Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

605: Your mouth is so stinky, have you eaten garlic?

605: Your mouth is so stinky, have you eaten garlic?

Hu Xiaomeng said a lot.

Hu Daniu was really speechless, and all his grievances were backed up in his chest.

He was almost suffocated to death, but in front of Hu Xiaomeng, he still tried his best to restrain himself from being impulsive.

Take a few deep breaths, try to calm yourself down, and say slowly:

"What is the specific purpose, I can't tell you right now."

"But, Xiaomeng, you have to believe me, I will not hurt you. 35

"There is only one person who hurts you, and that is Li Chenglong, we must go quickly! 35

Hu Daniu gave a bitter face and laboriously explained.

But Hu Xiaomeng didn't believe it at all, instead sneered:

"You can't even say what the purpose is, just say there is a purpose.35

"I think you made it all up, don't come near me.

"I'm going to wait for my dad to pick me up, I won't believe you."

After speaking, he broke free from Hu Daniu's hand, and went back to the room by himself, sulking.

Hu Daniu lay on the sofa decadently, covered his eyes, and cried out in pain:

"Why do so many things happen to me~||.""

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room saw Hu Daniu like this.

Also bursts of sighs.

"It's your fault that you don't have a mouth and can't explain."

"You can't say that, maybe Hu Xiaomeng won't listen to it after explaining it."

"If you want me to say, just leave it alone, Hu Xiaomeng jumps into the fire pit, let her go. 55

"No matter what Hu Daniu says, Hu Xiaomeng won't believe it, it's really too difficult.

"In the final analysis, I have to blame Li Chenglong, this rogue scum. I want to rush in and punch a few times."

"Thank you very much for Li Chenglong's various actions, which cured my low blood pressure for many years, and now it is too high to go down."

After sighing.

The audience in the live broadcast room scolded Li Chenglong one after another.

If it weren't for the screen, I would want to rush in and punch a few times.

at this time.

The picture of the red dust beads continued.

A cell phone rang in the living room.

Hu Daniu picked up the answer: "Crooked?

Jackie Lee's voice rang across the phone:

"Big cow, it's me, Jackie Chan."

"I've thought about it, and I think it's not worth it for my two brothers to do this for Hu Xiaomeng.

"Although you have taken care of Xiaomeng for more than ten years, we have been brothers for decades."5

"No matter how you compare it, brothers and friends are more important, don't you think?"

Hearing this, Hu Daniu rolled his eyes to the sky: "Are you speaking human words?"

"What do you mean?"

Li Chenglong smiled and said, "You understand what I mean."

"It's you who gave me Xiaomeng, we are still brothers."

"I will also give you a house and your daughter-in-law, and even if you have children in the future, I will try my best to take care of them.

"You compare it, it must be much better than the poor life you are living with Xiao Meng now, isn't it?"

"We are brothers, how to choose, I don't need to say more.

Listening to Li Chenglong's reversal of black and white, his shameless words are loose.

Hu Daniu couldn't believe that this was his (Qian Li's) brother whom he had known for decades.

In the end, only one word was given: "Go away!"

Li Chenglong exclaimed: "Why are you scolding people!"

"I persuade you well, if you don't listen, forget about it, scold me for what.

Hu Dani's arrogant chest kept heaving up and down, and blue veins appeared on his arms.

"Cao f*ck."


"Have you eaten too much and your mouth is full of soaring. 35

"Go back to your septic tank, don't come out and pollute the air."

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