"What's going on?"

Good guy, as soon as Lin Mu heard Lin Hong say this, her whole legs became weak.

The raised hand actually gave her a slap in the face.

"If you don't tell the story, then you will slap yourself in the face and you won't stop!"

Chen Yu said with added fuel and vinegar next to him.

Mother Lin was already frightened, and hurriedly said: "I said, I said it all! Xiaohong's father and the nanny are all ...... I killed them.

Lin Hong heard Lin Mu say this on the side, and the whole person was stunned, his scalp was numb, and his face was in disbelief.

"Why are you? What did your father do, and you actually?"

Mother Lin was also very distressed when she saw Lin Hong like this, her son was so uncomfortable.

"Yes...... But it was an accident.

Chen Yu smiled coldly, "Still not telling the truth?"

Mother Lin looked at Chen Yu viciously, all of this happened because Chen Yu came to their house!


Mother Lin shouted loudly.

Chen Yu smiled and nodded.

"Yes, you are telling the truth. If Father Lin hadn't bumped into your cheating partner, it is estimated that he would not have died. Oh, and so does the babysitter. "

You .......

" Lin Mu trembled her hand and pointed at Chen Yu, "How do you know

?" "Didn't I say it?"

Chen Yu looked at Mother Lin with a smile, but in Mother Lin's opinion, she was very mad.

"Is what he said true?" Lin

Hong asked coldly, looking at his mother.

Mother Lin is no longer the kind look in his eyes.

Is this still her mother? It turned out that the sudden death of her father was actually her handiwork, so what about her grandmother now?"

"Xiao Hong......."

Lin Mother looked at Lin Hong with a distressed face, even if she didn't love that man, but anyway, Lin Hong was still her own child, a piece of meat that fell from her body.

"Don't call me, how could you be like this, for the sake of an outsider, ....... your father

" Lin Hong took a deep breath, "What about the little nanny? Why?"

"She...... She saw the scene. "

The matter has come to this, I know that I can't hide it anymore, if I continue to hide it, the mother-son relationship between myself and Lin Hong should be gone.

Now, if it's not good, she can still rely on their mother-son relationship to save the rest of her life and not spend it in prison.

However, she still underestimated the relationship between Lin Hong and Father Lin too much.

Lin Hong was brought up by his father since he was a child, and his mother was busy with his foreign objects, but she never ignored Lin Hongai.

Since the death of Lin's father, Lin Hong took over everything in the Lin family, and Lin's mother began to be good to Lin Hong.

If it weren't for Father Lin, he would have arranged all his posthumous affairs early on, and even made a good will, and now all the property of the Lin family would be in the hands of Mother Lin.

"Sister nurse, call the police!" Lin

Hong said with a deep breath.

This sentence directly shocked everyone, especially Lin Mu!

"Xiaohong, you....... Why are you doing this to me? I'm your mother!"

"But you killed my father! There are so many people here! How long do you want to hide it?"


Lin Hong smiled desperately: "Yes, dead people will never speak, that's why you are stupid Aunt Nanny, but do you think that my femme fatale like you will fool everyone here in order to save you, including my grandmother

?". If Mother Lin was just weak just now, she really sat down on the ground directly.

"I....... I was wrong!"

It's over!

"Mr. Lin, the man, is still in the villa.

Chen Yu glanced at the villa and said.

Lin Hong was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

He didn't need to ask Chen Yu how he knew about these things, today's matter, he believed in Chen Yu's ability even more.

Lin Hong silently walked to the gate of the villa and locked the door directly.

Although the villa is only two floors, it is not very high, but it is surrounded by pebbles, and if you jump down, your legs must be menstruated, and you can't run if you want to.

However, when the law enforcement officers went up, the man was still asleep on the bed, not knowing that their affairs had been exposed, so he had to follow the law enforcement officers downstairs and get into the car with a confused face.

"Mr. Chen, thank you very much today. If

it weren't for Chen Yu today, he really didn't know that his mother was such a femme fatale.

If it weren't for Father Lin's heart disease, the will would have been made early, and now I really don't know what the Lin family would be like.

Chen Yu smiled and shook his head, since she promised to come, she would be able to deal with some problems, not to mention, her hands were also contaminated with human life.

"By the way, did my father and the little nanny really tell you?, then my father, are you okay?"

Lin Hong looked at Chen Yu expectantly and asked.

Chen Yu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile.

"Have you forgotten what I do? As

for the yin wind that Lin Mu felt around her just now, it was all controlled by Chen Yu manipulating her spiritual power.

But Chen Yu naturally didn't have to tell Lin Hong about these things.

Even if Chen Yu said this, in Chen Yu's heart, Chen Yu was already a god-like existence.

"Mr. Chen, then my grandmother .......

" "Your conservatory, the location is not good, the body of the little nanny is right down here." But when it was built, it just gave people a reasonable place to hide the body.

Lin Hong was shocked, so it was, I searched all over the house, but I couldn't find the little nanny.

Lin Hong nodded, "I know, I'll take my grandmother into the villa, this conservatory, let's demolish it."

Chen Yu smiled slightly, "You can arrange these things, if the old man likes light, it would be good to live in a sunny room."

Lin Hong nodded, "Then, grandma, is it just a good thing to wake up?"

Chen Yu took out the best Yin Jade from the system space and handed it to Lin Hong.

"Put this jade pendant by the old man's side, it will be fine for a while, the old man will wake up, you can return the jade pendant to me, remember to take it away when you wake up, give it to me, otherwise, there will be other things." "

Yin jade pendant, it can expel the yin qi around the body, but, after a long time, who knows if it will be attracted?

Lin Hong was convinced of Chen Yu's words, nodded, and took the jade pendant with both hands.

"Thank you, Mr. Chen, I don't even know how to thank you.

Chen Yu smiled slightly.

"Just give me the money. "

Aha, that's natural!" Lin Hong said with a smile.


Lin Manyu heard about the family in the company, and suddenly came to Lin Hong's house.

"Cousin, don't be too sad, no one thought about this matter, the bad guys have been punished as they deserve, you have to think about it!".

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