Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

252: Some people can't go back if they're wrong

252: Some people can't go back if they're wrong

No matter where you are now, it is rare to see children running around naked.

It doesn't just mean better living conditions.

It also means that the per capita quality has become higher.

But after hearing what my best friend said, many water friends did think of their childhood.

At that time, the family conditions were not very good, and the children went out to play in piles.

There are always a few unclothed in there.

This couldn't be more normal.

At that time, the children were naive and terribly naive, how could they be like ~ today's children.

When you're older, you know more than adults.

But An'an didn't agree with what her best friend said.

Immediately said: "That was then.

"I've already asked."

"Now the orphanages are all subsidized, although not many."

"But at least ensure that there is no problem with the children's clothing, food, housing and transportation."

"Even according to what you said, these subsidies are not enough for the children to eat well."

"But two suits per person isn't too much, right?

"At least when it comes to changing and washing, you won't have no clothes to wear. 35

"Several times I've smelled a sour smell on several children."

"It's been a long time, what should I do if I get any skin disease?"

An An is really thinking about the children.

And what she said was reasonable.

Maintain poor personal hygiene.

It can easily lead to many diseases.

It even includes some infectious diseases.

Many children in orphanages are very young and do not have many antibodies themselves.

If one person gets sick, other children will suffer as well.

But obviously.

These simple truths.

The girlfriends didn't listen at all.

She still stubbornly believes that the dean will never do those things that are sorry for the children.

There must be other reasons for the problem with the previous meals.

So he said: "After all, you just killed the dean in one bite. Is there a problem?"

"An An, I don't know what happened to you and the dean before."

"And for what purpose, he must be trapped in a state of inhumanity and injustice!"

Her attitude made it clear that An An was deliberately targeting the dean.

More or less generalization, putting the cart before the horse.

Even some water friends can see it now.

An An is not right at all.

If it weren't for the dean who did these things, if it were anyone else, she wouldn't ignore it.

As for the attitude of girlfriends, the views of water friends are also somewhat different now.

"I really think something is wrong with this dean now. He doesn't seem to really like the children."

"I only have one question now, since the orphanage is subsidized, why am I not seeing any improvement in the children's lives?

"There was no relevant policy before, and I can understand that the children are suffering, but now the policy is so good, it should not be.

"Actually, I think there's nothing wrong with what my best friend did. After all, the dean should be a very important person to her."

"To put it bluntly, isn't it just helping the relatives and not helping the rationale, but the facts are not clear now, so we shouldn't make random conclusions."

People's way of thinking is different.

It's not surprising to think about it until the dust settles.

Girlfriends feel that An An is a little strange now.

But for An An, it's not like this.

She really didn't understand, even if her best friend was brought up by the dean.

That can't cover up the wrong things the dean has done!

So she said, "Is it so hard to admit mistakes?"

0・・For flowers.....

"I'm really not trying to target the dean, just trying to figure out why the kids only have one dress!"5

"Clothes? Just clothes?

Girlfriend sneered.

Then looked at An An with a look of distrust.

He feigned anger: "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking.

"You must be trying to say that those subsidies were misappropriated by the dean.

"Is it necessary to use clothes as a pretense if you want to add sins without any excuses?"5

Facing the very irrational behavior of protecting the calf at the moment.

An An was really angry.

Because she doesn't make sense at all.

Seeing that the quarrel between the two intensified.

Ye Xuan suddenly spoke at this moment.

"If you keep arguing like this, can you guys come up with the result?"

"Good and evil in this world are often in one thought. 99

"You're about to take a wrong step, and sometimes you can't go back.35

The water friends are used to Ye Xuan telling these profound truths.

But when the girlfriend heard it, she sneered.

"Who wouldn't say anything about pulling the text."

"I know you must also think that the Dean is not a good person.

"But do you know how the dean treated us when I was young?

"In heavy snow, he didn't let us catch a cold."

"Not only did they give us thick clothes, but they even tried desperately to find coal.

"I have dried and cracked my frozen skin, can such a person be a bad person?"

I saw my girlfriend berate me.

Ye Xuan wasn't angry either.

Instead, he said calmly: "Of course I know.

"Since you have repeatedly mentioned your childhood, you want to show that the dean is a good person.

"Early hearing is false, seeing is true, then why don't we see it."

Say it.

Ye Xuan directly motivated Hongchen Zhufan.

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