Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

235: One wave is not flat, another wave rises

235: One wave is not flat, another wave rises

It is clear.

Sun Zihang drank the wine and talked about it.

But no one was willing to help him.

Think about it too.

That's a full half a million.

In these days, even relatives would be pitiful when it comes to borrowing money.

Not to mention being friends at the wine table.

Seeing Sun Zihang's appearance, his girlfriend felt extremely distressed.

But she didn't know how to help him.

500,000, this huge sum of money she is also helpless.

Suddenly encountered such a big change.

It made the water friends feel embarrassed.

"It's really true to that sentence, life is impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine."

"It's so good to go out on a trip, how come this kind of thing is put on the table, whoever does it first will definitely suffer!"

"I don't think this matter is actually that powerful, it must be what the man used, it seems that his background is not simple!

"If it were me, I wouldn't lose money, and if you had any, you could send me to jail!

"Brother upstairs, don't say this kind of sarcastic words, the matter is not on your head, you can say whatever you want.

Things in this world are often like this.

If you don't put yourself in your shoes, you won't feel that feeling at all.

I always see some very pitiful people on the Internet.

Sympathy belongs to sympathy, but who can know what kind of trouble these poor people are living in.

In a desperate situation, what kind of despair would they be.

"Hello? It's me, I have something to discuss with you. 35

The girlfriend held the mobile phone indifferently, and the person on the other side, needless to say, knew who it would be.

By the next day, it was close to noon.

Sun Zihang woke up with a splitting headache.

When I walked out of the bedroom, I saw my girlfriend was cooking porridge in the kitchen.

"You're awake~||?

"Go wash your face quickly, the porridge will be ready soon.

"I have good news for you in a moment.

Sun Zihang obediently went to wash his face, and then sat down at the dining table.

His girlfriend put a bowl of fragrant preserved egg and lean meat porridge in front of him.

And then out of nowhere came an agreement.

"Honey, look. 35

"I talked to the other party's lawyer.

"After some negotiation, we can repay the half a million in one year."

"In this way, he only needs to give him more than 40,000 yuan a month.""

"As long as we work hard and add the open exchange, the 40,000 yuan should still be available.

Sun Zihang's eyes widened as he looked at the unsigned agreement.

He looked at his girlfriend in disbelief.

Some excitedly asked: "Baby, how did you do it!"

Girlfriend is a little proud.

He said, "It's nothing.

"I just called the lawyer and said we were willing to pay.

"It's just that I can't take it out at one time, let him help negotiate it."

"I actually didn't hold any hope, I never thought that it would actually succeed!"

Sun Zihang excitedly hugged his girlfriend and turned around several times.

This is indeed great news for him.

"Alright alright, put me down, my head is dizzy.""

"You sign it first, then I'll deliver the agreement. Luo

"How long have you been drinking yesterday, and then have a good sleep after drinking the porridge.

"Dear, although we have a turnaround this time.

"But you have to work harder."

“If it defaults, it will be more troublesome.35

Sun Zihang looked at his girlfriend affectionately.

He helped her sort out the broken hair around her ear.

"Wife, you have worked so hard. 35

The simple "wife" two people, but let the girlfriend's eyes be lost.

Sun Zihang had never called her that, but always called her baby.

Now that he calls himself "wife", does that mean that he is planning to marry himself?

"Hey, husband!

The girlfriend also shouted sweetly.

Then he told Sun Zihang to eat porridge quickly.

I changed my clothes and went to deliver the agreement.

Danger temporarily removed.

Finally, the water friends also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there are still many doubts.

But that's not the point.

As long as people are still alive, there is always a chance to turn around.

Now the opportunity is in front of you, and the rest is hard work.

As the saying goes, good fortune and misfortune do not come singly.

Just when everyone thought that this event was about to end.

Another disaster, like the sky falling down, happened again.

Girlfriend is at work.

Suddenly received a call from Sun Zihang.

""Hello? Husband, I'm at work, what's the matter for a while..."

(Wang Hao) My girlfriend hasn't finished speaking yet, but the unfamiliar voice on the phone.

And the ruthless language made her tremble, and the phone fell directly to the ground.

She couldn't care less.

Pick up your phone, grab your bag and jacket and run outside.

The leader walked in from the outside and called her, but she didn't hear it.

Just because the call was from the hospital.

Sun Zihang was in a car accident!

"Actually the reason why I want to leave her.""

"It wasn't all about her mental instability. 55

"It's more because... I don't have much time."

'Even if her problems can be cured, why should she experience life and death separation?

"Wouldn't it be better for me to leave silently..."

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