Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

232: This kid is holding the villain script at first sight

232: This kid is holding the villain script at first sight

"We've done a lot of things during our time together."

"Just like that trip..."

The screen flashed.

Sun Zihang was dragging his suitcase with one hand and holding his beautiful girlfriend with the other.

Both of them were smiling and chatting as they walked.

"Wow, it's finally time to go on a tour, this time I must relax!"

It can be seen that the girlfriend is very excited.

The pressure of work is so great, plus the time to get along with Sun Zihang is relatively small.

So she naturally cherishes the time she can be together.

"Get on the plane in a while, and if you don't feel well, just sleep with me. 39

"Didn't you say earlier that you'd be dizzy with all closed vehicles?

"I've also prepared motion sickness medicine and Huamei for you."

"Remember to eat later."

Sun Zihang's caring is undoubtedly the place that can impress girls the most.

What most girls care about is not superficial appearance, economy and so on.

As long as these are generally acceptable.

It is often these insignificant details that can really warm their hearts.

His girlfriend hugged Sun Zihang's arm like a koala.

It was obvious that she was very dependent on this man.

Sure enough, after getting on the plane, my girlfriend was very uncomfortable.

Although only a short two hours flight time.

But it was still uncomfortable and couldn't sleep.

Motion sickness medicine and Huamei basically did not play any role.

It was hard to wait until I got off the plane.

She was already sallow complexion, and the whole person looked very bad.

Sun Zihang carried her on his back without any hesitation.

Ignoring the gazes of others around me, I just walked out of the airport step by step.

Although his girlfriend has not recovered yet, it can be seen from the expression.

As long as this man is by her side, she doesn't seem to have to worry about anything.

"Honey, there are taxis over there. 35

His girlfriend pointed to a row of rentals on the side of the road.

Unexpectedly, Sun Zihang kept his footsteps and walked in the opposite direction.

"My baby is still dizzy, isn't it more uncomfortable to ride in the car now?"

The girlfriend's eyes were red again, obviously moved.

Although he is in good shape, he is also a big living person who weighs nearly 100 pounds.

Sun Zihang was not that kind of muscular man. He was out of breath when he came out of the airport with his back on his back.

Hearing what he meant, he planned to carry himself all the way to the hotel, so how could he do it?

"Honey, I'm all right. 99

"Look at your tired body and get wet, let me down quickly, let's take a taxi, shall we?

Sun Zihang was a little stubborn at this time.

Not only did he not answer, but he deliberately stepped up a little bit faster as if to prove himself.

The hotel is not so close to the airport that it is obviously impossible to walk there.

Although the two finally took a taxi to come here.

But my girlfriend is very satisfied.

It was as if being with this man had already accumulated an unknown amount of virtue in a previous life.

"Look, dear, it's the seaside! 35

The girlfriend stood by the floor-to-ceiling window, pointing to the sandy beach in the distance.

The view from this room was really good, with most of the seaside view.

"Want to play for a while?"

Sun Zihang, who was sitting on the sofa, stood up, and it seemed that he planned to take his girlfriend there to play.

Girlfriend is about to agree.

But after seeing Sun Zihang's slightly trembling legs, he immediately dismissed the idea.

0・・For flowers............

"There is no way to run by the sea, we have to stay here for a few more days, we will go back.

"I'm also a little tired on the way, let's rest first.""

The two were silently caring for each other.

How many men and women who are in love actually parted ways because they didn't do this well.

And this problem, in these two people, does not seem to happen at all.

hotel restaurant.

Two people ordered a lot of food.

Sun Zihang pointed to the scenery outside the window and chatted with his girlfriend.


But suddenly, his girlfriend's expression seemed to freeze.

The water friends were curious, and following her gaze, they saw a handsome man who had just walked into the restaurant.

Sun Zihang also looked back curiously.

He asked suspiciously, "Baby, what are you looking at?"

The girlfriend came back to her senses immediately.

Hastily said: "No, nothing."

Judging from her unusual performance, she knew everything she was hiding.

However, out of trust in her, Sun Zihang did not continue to ask questions.

While eating, his girlfriend also looked somewhat absent-minded.

Until the man passed by here, saw his girlfriend at a glance, and walked straight over.

"Why are you here?"

"Is this your new boyfriend working at night?"

"Your eyesight is getting worse and worse."

"In addition to being a little white face, what else can this guy compare to me?

For this kind of player who suddenly appeared and then started talking trash, he must have the villain script.

Sun Zihang frowned and stared at the man badly.

Maybe he hasn't figured out the relationship between him and his girlfriend, so he is holding back his anger.

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