Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

179: Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!

179: Hell is empty, the devil is in the world!

Actually see here.

The water friends are already full of disgust for this Yang Meng.

Language is an art.

But if lies were mixed into this art, it would be disgusting.

Yang Meng has found the wealth code.

She found that while everyone was calling for equality between men and women.

But as long as the gender war is used, she can make a lot of money.

So ever.

She is not content to fill her daily life with lies.

but with greater ambitions.

The time of the red dust beads began to accelerate.


Everyone saw Yang Meng, who had become an internet anchor.

"Sisters, what good is a man."

"Everyone should also know that in the earliest days, women dominated."

"It is women who see men as pitiful and teach them to wear clothes, make tools, etc. 99

"Men are useless at all, if women still dominate the world, it will definitely be much better than now! 02

This is like sayings from the Arabian Nights.

It evoked a lot of resonance.

Fans even started asking for her advice.

"Mengmeng, when my boyfriend and I first met, he was very kind to me. 35

"But after being together, he changed."

"Not only do they not care about me now, but they often play games overnight.""

"What should I do!"5

This is actually quite common.

Two people in love are naturally good friends.

But after the love period is over, it will naturally enter a period of stability.

But this does not mean that the two have no feelings for each other, but that they have regarded each other as close relatives.

But Yang Meng said, "Silly sister."

"What do you want a man like this to do?"

"No matter how nice he was to you, he definitely had a purpose.

"You don't cherish it after you get it, this is the ugly face of a man.

"Listen to me, break up quickly."

Seeing this, Wu Ming felt that his lungs were about to explode.

Immediately he said to his wife, "Listen, is what she said human?"

"As the old saying goes, it's better to demolish ten temples than break a marriage."

"Where is anyone who persuaded to leave or not to get along!"

But his wife disagreed, feeling that Wu Ming was making a fuss.

In her opinion, this is not a very normal thing.

"What do you know, Teacher Yang is right.

"You can't have a man like that."

"Mr. Yang told us that men are nothing more than to inherit the lineage. 35

"And when the two of you are together, either you will treat me meticulously, or you will give me enough money.

"If you can't do both, what's the difference with one!"

Her rhetoric is arrogant.

But it angered the water friends in the live broadcast room.

This is a very typical female boxing thought.

According to what she said, men deserve to be mean?

Feelings are mutual, if you treat me well, I will treat you well.

There is only one person's unilateral contribution, that is not called affection, it can only prove that the paying party is licking the dog.

Ye Xuan disagreed.

Just said indifferently: "Do you really think she is right?"

"Very well, then I'll show you what the girl's result is."

The screen turns.

Immediately, a strange and beautiful girl appeared.

At this moment, she was holding the phone and seemed a little hesitant.

But he soon became firm.

He got up and walked in front of a boy and said, "Let's break up.

The boy was startled, obviously surprised and nervous.

He hurriedly said: "Why did you suddenly say this, what did I do wrong? You said, I can't change it?

"Is it because of games? Then I'll just stop playing and watch TV shows with you every day, okay?"

It can be seen that this boy actually loves girls very much.

Otherwise, there would not be such a big reaction.

But the girl is very firm.

"I've made up my mind, let's break up! 99

The boy's expression froze.

After a long silence, he silently turned around and walked out of the house.

The water friends are so angry that they are almost scolding their mothers. The two of them were originally good, but they just need a simple talk and they can be at peace with each other.

But now, because of Yang Meng 583's words, it was abruptly torn apart.

But clearly, things are not over yet.

After the boy left.

The girl sat in front of the computer.

Someone seems to be talking in the headset.

Driven by curiosity, she picked up the headset.

Then I heard a few people inside discussing their boyfriends.

"Old Chen, this kid can do it. In order to make more money to buy her girlfriend a birthday present, she has been staying overnight for several days."

"According to his hard work, in two days, this list should be enough.

"Seriously, I can't do it to make me fight like this, but he really spoils his girlfriend. 99

"Hey, why doesn't Lao Chen speak anymore, and why are people gone?

The girl burst into tears.

It turns out that my boyfriend plays games all night these days, all to make money by making orders and buy her birthday gifts!

She regrets it so much now that she wants to find a boyfriend quickly.

But the phone rang at this moment.

After connecting, she felt like she was struck by lightning...

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