Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

142: This little bastard, is he still human?

142: This little bastard, is he still human?

on the screen!

It's already afternoon school.

But the old lady's son and two little followers are still at school.

"Brother, why are you so brave?"

"Yes, Zhang Dongxu doesn't pay the protection fee, you just slap him a few times."

"Brother, you teach us how to practice courage?

"Yes, yes, I also want to practice courage.

Two small attendants.

Constantly touting the old lady ~ son Xiaoyong.

Although Xiaoyong is an inexperienced scumbag, when he is touted by his younger brother, he suddenly feels that he can do it on his own.

next moment!

Xiaoyong walked under a wall, picked up a brick from the ground, and smiled grimly: "Want to practice gallbladder? Follow me!


talking room.

Xiaoyong directly threw the bricks over the wall.

"Brother, don't dare. 35

"It would be bad if there were pedestrians outside.

Seeing that Xiaoyong threw the bricks out of the wall, the two friends suddenly panicked.

Seeing the panicked expression of the little follower, Xiaoyong felt even more proud:


"You are so stupid.

"Do you still want to practice courage?"

With a sneer, Xiaoyong picked up the bricks from the ground and threw them out.



There were screams from outside.

Suddenly, the expressions of several people present changed suddenly.


Xiaoyong shouted.

The three quickly slipped away.

The picture of the red dust beads came to the fore.

Ye Xuan looked at the old lady and sneered: "This way of training courage, is it kindness?"


"It's all a misunderstanding.""

"Children are ignorant, just grow up, just grow up..."

See this scene.

The old lady made an awkward excuse.

While defending, the old lady was scolding Ye Xuan for being troublesome, why did he turn over so many old accounts of his son?

So all the old accounts have been turned over.

After his son, how will he be a man?

The old lady has a ghost in her heart and can only scold Ye Xuan at Ye Xuan.

But the water friends in the live broadcast room did not have so many scruples, and they were breathing fragrance at the moment:


"Mom, baby!"

"It's all special junior high school, you call him a child?"

"You're not a child, are you a giant baby?"

"Auntie, are you afraid that you have misunderstood the child?"

"The son of f*ck, you run very fast when you get into trouble, and you still have a child?"

"I wish you were hit by a stone next door when you were walking, and then remember to forgive each other."

"Grass mud horse, double standard dog.

"Fuck, a loving mother has many losers! 35

The water friends in the live broadcast room are still scolding.

Ye Xuan had already activated his mana, and the red dust beads appeared on the screen again.

On screen...

An old man with gauze on his head came to the school to find the principal.

The principal was furious and started an internal investigation, but there was no result after some investigation, and finally he had to let it go.


Doing one or two evil things is not a bad person.

Xiaoyong, this little brat, can't only do one or two evil things.

In the picture of red dust beads.

It's a noisy classroom.

Xiaoyong is teasing his classmates with a few dog legs.

Seeing the classmate stand up, he secretly took the classmate's chair away, and when the classmate sat on the ground, several people laughed.

See these bullies.

The students also dared not to speak out.

In the end, Xiaoyong eyed a quiet girl in the class who had studied well.

They don't study well.

I don't usually bother to study well.

But I don't know what's going on today, Xiaoyong just wants to play tricks and study well.

When the well-studied quiet girl stands up.

Xiaoyong took the opportunity to remove the quiet girl's bench.



The girl sat empty all of a sudden.

The whole person stumbled and fell to the ground.

0.. ask for flowers......

Seeing the quiet girl fall to the ground, Xiaoyong didn't laugh, but a bad taste arose in his heart.


Xiaoyong stretched out his hand.

He shoved the quiet girl again.

The power of falling, plus Xiaoyong's thrust.

The quiet girl's head hit the ground at a faster speed.


The head of a quiet girl.

Hit the ground hard.

There was a puddle of blood where it hit.

The moment the back of the head bleeds on the ground, the girl immediately fainted.

"Ha ha..."

Just laughed halfway through.

When he found the blood on the back of the girl's head, he rushed up and shouted, "Zhang Ni, Zhang Ni...

No matter how Xiaoyong shouted.

Zhang Ni just didn't wake up, but the blood flowed more and more.

this moment.

Xiao Yong finally panicked.

The body could not help shaking.

At this time, he also remembered that Zhang Ni's father was a soldier, and he has been a soldier for more than ten years!

If it hits him?


Xiaoyong took a deep breath and dared not think any more.


Notify the teacher.

Zhang Ni was sent to the hospital.

The wound was examined and sutured.

The doctor sadly told the teacher:

"This child has caused a serious concussion, and his memory will be greatly reduced in the future. He has..."

"What?" The teacher asked eagerly.

The doctor's face was full of regret: "I am not suitable for mental work in the future, and even going to school will have an impact.


The teachers were pale.

Xiao Yong's face was pale.

The young old lady looked worried: "My family has no money to pay!


at this time.

The door was knocked open.

A strong man of 1.8 meters broke in and shouted nervously: "Where is my daughter, how is my daughter?" Fan.

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