Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

148: The ground is full of gold, but the kidneys are cut off

148: The ground is full of gold, but the kidneys are cut off

"Pfft, hahaha. 35

"Is this really an idiot?"

"At this time, do you still want a chick?"

"I suspect that this guy's head has a hole, right?"

"f*ck, I still want a baby at this time, and I can't say this without cerebral thrombosis for ten years."

"666 ah, fast forward fast forward..."

Seeing that Xiaoyong was sold.

Also arrogantly asked for the chick.

Just made the water friends laugh.

at the same time.

The picture in the red dust beads continues to play.

Hearing that he was sold, Xiaoyong didn't believe it at first, he smiled and said:

"how can that be possible?"



Don't wait for Xiaoyong to finish speaking.

The tattooed youth of the year turned to him with a wrench, and he didn't leave his hand in the slightest.

Seeing the tattooed youth's wrench hit him,

Xiaoyong was taken aback, he quickly raised his lower arm, and at the same time asked in surprise:

"what are you doing?"

next moment!

The wrench hit Xiaoyong's arm.


A crisp sound.

It was uploaded from Xiaoyong's "five six seven" arm.

Xiaoyong's originally straight forearm was pulled down from the middle.

At this moment, Xiaoyong's right forearm was directly broken by the tattooed youth.


Xiaoyong let out a scream that didn't sound like a human voice.

Because the pain was too severe, Xiaoyong's forehead was full of sweat.


The yellow-haired youth kicked Xiaoyong down.

Then, the yellow-haired youth stepped on Xiaoyong's head with his foot and pointed at the bridge of Xiaoyong's nose with a steel pipe: "You were sold, do you understand?"

until this moment.

Xiaoyong understands.

It turned out that he was sold by the big brother.

However, Xiaoyong can't care about resenting his big brother now, but accepts the reality with tears:



"I knew I was sold."

The yellow-haired youth continued to point at the bridge of Xiaoyong's nose with a steel pipe, grinning:


"I hope you understand where you are now."5

"What we say, what you do.

"Otherwise, it will break the bridge of your nose."

"Don't move when I do.

"Otherwise, the steel pipe would have been protected if it hit the eyes and mouth.

"stop fighting."

"Please don't fight."

"I must be obedient. 35

At this moment, Xiaoyong was so frightened that his heart was broken.

At this moment, he knew what a mixed society was.

Compared with the two people in front of him, the scumbags who used to cover him in the school were simply inferior to shit.

So, in panic, Xiaoyong quickly agreed.


"We'll buy you."

"It took ten thousand dollars."

“We can’t do business at a loss.35

"Now call anyone of your family and friends and say you've been kidnapped.

"Let's call you two hundred thousand first.

"Let's get our money back first. 35

Xiaoyong cried and said, "I, I, I... I lost my phone."


"Call on my phone.

Yellow-haired youth, hand over his cell phone to Xiaoyong.

Xiaoyong took the phone with a look of horror, his face was full of embarrassment, and he hesitated: "I, I, I..."

"Hurry up!"

The yellow-haired youth pointed the steel pipe at the bridge of Xiaoyong's nose with a fierce threat on his face.


"I forgot my mom's phone number."

Xiaoyong replied with a sad face, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Grass mud horse!"

"You dare to play with me?

The yellow-haired youth was furious.

Directly a steel pipe smashed over.

Xiaoyong quickly turned around and took the blow with his back.

Seeing both the yellow-haired youth and the tattooed youth pounce on him, Xiaoyong hurriedly fell down.



Two young people with yellow hair and tattoos.

Facing Xiaoyong is a messy hammer.

Punching and kicking the net to the ribs, face, back of the head and other weak points to say hello, beat Xiaoyong aww.

"Do you remember your phone number now?

After the two young people were tired from fighting, they asked fiercely.



Xiaoyong was afraid of being beaten to death, so he hurriedly said that he remembered it.

The yellow-haired youth handed the mobile phone to Xiaoyong again, fiercely: "Hit!

"I I I...

Xiaoyong, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, held the phone, unable to utter a complete sentence.

The yellow-haired youth was furious: "Why don't you fight?"

"Big brother."

"Two brothers, listen to me.

"I really forgot my family's mobile phone number, I


Don't wait for Xiaoyong to explain.

A big-eared melon seed came up.

After the yellow-haired youth fanned a big-eared melon seed, he was furious:

"Oh shit!

"Dare to play Laozi."

"Watch Laozi kill you. 95

After the ruthless words, the two young people with yellow hair and tattoos were beaten again, and Xiaoyong was knocked out.

"Damn it, is it so cruel?"

"Shit, I got goosebumps."

"This f*ck is holding an iron wrench, it's really smashing.

"What's so special, two or two years of freedom and the wicked grind"

Seeing Xiaoyong so miserable.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were amazed.

But not many sympathized.

After all, Xiaoyong was really too Damn it before.


Seeing that Xiaoyong was knocked unconscious, the two youths with yellow hair and tattoos looked at each other and went to the boss.

Reported the situation to the boss.

It seems to be true that Xiaoyong lost his mobile phone and forgot his family's number.


A middle-aged female boss.

Take the cigar out of your mouth and crush it in the ashtray, making a sizzling sound.

He exhaled.

The female boss frowned and said:

"You two trash.

"Still too young.

"Can I lose my phone?"

"I just don't remember my family's phone number, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

The eyes of the two young men lit up, and they said in unison, "Boss, do you think he is pretending?"

"Definitely pretend!""

The female boss aggravated her tone, then sneered a little, and was unfathomable:

"If I'm not wrong.

"He couldn't help but forget his family's mobile numbers.."

"I also forgot the phone numbers of my relatives and friends.

"I even forgot my Penguin number and even my mobile phone number.

"Then, he will make demands of us.""

"Let's get him on his way back."

"Help him get his phone back.

“He will be able to contact the family.”5

"Give us a ransom.

The tattooed youth was shocked: "He...why did he do this?"

The female boss sneered:

"I've seen too many people like this.

"I didn't respond when I was abducted."

"After being kidnapped, you will instantly become sober, in short, you will be disconnected from everything before, so that you can't squeeze a little oil from him.

"In the end, I had to let him go.

I heard this.

The tattooed youth was furious: "Damn, Laozi is going to clean him up! 99

The yellow-haired youth was also angry: "Damn, if Laozi doesn't ask her mother's phone number today, she won't be yellow!"

"You can't.

"Let me come!

The female boss looked very proud and decided to do it herself.


Young man with yellow hair and tattoos.

At the same time, he sucked in a breath of cold air. ,

It doesn't matter that the boss is a female class, but the female boss's methods, their methods, he is what you have seen.

Describe it in eight words: Horrible, unbearable to look directly at!

Just when the two were surprised.

The female boss had already set off, and the two had to keep up.

five minutes later.


A bucket of cold water was poured over.

Xiaoyong, who was knocked out, was thrown awake.

"Forgive me.

"Forgive me..."

As soon as Xiaoyong woke up, he began to scream in panic.

"Don't be afraid, little brother. 35

"Come and see here, which one do you choose.

With a gentle face, the female boss pointed at the three things in front of her.

A box of toothpicks—

A small hammer--

a scalpel—

Seeing that Xiaoyong had seen it, the female boss immediately introduced: "Little brother. 99


"Level 1: Toothpick sticks hands!"

"Second level: smashing the toes with a small hammer.

"The third level: cut the kidney!"

"If you think of your family's phone call, say it in time, or your kidney will be used to pay off the debt.

"Start now! 99

Female boss picks up toothpicks.



There were screams in the interrogation room.

Soon the toothpicks were used up, but Xiaoyong couldn't remember the contact information of his family at all.

The female boss is interested: "Yes, he is really a man. 35

five minutes later.

The second level is over.

Ten toes were smashed.

But Xiaoyong still didn't think of his family's phone.


The yellow-haired and tattooed youth looked at the female boss.

The female boss looked embarrassed, and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed on her face, and suddenly became furious: "Bring my furniture!


A set of protective clothing for surgical transmission.

And a complete set of scalpels.

And things like ice packs, anesthetics, etc. were brought.

The female boss looked at Xiaoyong and sneered: "You can't remember your family's phone number, but you're about to reach the third level!".

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