"No problem, just come and get it when the time comes."

"Thank you!" Captain Jack hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Captain Jack turned around and said to Aunt: "Aunt, the problem with the helicopter has been solved.

"It's great!" The aunt said happily after hearing this.

Immediately afterwards, Captain Jack went to his own bookcase, flipping through it again and again.

"Found it!" Captain Jack finished, holding a map in his hand.

"Is this a map of the Amazon jungle?" asked Big Mom.

"Yes, aunt, let's set off now!" Captain Jack said, and set off with aunt.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao came to Jiang Chen with the food in his hand.

"Brother Jiang Chen, hurry up and eat!" Zhou Zhiyao handed the food in Jiang Chen's hand.

Jiang Chen took the food, smiled at Zhou Zhiyao: "Zhiyao, eat quickly, you must be hungry after a busy morning." After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he took the food and fed it to Zhou Zhiyao's mouth


"Hey, brother Jiang Chen, I'm really hungry." Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen foolishly.

Just like that, the two of them sat down and chatted after breakfast...

"Brother Jiang Chen, do you think someone will come to rescue us?" Zhou Zhiyao asked Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen was silent for a while and didn't speak, because he was really not sure about this matter.

The Amazon jungle is a magical and dangerous place, and generally few people come back, unless some wild explorers come here in pursuit of some excitement.

At this moment, Jiang Chen was silent for a while before speaking.

"Zhiyao, to be honest, I'm really not sure if someone will come to rescue us, in my opinion, the most important thing for us now is to try to survive in the Amazon jungle

, one step at a time is one step at a time. "

When Zhou Zhiyao heard Jiang Chen's words, he felt a little lost in his heart.

"Ah! If no one came to rescue us, wouldn't we just stay here alone!" Zhou Zhiyao said disappointedly.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly.

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly laughed.

Hahahaha, it’s okay, as long as I can be with Brother Jiang Chen, I don’t care where I am.

"It's just that there are no snacks, it's fun, but I can accept it!" Zhou Zhiyao said affirmatively.

Jiang Chen touched Zhou Zhiyao's head and said, "Zhiyao, I'm sorry, it's all my fault that I didn't take good care of you and made you like this."

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao had a dissatisfied expression on his face after hearing this.

"Brother Jiang Chen, what are you talking about? I never thought of it like this. You have tried your best to take care of me. It's just that you are injured now. That's why you said that. I don't think so.

will blame you. "Zhou Zhiyao said to Jiang Chen.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao: "If we can go back safely, I will definitely make it up to you!"

Zhou Zhiyao laughed happily after hearing this.

"Brother Jiang Chen, that's what you said!" Zhou Zhiyao looked at Jiang Chen with a bad face and said.

Just like that, the two laughed happily.

"Zhiyao, help me out to get some air." Huinong said to Zhou Zhiyao at this time.

"Ah? Brother Jiang Chen, but your leg injury hasn't healed yet!" Zhou Zhiyao looked at Jiang Chen with concern and said.

At this moment, Jiang Chen acted coquettishly towards Zhou Zhiyao.

"Oh, Zhiyao! Why don't you take him out to get some air? It's really boring and boring to stay here all the time!" Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao with a pleading tone.

What Zhou Zhiyao couldn't stand the most was Jiang Chen's elder brother acting like a baby to her, he really couldn't resist.

"Okay, brother Jiang Chen, don't be like this, please be normal, I can't stand you like this, so I promise to take you out to get some air!" Zhou Zhiyao supported him after finishing speaking.

Jiang Chen walked out of the shelter.

"Oh, it's better to be in the outside world!" Jiang Chen said standing outside the shelter at this time.

"Hahahaha, brother Jiang Chen, you are satisfied now!" Zhou Zhiyao said looking at the smiling Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, "Zhiyao is the best for me!"

At this time, Zhou Zhiyao blushed at what Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, you are so annoying!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen suddenly saw a giant centipede appear on the ground.

"Zhiyao, stay away from that thing!" Jiang Chen said to Zhou Zhiyao.

Zhou Zhiyao heard what Jiang Chen said to her, and her eyes also noticed the giant centipede.

The centipede looked about 30 centimeters in length.

"Brother Jiang Chen, why is there such a big centipede?" Zhou Zhiyao looked at the giant centipede on the ground and asked in fear.

"It's called the Amazon giant centipede. The centipede that lives in the Amazon rainforest is the largest centipede in the world. Some are as long as 30 centimeters. They have a dark brown body and a yellow color.

footsteps. The adult body of this centipede has a total of 21 to 23 body segments, not counting the head. The first segment of the body is called the jaw limb, and its appendages are specialized as hunting tools—the jaw limb.

With their powerful jaws, Amazon centipedes can quickly inject venom after clinging to their prey with their legs. It takes less than half a minute for their venom to kill a mouse. they are edible and the right size

bugs, frogs, lizards, small rodents, birds, and even bats. " Jiang Chen explained to Zhou Zhiyao.

"Ah? Brother Jiang Chen, I'm so scared! Let's hide in the shelter, the Amazon is really a dangerous place, there are all kinds of monsters!" Zhou Zhiyao said, then

Help Jiang Chen back to the shelter.

At this moment, Jiang Chen just smiled at Zhou Zhiyao, and followed her back to the shelter.

At this time, Captain Jack and his aunt were driving a helicopter over the Amazon jungle.

"Mom! The Amazon jungle is below, let's find an open place to stop!" Captain Jack said to his aunt.

Big Mom nodded towards Captain Jack, just like that, Captain Jack found an open space and landed.

At this time, Captain Jack and his aunt got off the plane, holding a map of the Amazon jungle in their hands, and walked towards the depths of the jungle without any hesitation.

At this time, Captain Jack was walking forward with 0.0 aunt, and at this moment Captain Jack stopped.

"Auntie, look there is a cave ahead!" Captain Jack said to the aunt beside him.

After finishing speaking, the two walked towards the cave.

Captain Jack looked at the cave in front of him, and the scene of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao living here seemed to emerge in his mind.

At this moment, the aunt said to Captain Jack: "Captain, come and have a look."

After hearing this, Captain Jack walked towards the direction of the aunt, and there was a ruin of a fire in front of him.

Captain Jack stepped forward and touched the ruins of the fire in front of him, and said to the aunt: "Auntie, this fire is still very fresh, it seems that it has not been used for a long time, now I am sure Jiang

Chen and Zhou Zhiyao must be here!" Captain Jack said to the aunt with a sure face.

The aunt was very happy after hearing this.

"Then what are we waiting for, let's keep looking forward, maybe they are around here!" The aunt said happily to Captain Jack.

At this time, the two continued to walk before shopping.

At this time, Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were chatting in the shelter, completely unaware that Captain Jack and Big Mom were on their way to rescue them.

"Zhiyao, you really laughed me to death, knocking on the way you were scared just now, hahahaha!" Jiang Chen seemed to be still immersed in the scene where Zhou Zhiyao was just scared by the giant centipede.

"Brother Jiang Chen, don't laugh! You are so annoying!" At this time, Zhou Zhiyao's entire face was flushed red.

At this time, Jiang Chen suddenly stopped his laughter, and said to Zhou Zhiyao: "Zhiyao, do you think this sense of adventure is exciting or fun?

Zhou Zhiyao nodded and said: "Brother Jiang Chen, to be honest, I actually think this kind of feeling is pretty good. It is really a very meaningful thing to go on an adventure to various parts of the world with my beloved one. , although some dangers cannot be avoided, but with the person you love the most by your side, you are not afraid at all!"

At this moment, Jiang Chen smiled in satisfaction, and said, "Zhiyao, if we can go back safe and sound, can we always do this in the future?"

Zhou Zhiyao was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and said to Jiang Chen: "Okay, Brother Jiang Chen! I just like this kind of life!"

In this way, the two reached a consensus, and agreed that if they can go back safely, they will often go out to explore various parts of the world in the future.

At this moment, the two heard a movement outside.

But because Jiang Chen was still injured at this time, the two did not dare to act rashly.

Just then, a familiar figure walked into the shelter.

Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao stared at this man in a daze for a long time, until Zhou Zhiyao spoke.

"captain Jack!"

That's right, Captain Jack and Big Mom followed the road and came to the shelter built by Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao.

At this time, the aunt also came in.

"Aunt!" Zhou Zhiyao shouted.

At this time Zhou Zhiyao stepped forward and hugged the aunt excitedly, with tears in her eyes.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Jiang Chen also shed tears excitedly. .

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