Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

619: Years of parenting turned out to be a joke

619: Years of parenting, it turns out to be a joke

And Hu Daniu still looked like he didn't care, and it had nothing to do with him.

Knowing what happened to Li Chenglong doesn't have much to do with him either.

He is an old-fashioned and stubborn person, and it is difficult to change things that have been decided.

Even a daughter who has been loved and raised for more than ten years is not enough.

Finally, with a sigh, he bowed his head slightly towards Ye Xuan and thanked:

"Master Ye, thank you very much!

"If it wasn't for you, I would never have known that my parenting over the years was a joke."

"Thank you for letting me know what I really want today.

Ye Xuan waved his hand and said:

"you are welcome.

"Although Hu Xiaomeng is young, he is ambitious and vicious.

"You can do whatever it takes to achieve a purpose.

"You will be separated sooner or later."

"It's just that I moved this time earlier."

"Now is the best time, you have also discovered the true face of Hu Xiaomeng. 99

"You gave up too much for her before.

"Now it's time for you to live for yourself too.

"I have a healing talisman here.

"Can cure your uremia.""

"Improve your quality of life.

Looking at the spell on Ye Xuan's hand, Hu Daniu was moved to tears.

Kneeling directly on the ground, thinking about Ye Xuan's kowtow:

"Master Ye."

"How can I be..."

"I used to think that I would spend my whole life watching the dialysis test.

"I really didn't think there would be a day when there would be a cure.

"Thank you so much, Master Ye."

Ye Xuan waved his hands indifferently.

When he turned his hand, the spell in his hand ignited without fire.

Wait for the healing spell to burn out.

Hu Daniu's face changed greatly.

He felt a warm current slowly flowing towards his lower back.

For a while, the pool was full, and the feeling of wanting to erupt came.


Hu Daniu clutched his waist in embarrassment, nodded to Ye Xuan, and rushed to the bathroom.

When he came out, he had a happy smile on his face!

"Hahaha!" 9

"I'm all right. 35

"I'm really good!""

"My uremia is cured!"

"Master Lin, I haven't been so happy for a long time."

"Every time I go to the bathroom, it's like being sentenced, and I don't feel it at the end. 35

"You can only survive on dialysis.

"That feeling is too painful, I don't want to experience it in my life."

"Boom boom boom..."

Hu Daniu looked at Ye Xuan with gratitude on his face.

After speaking, he knelt on the ground again and kowtowed to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan waved his hands indifferently: "You don't need to thank me for your effort. 99

Hu Daniu shook his head solemnly:


"It's not just a hands-on effort.

"This is a great thing for me."

"If you have not had uremia, you will not experience the joy of drinking water. 850"

"Even if you are thirsty, you have to endure it and don't drink too much water.

"I can only rely on physical labor to induce sweat, and my body is edema all the time. 35

"This feeling is driving me crazy."

“Especially after deciding to forgo treatment because of lack of money.35

"I even thought about suicide.

"It's all relying on me to go, and Xiaomeng has no one to take care of, this belief is supported.

"Just now, this belief also collapsed. 35

"Really, Master Ye, without you, I don't think you would be able to bear it for a long time and committed suicide.

"Master Ye, your spell is really powerful."

"I don't know how to thank you, but I will reward you with all my money!"

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