Live Extreme Challenge, Do You Call This A Bad Show?

Chapter 36 A One-Way Ticket To The Crater?

When I heard Su Yang shouting out the real content of this challenge word by word.

In an instant, everyone’s heads buzzed and they lost their ability to think!

This is the instinctive reaction of every human brain when hearing something extremely unbelievable.

A few seconds later, when people came to their senses, the live chat room completely exploded!

【What...what? When the volcano erupts, why not go downhill on a skateboard? 】

[I'm confused...Is there something wrong with my Chinese understanding ability? Can anyone tell me if what the anchor just said is true? 】

【No, no! Too dangerous! Su Shen, please don’t go any further...]

[The anchor is risking his life to live broadcast. No wonder he has become the top brother of Douyin so quickly! 】

[There is no other person in the entire network who can imitate it. With this traffic, no one is dissatisfied! 】

[I major in geology. The temperature of magma can reach 1400°C. If the human body is accidentally submerged in magma, it will be directly carbonized! 】

【Scary! w(゚Д゚)w】

[Alas, I feel like the host has been a little too hasty! This is only the third live broadcast, and it's such a hellish difficulty... As the saying goes, if you take too big a step, you'll end up in trouble! 】

【really! From a rational analysis, Su Yang should really stop. At most, it would be enough to control the drone and take everyone to have a close look at the crater! 】

[Who are the smart guys upstairs? Do you understand again? Did you say the same thing in the first two live broadcasts? 】

[We all judge based on the thinking of ordinary people, Su Shen is not an ordinary person! Just believe him and that's it! 】

[Come on God Su, conquer the volcano! 】

In the live broadcast room, hundreds of barrages can be generated in one second, and they are posted so fast that it is dizzying.

Although everything was said, most viewers expressed incomprehension and strong concerns.

In many people's minds, approaching the crater of a volcano before it erupts is undoubtedly a fatal act!

Not only the general public thinks so, Professor Wang, a famous Chinese geologist, also holds a pessimistic attitude.

Byte Group headquarters, in the giant screen conference hall on the eighth floor.

Douyin President Zhang Yiming and the company's senior executives were all sitting in this screening room like a giant-screen cinema, watching Su Yang's live broadcast.

Beside Zhang Yiming, an old professor sat.

He is Wang Mingshan, an authority on geology and volcanism in China. Zhang Yiming specially invited him to accompany him to watch this live broadcast.

"Professor Wang, what do you think is the probability of Su Yang's success this time?"

When Zhang Yiming asked this question, he was trembling in his heart.

To be honest, if he could control it, he would never allow Su Yang to undertake such a dangerous challenge!

But Su Yang had no choice but to agree to sign a contract with Douyin on only one condition - not to interfere with his live broadcast content!

To ensure his absolute creative freedom!

So when Zhang Yiming knew that Su Yang was going to go skateboarding on an Icelandic volcano, he was terrified!

It is a certainty that Su Yang will become a hit in the live streaming industry.

But Zhang Yiming has greater ambitions in his heart. He wants Su Yang to become famous all over the world! At the same time, Douyin Live Broadcast will be promoted to the whole world!

Unfortunately, the nature of Su Yang's live broadcast destined him to be repeatedly on the edge of life and death.

This is exactly what makes him charming and irreplaceable.

"Mr. Zhang, based on what Su Yang has shown, I think his chance of surviving this time is less than 10%."

Professor Wang's eyes did not leave the big screen. He looked at the young man walking against the wind and snow, with sincere admiration in his eyes.

When Zhang Yiming heard this, his heart suddenly thumped.

"10%? Isn't that almost a death sentence for him! How did you get this data?"

His voice became significantly louder, and his usual elegant and easy-going expression was gone, with an anxious look on his face.

"I have a team of students who specialize in data analysis. They used computers to draw a mathematical model and repeatedly simulated the process of Su Yang's challenge based on his physical data from his previous two challenges."

"What's the result?" Zhang Yiming asked hurriedly.

"The result students simulated 3,000 times, of which Su Yang only survived 210 times!"

"210 times?" Zhang Yiming felt like he was struck by lightning!

He murmured in despair: "Only a 7% survival rate?"

Professor Wang nodded.

"And among these 210 times, Su Yang's body will most likely suffer varying degrees of damage."

Zhang Yiming was speechless and had no choice but to look at the big screen, preparing for the worst in his mind.

"But..." Professor Wang suddenly changed the topic.

Zhang Yiming immediately turned to look at him!

"But when I sat in this movie theater today and saw Su Yang read out his powerful opening remarks, my thoughts changed again!"

"Human beings are the most miraculous species and the most difficult to fully demonstrate with data. Since Su Yang has already created miracles twice, why don't we expect him to create another one?"

Professor Wang adjusted his glasses and smiled.

There was no concealment of his appreciation for Su Yang in his tone.

Hearing these words from the professor, Zhang Yiming's sinking heart immediately became alive again!

Yes, why don't you believe him?

I am used to thinking like a businessman, and I look at all problems with data, but I have forgotten that talent is the biggest variable in everything!

There is an old saying in China - man can conquer nature!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yiming couldn't help but stood up from his seat, raised his arms and shouted: "Come on! Su Yang!"

With the boss taking the lead, the remaining senior shareholders of the company also stood up and shouted in unison.

"come on!!!"

"Come on, Su Yang!"

"Rise up!"

"Just do it, Ollie!"

Different from the bustle of people in China, it is on the other side of the earth.

At the end of the world - North Iceland.

In the endless glacial wilderness...

The black off-road vehicle driven by Su Yang was like a tiny black beetle, walking through the vast whiteness against the wind and snow.

Some data flashed on his windproof goggles.

[Current location: 66°09′ north latitude, 21°56′ west longitude]

【Temperature: -32.7℃】

[Wind speed: 12.8 meters/second]

[Wind direction: 36° west by north]

[Altitude: 987.14 meters]

[Tip: There are 29 minutes left until Katla Volcano erupts! 】

These data are official real-time data from the Meteorological Bureau and Geological Bureau.

The signal through the high-speed connection is directly transmitted to Su Yang's pair of windproof glasses with a built-in transparent display.

"There's less than half an hour left..."

Su Yang thought in his mind.

Through the thick wind and snow in front of him, he could vaguely see the outline of the ridge of Katla Volcano ahead.

Unlike the base of the mountain, which is covered with white snow, the waist of Katla volcano all the way to the crater is black.

The snow here has long since melted.

And above the crater, billowing black smoke is rising straight into the sky!

Seeing this scene, Su Yang felt an inexplicable excitement in his heart for no reason!

If glaciers and frozen soil are the indifference of the earth, then volcanic eruptions are the roar of the earth!

You can experience this spectacular scene up close and even participate in it!

At this moment, Su Yang didn't have any fear in his heart, only expectation.

A few minutes later, the road ahead suddenly became steeper, and the front of the car started to climb.

There is no doubt that Su Yang has driven into the foot of Katla volcano and is running towards the top of the mountain!

The ridge is bare, with only snow, fine basalt and thick volcanic ash, and not even a blade of dead grass.

According to the off-road vehicle's fuel gauge, there was less than 1/3 of the fuel left in the tank.

But Su Yang still stepped on the floor oil, maximized the engine horsepower, and accelerated the climb.

The off-road vehicle was a one-way ticket destined to remain in the crater, buried beneath the billowing lava.

Su Yang decided to let it show its final light and heat!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Along with the roar of the engine, the ground began to shake slightly.

There was a solemn breath in the air, making people's scalp numb and breathing difficult.

It seems like something terrifying and astonishing is brewing inside!

[Tip: There are 12 minutes and 56 seconds left until Katla Volcano erupts! 】

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