Live Extreme Challenge, Do You Call This A Bad Show?

Chapter 7 "When It's Over, I Brush Off My Clothes And Go Away, Hiding My Body And Reputati

Just when Su Yang's altitude dropped below 300 meters, he suddenly heard a rushing sound from the road below.


While controlling the balance and stability of his body, he looked down at the ground curiously.

I saw a black SUV running rampant on the road directly below!

It was followed by several police cars, sirens blaring.

The scene was very tense, like a live broadcast of a police chase movie!

Su Yang looked down from high in the sky, his thoughts turned around in his mind, and he quickly understood what happened.

Such a grand police car chase... The person sitting in the black car in front must be a frantic fugitive!

In an instant, a thought flashed through his mind.

What followed was an uncontrollable excitement in my heart!

Originally, Su Yang had been planning in his mind how he would approach this challenge.

According to the system's judging principles, it will give the final score based on the difficulty of completing the task.

After experiencing the unprecedented wind tunnel shuttle of skyscrapers and the crazy S-turn that shocked the world.

Su Yang has completed two-thirds of this thrilling journey to the sky.

Now that it has entered the final stage, it is time to give this challenge a gorgeous and cool ending!

Thinking of this, he slightly adjusted his arms and flew forward, and his body's center of gravity began to shift forward.

Just like an eagle discovering its prey in the sky, it begins to dive towards the ground at a 45° angle!

The glass curtain walls of the skyscrapers on both sides reflected a figure traveling rapidly.

At this time, the screen in the live broadcast room switched to the first perspective.

Through the action camera fixed on Su Yang's helmet, the audience experienced this blood-soaking scene immersively!

The scenery on the ground is rapidly magnifying, and the numbers on the glasses are also changing rapidly.

Altitude 220 meters above sea level...

Altitude 180 meters above sea level...

Altitude 150 meters...

The color of the numbers has changed to red and is flashing as a warning!

"Dip, beep, beep!"

It has reached the limit of safe parachute opening height!

In this life-or-death millisecond, Su Yang's right hand quickly reached behind his back and decisively pulled the parachute cord.


The parachute compressed in the parachute bag is like a gorgeous flower, blooming in the sky instantly!

Su Yang's figure froze, and his falling speed immediately slowed down.

He grasped the direction control ring on the parachute with both hands, his eyes were like a torch, and he concentrated on observing the landing place.

The opening height of the parachute at this time is only more than 100 meters, which is undoubtedly the most difficult low-altitude skydiving (BASE Jumping) in skydiving.

This is a sport with a mortality rate of over 30%!

Even in previous lives, there were only a handful of people who dared to do skydiving.

Putting it into this parallel world, it has exceeded everyone's imagination.

[Open... open the umbrella! 】

【This is...freedom! ——Eren Yeager, gifted to the anchor sports car × 3】

[With such a short height, can the speed be reduced? 】

[I don’t dare to watch it... I’m afraid that the anchor will fall into a box...]

[This first-person perspective is more exciting than playing VR games for me! 】

[My brother also played this way 3 years ago. He should be 3 years old this year! 】

Altitude 100 meters...

Altitude 70 meters...

Altitude 50 meters...

Vehicles, pedestrians, traffic lights, trees on the road...

All the scenery is rapidly zooming in and becoming clearer and clearer!

In just a few seconds, all the viewers were given a suffocating feeling that ran through their whole bodies and their hearts were chilling!

It was as if they had put themselves on Su Yang's body, waiting nervously for the last moment to come...


The off-road vehicle driven by the criminal on the road, as well as several police cars, flashed by in the live broadcast footage.

Su Yang was left far behind!

In this fraction of a second, many sharp-eyed viewers in the live broadcast room captured this scene.

[That's not the robber's car that was broadcast live on the news just now... 】

[Yeah...this is bad! Why did the anchor choose to open an umbrella on this road? 】

[Look at this flight looks like the anchor landed just in front of the robber's vehicle! 】

[This is terrible, those people have guns in their hands! 】

[Extreme sports blockbuster turned into a gunfight movie in one second? Do you want it to be so exciting? 】

[The anchor... is in danger! ! ! 】

Just as the audience was talking about it.

Su Yang spotted the landing spot, used his arms to steadily control the direction, bent his knees slightly, and tightened his muscles all over his body.

The whole person is like a fully drawn bow!

Lift your toes and aim straight at the concrete road, preparing to use your relatively hard heels to meet the impact of this moment.

10 m!

5 meters!

1 meter!


With a crisp landing sound, the live broadcast screen began to rotate rapidly.

Immediately afterwards, the camera switched to the third perspective of the drone.

Everyone watched an incredible scene...

As if Su Yang had rehearsed countless times, as soon as his heels touched the ground, his whole body rolled forward several times along with the inertia.

Use this to remove the huge impact!

The landing movements were as smooth as a well-trained special forces soldier.

At the same time, Su Yang immediately took off his parachute bag while rolling, then got up and ran off the road.

The parachute cover lost its traction and floated backwards in the wind like a giant kite.

What a coincidence, it happened to be that the robber's SUV happened to be covered by it!

The white umbrella cover tightly wrapped the entire car, like a righteous sanction falling from the sky.

Announced the final doom of this group of desperadoes!

"What's going on? Brother, I can't see!"

The robber boy sitting in the driver's seat was already very nervous. When encountering such an emergency, his hands and feet suddenly felt cold...

Subconsciously I want to apply the brakes and slow down.

"Damn it, we've been tricked! What tricks did the policeman use? I've never seen it in the movies!"

The robber leader gritted his teeth and roared: "Step on the accelerator to death! No matter what, you can't let those gangsters behind me catch you!"

As he spoke, he rolled down the car window, took out his gun and shot wildly at the parachute outside!

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Even if more than a dozen holes were shot into the umbrella surface, it would be of no avail.

At this time, the car body suddenly shook violently!

It turned out that it was an extra parachute that was dragged on the ground. When the vehicle was traveling at high speed, it was rolled into the bottom of the vehicle...

At this moment, the driver could no longer hold the steering wheel and could only run around like a headless fly.


With a violent explosion, the off-road vehicle slammed into the flower bed on the roadside.

Police cars arrived, and SWAT officers with loaded weapons immediately surrounded him and pulled off the parachute.

I saw the robbers inside lying in a mess in the carriage, already scarred and dying.

Naturally, the police team escorted the group back to the police car without any effort.

This thrilling chase between police and robbers in the urban area of ​​​​Magic City finally came to an end.

Suddenly a parachute fell from the sky, and the gangster was subdued immediately.

It all happened so fast that all the police officers on the scene were a little dazed.

You know, this gang of gangsters not only has a gun, but they even have grenades on their waists! I thought it was going to be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to end perfectly without firing a shot!

The captain of the Criminal Police of the Magic City Bureau who was in charge of commanding among the crowd raised his head and looked into the distance.

I saw a young man wearing sportswear and standing tall on the roadside a hundred meters away, looking over here.

The criminal police captain's face showed excitement. In a flash of lightning just now, with his excellent eyesight, he clearly captured the figure of the man in black after the parachute landed.

There is no doubt that it was this...enthusiastic citizen who fell from the sky...who helped the police force a big favor with his magical operations that seemed to come out of nowhere!

On a more serious scale, this has protected the lives and property of the people in Magic City! Catch all these vicious gangsters in the most artistic way!

If this kind of incredible contribution is reported to the superior department, this mysterious and enthusiastic citizen can even apply for first-class merit and receive a special award from the bureau!

Thinking of this, the criminal police captain immediately became excited.

At this time, he saw the young man waving to him from a distance.

As if after seeing everything settled, he was ready to wave goodbye.

He was anxious and was about to take action.

Unexpectedly, the young man turned around and left quickly, quickly disappearing at the end of the road...

The criminal police captain looked at his retreating back, and many emotions surged in his heart.

Gratitude, surprise, admiration...

A poem naturally came to mind - "When things are done, I brush off my clothes and go away, hiding my body and reputation."

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