Live Extreme Challenge, Do You Call This A Bad Show?

Chapter 41 He Came From The Fire, Like The Banished Immortal Who Was Reborn From Nirvana!

Time passes by second by second...

Su Yang's figure never appeared in the picture.

Many bad emotions gradually enveloped the hearts of the audience.

Either uneasiness, fear, or regret...

[What...what's going on? Isn't the anchor going to be too good? 】

【(,,#゚Д゚), scared! ! 】

[It’s a bit too I have a very bad feeling...]

[It feels like there is no chance that any human being can escape such a terrifying bombardment just now! 】

【hateful! ! We were just one step away from brother Su actually fell before dawn! 】

[Since ancient times, beauties, like famous generals, are not allowed to grow old in the world... Alas, geniuses are always prone to die young, what a pity! Anchor, have a good journey...]

【Don’t create panic! Wait a moment...let the bullet fly for a while! 】

【I will always believe in Su Shen! 】

The thick smoke gradually dissipated, revealing a miserable state on the ground.

Just like the surface of the moon after being hit by a meteor shower, there are huge craters everywhere.

The red magma is accompanied by thick black smoke, gurgling and flowing, like the blood of the mountain,


Many people couldn't help but move closer to the screen, their eyes constantly searching for Su Yang's figure.

But as time passed, he did not appear in the live broadcast.

People's hearts began to feel cold, and many people had even given up hope and couldn't help crying loudly in front of the screen.

[Woo woo woo...]

[Has Iceland officially prepared a rescue team? Hurry over and search, maybe you can still save him in time! 】

[Upstairs, do you think other than Su Shen, who else would have the courage to approach such a harsh environment? 】

[That’s there’s really no chance? 】

[I don’t believe it...this should be the effect of the show, right! It must be! 】

[I don’t believe that Su Shen is gone just like that. After all, in my heart he is omnipotent! 】

[Oh, let’s face it! No matter how brilliant you were during your lifetime, will you still turn into a pile of coke after your death? 】

[Those who drown always know how to swim. Isn't it ironic that a fat nerd like me who only knows how to eat and drink can live well? 】

[If some people can’t speak, can you shut up your bad mouth? 】

No trace of Su Yang was found for a long time, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Netizens with different opinions in the chat room quickly started arguing.

But the vast majority were silent, their eyes always staring straight at the screen.

Looking forward to a miracle happening!

Suddenly, a voice came from the billowing black smoke.


Audiences with sharp ears immediately heard this sound that seemed a bit abrupt compared to the surrounding environment.

The sound came from far to near, and seemed to be the sound produced by the fierce friction between some object and stones!

"Sand, swish, swish!"

The quick-reacting audience immediately realized something.

In an ordinary family in China, a family of three were sitting in front of a tablet, watching Su Yang's live broadcast with frowning eyes.

The boy sitting in the center suddenly stood up, pointed at the screen and shouted.

"It's Su Yang! It's Su Yang!"

His parents were stunned when they heard this, and quickly asked: "Where, where? Why didn't we see it?"

"In this black smoke...shh, listen carefully!"

The three of them gathered in front of the computer and listened carefully to the sound coming from the speakers.

Similar scenes are happening simultaneously in China, the United States, Australia, Iceland, and countless other places.

Everyone is like a drowning person, grasping at the only life-saving straw!

Looking forward to this voice bringing real hope!


Close, close!

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The sound seems to be right in front of you!

The next second...

A figure riding a skateboard broke through the layers of smoke and appeared in the picture!

It's Su Yang!

From the outside, he looked quite embarrassed.

The protective insulation suit was burned with black marks, and even some magma residue slipped from it.

Even the skateboard under my feet was stained with hot lava. The sides of the board were almost worn into jagged shapes, and the surface of the board was also burnt and uneven.

But fortunately, it can still be used!

After the last dense rain of fireballs hit, even Su Yang's concentration had reached its limit.

But when he was exhausted from running for his life, he was dodging frantically left and right and moving in a snake-like manner, but he was still showered by some magma that hit the ground and splashed everywhere!

At this time, the protective clothing specially provided by the system played a vital role!

Although it was burned horribly, it helped Su Yang isolate most of the blazing heat.

Even so, he still felt a burning pain in the skin of his back and thighs.

There is no doubt that his skin was still burned in many places!

However, at this moment, Su Yang's body was full of adrenaline and his state of extreme concentration allowed him to completely ignore the pain of these superficial injuries.

Just now, Su Yang experienced a slide that he will never forget!

For nearly thirty seconds, he was completely enveloped in thick smoke and could not see the way forward at all.

I could only barely see a meter or so below my feet.

This was a unique new experience in his past life experience.

He can only skate blind!

Through his powerful graphic memory ability, Su Yang reconstructed the rough scene ahead in his mind.

Then, relying on the extremely delicate feeling under his feet and the ability to control the board, he can always find the most correct path while repeatedly traveling through the fog.

Every second is a huge challenge for Su Yang!

In this endless darkness, if he tripped over a protruding rock and fell heavily to the ground...

You may never get up again!

Because the lava waterfall chasing after him will soon engulf him!

In other words, the sickle of death has been placed on Su Yang's neck!

Any hesitation or mistake would be the most tragic fate waiting for him.

However, the balance of victory still tilted towards Su Yang!

The moment he broke out of the fog and saw the light, his heart suddenly became enlightened!

The wonderful feeling after overcoming all difficulties is difficult to describe in words.

This is the meaning of his insistence on extreme sports!

Thousands of netizens watched this scene in front of them.

Surprise intersection!

As Su Yang rushed out of the black smoke, the remnants of the magma and black ashes fell from his body in the wind, dragging a long afterimage behind him.

That posture is like a banished immortal who has been reborn from nirvana!

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