1016: Violent Brother

Netizens were taken aback by these self-confessed people:

"There are so many. 35

"It seems that there are still a lot of fish that slip through the net.

"Grab everything.

“It’s better to turn yourself in so that you don’t live in fear all day.35

"I have a friend who has been on the run since he murdered, do you think he is alive and well? He is better off dying every day.

"That friend is you?

"Absolutely not, or your last name will be written upside down."

"Why is my last name written upside down and not yours?"

“The police stations across the country are busy now. 35

Ye Xuan didn't expect things to turn out like this, but it made him happy.

Seeing that the main culprit had been caught, Ye Xuan went offline.

Two hours later, Ye Xuan reopened the live room and sent a connection invitation to a host.

A strong man broadcasts.

Fans of Ye Xuan:

"Master is so diligent today, it will be broadcast so soon."

"Who is this big guy, and why does he look like he's seen it?"

"He's a violent brother.

"Bro... Violent brother?"

"The one who beat the bad guy and went to jail in the legend?"

"The previous live broadcast also said that if the black fan is caught by the violent brother, he will definitely be killed.

Brother Violence said: "Hello everyone, I'm Brother Violence, many people may have heard of me, I used to be a popular anchor, my temper was hot, I was angry when I saw bad people, when I was young, I accidentally hit Kill a bad guy, spend a few years in prison, and have just been released recently."

Big fan of violent brother:

"Long live Violent Brother!

"It's the bad guys.

"I just love watching your violence, you've been in jail for a few years, I'll refresh every day and wait for you to come back.

"Brother Violence returns, the end of bad guys."

Violent brother laughed: "It seems that over the years, people still care about me very much, and I have 30,000 viewers in my live broadcast room.

As he spoke, many viewers in Ye Xuan’s live room ran to his live room:

"This is the legendary violent brother, so powerful. 35

"I'm paying attention to this point when I beat the bad guy and I'm going to jail!


"If everyone in my Xia country had this backbone, the entire Xia country would be a forbidden zone for crimes. 35

"Brother Violence, is your temper still the same as before?

Brother Violence: "Isn't this nonsense? Do you want me to change my temper after spending a few years in prison?"

"It's not me blowing it, if that black fan lets me see, that kind of me, I won't be violent if I don't beat him to death."


"Black fans are really lucky, I didn't encounter a violent brother."

"Brother Violent's Iron Fist teaches bad guys to be human. 99

"Brother Violence is like those heroes, protecting us ordinary people."

"If I also have the muscles of a violent brother, I can also be like a violent brother."

"Blow! Don't say that the muscles of the violent brother can't be trained by ordinary people, even if you can do it, you are a coward.


"How is it impossible? Do you dare to kill a crime?"


"Only Violent Brother can do it!"

"Just at this point, I'm going to fan the violent brother. 55

"In my hometown, if a thief is found, a group of people will beat them to death, so there are basically no thieves in our hometown."

"Is it the hometown of Brother Violence?"

Brother Violent shook his head: "No, I'm from the city."

"I just have an ordinary innocent heart."

A netizen suddenly said: "Brother Violence, how do you think you are on your way to go abroad?"

Brother Violence nodded: "Yes, I'm going to leave the country."

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