Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 832: Dog food with small medicine

"Then, what do those bone meal mean? We used Peruvian fish meal in our yellow noodles! Can you be sure of the effect now?"

Bone meal is sufficient for dog food, but it must be a lot worse to make fishing bait. However, Yue Feng was not originally intended to make fishing bait, so he deliberately fooled and said: "It's okay, I have asked someone to experiment, so the cost is much lower! When the taste is added, the taste is covered up, the cost is lower, and the profit margin can be even greater!"

Now, logically, it can basically justify itself. Zhang Yunzhou can't help but nod after thinking about it. After all, Yue Feng's theory is quite bluffing, and it is also operational.

"Then, what about the previous finished products, are they still in production?" Zhang Yunzhou continued to ask.

Yue Feng shook his head: "First, make a generation of yellow noodles from the stock materials, and try to push them out before the end of the year. On this line, first prepare semi-finished products!"


Yue Feng personally confessed the production tasks, and the factory started to operate soon.

Zhang Yunzhou continued to observe for a week until the production line became normalized, and then the new information was sent to Sleeping Beauty again with a different bag.

Sleeping Beauty also has its own production workshop. After receiving new information from Zhang Yunzhou, she immediately followed up.

It's just that when Laobao was producing, the workers tried to save trouble. They didn't learn from Yuefeng to produce vegetarian baits. Instead, they did it in one step. When the bait was puffed and granulated, they added different flavor medicines in advance.

It is this slight difference that made Lao Bao suffer in the beginning of spring. Of course, this is something to be said.

A week later, a secret investigation from Qiangzi's side revealed that Zhang Yunzhou had indeed bought the night shift workers and secretly compromised the ingredients of the yellow face partner.

And from his call records, the gain is not small. In addition to his local friends, this guy even talked to a few numbers from the magic city every three or five times.

Qiangzi paid a dollar in advance and checked the owner's name, and soon he had a major gain. One of the calls that lasted a long time was different from Sleeping Beauty's boss.

On the other side, Liu Fengnian also inquired through friends in the circle. Because of the government's requirements for environmental protection, the bait manufacturers are a little uncomfortable. There are really not many who can spend money to expand production, but Sleeping Beauty has just done it. A production line is said to be the most advanced production technology.

After the integration of such two aspects, the answer is ready to come out. Zhang Yunzhou's buyer behind the scenes is that Sleeping Beauty's bag is different! !

After clarifying the truth, several senior Yue Feng didn't startle, but as if they had completely forgotten about this incident, they continued to operate normally.

There are more and more unpackaged semi-finished dog food in the warehouse, and gradually pile up high.

On the Sleeping Beauty side, because the company’s capital is strong, there are enough offline agents, and the inventory produced in advance is even more exaggerated.

The new production line started 24 hours a day, and the pre-produced version of dog food with a small medicinal flavor was piled up in the warehouse. After a rough inventory at the end of the year, the value of the semi-finished raw materials of these new products alone exceeded 5 million. In the beginning of the spring, new products were launched, and the country blossomed and made a lot of money.

With the approach of the Siberian cold current, the weather in City W has become colder and colder. Unconsciously, the new year is approaching, and it is another fulfilling year.

The 60-day survival challenge of the fishing and hunting wilderness has been post-edited and produced and will be broadcast on Yangma's TV station as scheduled.

As the first survival challenge documentary in China, this set of films immediately caused a huge response once it was broadcast. Yue Feng was already a familiar face of CCTV. This high-profile joining has attracted widespread attention.

Yue Feng, who was originally just a celebrity in the fishing circle, had a vague sense of being out of the circle after this film. The number of fans on the live broadcast platform has also skyrocketed to as many as 1500w. Every day, the backstage will receive many questions about when the next season of challenge live broadcast will start. .

In the face of these achievements, Yue Feng's mentality is much more mature than before. When he is fine in winter, he will go to the winter fishing shed with the club members to pinch fish. When he has problems, he will make new friends and expand in various restaurants and dinners. It depends on his influence in society and his network of contacts.

A few days ago, the old man and mother-in-law took the baby back to the devil to live for a few days. The father-in-law and mother-in-law obviously looked more and more pleasing to their golden turtle son-in-law. As Xiao Nian approached, Yue Feng went home and officially entered a busy year.

Some local relationship leaders need to visit, relatives and friends need to walk around, the company also did a summary work here, early vacation, the whole person was idle.

From the twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month, until the seventh day of the first lunar month, the new year passed in a busy schedule.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, the company officially started, and the fishing lure factory also started production.

Just after the fifteenth, most of the trucks that pulled the goods drove into the Yuefeng fishing tackle factory.

Zhang Yunzhou, who was in the office, was slightly taken aback when he heard the movement. He was more than ten meters away. What did UU read do?

When he went to the yard to inquire, Qiangzi grinned and said, "Is it a sourcing? Last winter, I was afraid that I would have no work. Feng Ge asked a friend to take up a dog food processing business. Isn't this going to be the beginning of the spring? People are sourcing!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yunzhou only felt a slap in his head, completely stunned!

When bone meal and meat meal and other materials came in, Zhang Yunzhou also vaguely suspected this. The original puffed particles came out, exuding a faint meaty fragrance, and it was indeed very similar to dog food.

However, the workshop normally produces 24 hours a day, and Yue Feng's explanation can also make sense, so Zhang Yunzhou didn't think deeply.

At this time, the explanation in Qiangzi's mouth is obviously not the same as Yue Feng's original statement!

Zhang Yunzhou swallowed, "Dog...Dog food? Didn't it mean that the semi-finished puffed pellets of Yellow Storm are made? I have seen the additive flavor profile that I have brought, and I bought a bunch of them at the time!"

"Ah? I don't know anymore. It's also possible that Brother Feng was joking with you! Whatever you do, let's do it, let's do it! Let the company leaders worry about deeper things!" Qiang Zi smiled and lit a cigarette, seeing Zhang Yunzhou's uncertain face, his heart was particularly refreshing.

For the next half day, Zhang Yunzhou felt a little uncomfortable. The large truck went back and forth. It took less than half a day to emptied the dog food in the warehouse, and the huge warehouse was empty after it was emptied.

Making fishing bait and making dog food should not be confused. If Mr. Bao arranges production and stockpiling according to the information provided by him, and produces a bunch of sour and brown sugar-flavored dog food early, then the fun will be great!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yunzhou tremblingly took out his mobile phone and made another call to Baodi.

"Hey, Mr. Bao, is the extruded material on our new production line flavored during production?"

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