Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

562: I was sold and still helping others count the money

562: I was sold and still helping others count the money

Zhang Meng was still hesitating.

But the man cracked a lot and said a lot.

In my mind, I couldn't help but start to fantasize about being rich and eating spicy food.

He also laughed stupidly.

"Then we will have money together, and we will enjoy happiness together."

"This TMD can also be trusted!"

"Whenever I thought it was over, they always refreshed my three views. 95

"Sure enough, there is no stupidest, only more stupid."

"I'm really wondering now why such a fool can make so much money."

"What's the use of earning so much? Even if it's sold, it's still helping others count the money.""

In the red dust beads, Zhang Meng and the two actually really attracted the strong man's words.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Straight 02 call fool!

At this time, the strong man also stretched out his hand and said:

"Listen to me right. 35

"Now you give me your hands, and the three of us make a lot of money together.

"it is good!"

The man was the first to respond and held the strong man's hand.

"Then we'll be together...

Halfway through the words, a sharp pain came from his hand.

He was in pain, his face was blue and his face was distorted.


"What are you doing!

"Let go, let go!

The man screamed in pain.

But his hand was tightly held by the strong man, and he couldn't let go.

Soon, there was a crisp bone cracking sound.

Cooperate with the man's scream.

His hand can be said to be useless.

The strong man let go of his hand, and the man had no strength in pain.

Lying on the ground clutching hands kept hurting.

The strong man pulled out a smile, squatted beside the man and said slowly.

"Does it hurt?"

"Do you want me to help you relieve the pain?

The man kept nodding.

The next moment, someone stomped on his stomach.

This time the man fainted in pain.

"I go!"

"This is a cruel man!"

"This physical pain relief method, bullshit!"

"Looking at how powerful the pain relief is, I immediately fainted."

"Man, I feel like my hands and stomach are starting to hurt."

"Such a ferocious person, why do I think he is kind and amiable just now that I was dumbfounded?

"It's called people in the rivers and lakes, and it all depends on acting skills. 19

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked when they watched the strong man in the red dust beads knock the man out.

At this time, in the picture, Zhang Meng was also flustered and sweaty.

The man's miserable appearance cast a huge shadow on her.

Looking at the strong man, he couldn't help but start to tremble.

He kept stepping back, his voice trembling.

"Don't come here."

"You're here...I just...I just..."

Zhang wanted to say a few harsh words at this time.

But after a few comparisons, I found that I was not comparable to the other party at all.

In an instant, 817 could not say a word.

His eyes were red, and he was trembling with fear.

Strong man, hand over the girl to the younger brother behind him for protection.

Looking at Zhang Meng's face carefully.

"I really can't tell that you are also white. 35

"I didn't expect it to be so vicious.

"I already knew what you did to my daughter.

"What do you think I should do with you?

The strong man said casually.

But Zhang Meng was so panicked that he fell to the ground when his legs went soft.

He begged for mercy intermittently:

"I was wrong, I was really wrong.

"Everything was forced on me by that man.

"I am also a victim, and I am also forced."

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