Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

519: How to become a face that steel can't penetrate

519: How to become a face that steel can't penetrate

Mother Zhang also responded:

"Yes, so what if there is a video. 35

"It's all so big, no one is a little three or a four."

"Anyway, we're staying here now, and Yao Peng won't leave unless he pays!"

Seeing the shameless appearance of Zhang Yue's mother and daughter, the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked:

"That cheeky skin?'35

"It's a shame, it's the bark of the old tree.

"More than that, it is estimated that the train can be driven on it."

"Zhang Yue, please come up with a book, how can you cultivate a face like you that steel can't penetrate. 39

"+1+1, if the book is published, I will buy it as soon as possible! 35

Not only the audience in the live room.

The onlookers next to them were also amazed at the faces of Zhang Yue's mother and daughter.

Zhang Yue didn't seem to be able to hear these discussions.

His eyes were fixed on Yao Peng at 803.

Make it clear that if you don't give money, you won't leave.

Yao Peng was also annoyed, took out a bank card, frowned and said:

"My house is in my parents' name.

"This is pre-marital property, even if you don't cheat, you can't take it away.

"We have been married for more than a year and have savings of over a hundred thousand. I don't want this money anymore."

"It's all for you, as long as you sign the divorce, don't bother me again.""

"Yao Peng is also very good.

"I was wearing a green hat and actually gave the other party money."

"Dude, don't give money! Give it once and get a second time (acej), a third time!"

"This kind of person reports directly to the officials, what do they do with the money??"

"If you try it like this, it's obvious that there is no way to deal with this rogue.

Seeing that Yao Peng wanted to pay for the solution, the audience in the live broadcast room were all anxious.

Shouting can't give money.

But they didn't expect it.

In the picture of Hong Chenzhu, Zhang Yue slapped Yao Peng's face with his backhand.

The audience in the live broadcast room was blinded, not knowing what the situation was.

Not only the audience, but even Yao Peng was confused.

His face turned away, only to hear Zhang Yue's angry voice:

"You scumbag."

"I guessed right.""

"You just have an affair, you can't be so decisive. 35

"You think you can get rid of me by a hundred thousand, I tell you! Impossible."

"I have regretted it, I won't get a divorce, with me in one day, your mistress will not be able to take the position!

"You put away your fantasies as soon as possible!


The audience in the live broadcast room was really surprised:

"Is there something wrong with this woman's brain circuit?

"Be confident upstairs, this is definitely a problem.

"What kind of talent can give birth to this kind of sand sculpture."

"This brain is no longer just water, it's a septic tank!"

Not just the live audience.

Even Yao Peng was shocked when he reacted.

Looking at Zhang Yue with an angry face, he was about to laugh angrily.

"This money is also based on our marital relationship."

"I don't have to give it to you. 95

"If you like it or not, leave if you don't.

“If I take the money to feed a dog, it will wag my tail. 35

Saying that, he squinted at Zhang Yue and sneered.

I don't want to stand here watching Zhang Yue's farce, just like leaving.

As a result, before taking a few steps, Zhang Yue grabbed his arm:

"You are not allowed to go!

Yao Peng was helpless, took out his phone and called his parents.

At this time, relatives and friends were also at home.

With a phone call, seven or eight relatives came down directly from the corridor, all of them tall and big.

Looking at Zhang Yue's mother and daughter, her face was fierce.

"What are you doing here?"

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