Live Extreme Challenge, Do You Call This A Bad Show?

Chapter 4 These Few Seconds Of Anchoring Are More Exciting Than My Whole Life.

Millions of years ago, a certain upright ape looked up at the stars for the first time out of curiosity.

Humanity's dream of flying was born from then on.

Su Yang is flying in the air.

He felt like he was truly alive!

The feeling of this air flowing through your body is so wonderful!

As if he was born, he should belong to this sky!

This wing suit seemed to be integrated with him, moving as his heart moved and his body moving as he pleased.

Constantly changing postures in the air.

If any professionals watch this live broadcast, they will definitely exclaim on the spot that Su Yang's control skills of wingsuit are like art.

It’s the perfect textbook!

This is not only because of his talent, but more importantly because of his years of practice.

In the previous life, most of the world records for wingsuit flying were set by Su Yang.

"The most number of successful wingsuit flights", "the farthest wingsuit flight in a single time", "the wingsuit's target penetration success rate is 100%"...and so on.

And even after so many flights, this was his first time trying to pass through a building.

120 meters…

100 metres……

80 meters…

The wind tunnel above the World Financial Center Building is getting closer and closer to Su Yang!

His eyes were like hawks, staring at the direction he was going.

At the same time, he kept pressing the button on his palm with his thumb, and the compressed air tanks on both sides of his abdomen simultaneously sprayed out white gas.

Press and release.

In this way, Su Yang constantly adjusted his falling speed and forward speed.

Actually, this is a mathematical problem.

How to make his "parabola" accurately pass through this wind tunnel with a height of only 14 meters?

This needs to take into account many issues such as speed and wind.

Everything will be completed in an instant, and success will amaze the world and leave a dashing figure!

If it fails... it will probably be spread evenly on the exterior wall of the building like ketchup...

20 seconds ago, dozens of meters away, inside the world's highest suspended sightseeing corridor (the uppermost part of the inverted trapezoidal wind tunnel).

A mother and son were following the sightseeing crowds, admiring the city skyline of the Magic City.

Under their feet, they stepped on completely transparent tempered glass.

Therefore, you can view the beautiful scenery in 360°, which also causes some timid people to not dare to take a step at all.

Among them was this young mother.

She moved one step at a time, her face turned pale with fright, and she didn't dare to look down at her feet.

But her son is very brave!

Running around excitedly.

At this time, the little boy seemed to have discovered something.

His eyes suddenly widened and his mouth opened wide: "Mom, look! There is Superman outside!"

The mother was not affected by her son's words and still closed her eyes to fight against the fear in her heart.

"Mom, Mom, look! There is really a Superman flying towards us!"

The little boy held his mother's arm with both hands and shook her desperately.

The mother suddenly became angry. She opened her eyes and was about to scold him when she suddenly saw a figure flying over from a distance outside the glass...

"Oh my god..."

She froze in place.

The little boy's voice was very loud and attracted the attention of most people in the tourist hall.

They all looked outside the glass curtain wall, and without exception they saw the figure flying through the clouds and mist.

"Is that an eagle? Or a drone?" an aunt asked.

"What eagle? That's a human, that's a human!!!"

A young man shouted loudly. He excitedly picked up the SLR camera hanging around his neck and recorded this rare scene.

Everyone exclaimed and pressed against the glass, trying to see more clearly.

"It's really a human being. I'm not dreaming, am I? Why is he flying?"

An old man took off the frame and rubbed his glasses.

"That should be a wing suit. He...he should be trying to pass through the wind tunnel under us!"

A college student who loves extreme sports said with a trembling voice.

Seeing this god-like extreme sport on the spot, he was so excited that his teeth were chattering.

After everyone listened to his explanation, they screamed one after another, and everyone clung to the glass of the corridor.

His eyes were wide open, and his eyelids were not willing to blink, for fear of missing this shocking scene.

The perspective returns to Su Yang.

He stared ahead with firm eyes. The inverted trapezoidal wind tunnel was in his field of vision and was rapidly growing in size!

At the same time, he was also highly concentrated, his wings were as stable as eagle wings, and the vibration range was controlled to the millimeter level.

50 meters……

30 meters…

10 meters……


Everything happens in an instant.

His body was like a sharp arrow, passing straight and accurately through the center of the wind tunnel.

Tourists who witnessed it with their own eyes on the sightseeing corridor...

Host and photographer on helicopter…

Millions of viewers in the official live broadcast room...

The hundreds of thousands of viewers in Su Yang's live broadcast room...

Witness this unprecedented and shocking scene!

At the moment of time travel, everyone held their breath, and their heartbeats seemed to have stopped...


Su Yang completed the time travel in less than 0.1 seconds!

This feeling is like a fleeting object passing through everyone's chest.

Three words to describe it, heart-warming!

Two words to describe it, exciting!

One word to describe it, cool!

Visitors in the high-altitude corridor feel this most clearly.

Their eyes followed Su Yang's figure, watching him "swish" through everyone's feet, and then fly to the other side of the building.

Everyone instantly felt numbness in the soles of their feet and blood surged.

This feeling is more exciting than riding a roller coaster!

They immediately changed direction and leaned on the glass on the other side, watching Su Yang's heroic figure flying farther and farther away.

The scene just now was still playing in my mind, and I couldn't get back to my senses for a long time.

In the live broadcast room, there was a complete explosion!

[It’s... it’s passed? 】

[As expected, a skilled artist is bold and awesome! 】

[I pressed the screenshot button just right, and the anchor was as fast as a ray of light! 】

[Upstairs, please take a picture! 】

[I'm so confused...when did China have such a great extreme sports god? Logically speaking, no one should know him. Have any of you heard of Su Yang? 】

【never heard of that……】

[I just went to Baidu to search, and there is no extreme sports player with this name. 】

[Our Chinese people are really like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! Pink! Pink! ——Outdoor fitness Aping, gifted to the anchor hot air balloon × 1]

[These few seconds of anchoring are more exciting than what I have experienced in my whole life...——dig, dig, dig, and give the anchor a sports car × 1]

【Shocked and admired! ——Ideal thirties, presented to the anchor carnival × 1]

There are various gifts on the Douyin platform, among which the "hot air balloon" is worth 52 yuan, the sports car is worth 120 yuan, and the "Carnival" with the most gorgeous special effects is worth 3,000 yuan!

According to the sharing rules of the Douyin platform, anchors can get at least 40% of their income.

As viewers began to buy gifts, various gift special effects followed, almost occupying the entire screen.

In order not to miss any of the exciting shots, the audience quickly blocked the special effects of the gifts.

In the live broadcast screen.

Su Yang's figure was like an arrow leaving the string, shuttling between the tall buildings.

Crossing the wind tunnel of the building is just the first hurdle in his planned route.

After successfully passing it, he did not feel relaxed at all.

Because as the height decreases, the obstacles in front will only become denser and denser, so he must be very energetic.

High concentration!

The entire flight is not long, but the difficulty is epic!

All dangers will occur within milliseconds.

But this is Su Yang's talent. The more dangerous the scene, the more sensitive his nerves are.

Now, his concentration has reached its peak!

Because a few hundred meters away, he was about to reach the second level he had set for himself.

It was a group of high-rise buildings connected together.

The distance between the buildings is very small and divided into chessboard shapes.

In other words, there was no way he could walk straight through this complex of buildings!

Because then, it will inevitably hit the wall!

10 seconds.

He had already calculated that at his current speed, it would take him 10 seconds to pass through this building complex!

In these ten seconds, he had to change directions at least six times and fly three "S" shapes in the air to avoid all building walls.

The difficulty can be imagined!

But... rise to the challenge!

This is Su Yang’s life creed!

With a determined heart, firm eyes, and an indomitable momentum, he quickly approached the building complex.

Two long white airflow ribbons floated behind him, making him look like a human "jet".

Let the audience enjoy watching it!

But soon, everyone's hearts suddenly sank...

[It feels like this direction is wrong...the buildings in front are too dense! 】

[What is the anchor doing? Is your head spinning? 】

[It feels like something big is going to happen! 】

[I said this sport can only be played at noon, something will happen sooner or later! 】

[There are empty areas everywhere, why did you choose the most difficult place to fly? 】

[I think the anchor is too confident, but as the saying goes, those who drown are those who can swim. 】

In the barrage chat box, netizens mostly expressed doubts and disapproval.

But more people still support Su Yang.

They didn't even have time to fire off barrages, but stared intently at the man flying in the picture, their hearts almost in their throats!

Nothing can happen!

You must fly over!

At this highly anticipated moment, Su Yang rushed towards the "death zone" ahead.

Started his top performance!

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