Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

623: There is no object yet, there is a problem with the designation

623: There is no object yet, and there is a problem with the designation

The man who saw the photo album was above average in appearance.

Wearing gold wire glasses, the whole body exudes a refined and stable atmosphere.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more puzzled.

This is not considered to be disgusting and unable to see people, so why can't you find the object.

He Youwei said slowly:

"You have also seen the appearance, it is definitely not ugly, and the face is disgusting. 55

"It's my son after all, and I'm very confident about that. 95

"As for the other characters..."

Speaking of this, He Youwei's expression was a little strange.

He also faltered when he spoke, as if he was hiding something.

"Character, character, it's useless for me to say more now.

"It's still until you get to know each other, and you will know it after you get to know it slowly!"

"And I've also tried all the dating sites on our side."

"There are also many girls who want to marry into our family."

"But those girls are either interested in our family's possessions.""

"Either the conditions are poor and there is no match at all."

"Even if there is a suitable one, if you don't know each other for a few days, you will say no.

"In the final analysis, which daughters are too high-minded.

"We can't look down on such good conditions."

"Don't want my son, it's really their loss.

He Youwei said with a look of resentment, obviously the final result of the previous blind date was very unpleasant.

At this time.

Ye Xuan laughed: "Why don't you tell the truth.""

"This is not the fundamental reason why your son can't find a partner."

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room were blinded:

"what's the situation!"

"No, no, no, there is a secret!"

"Good guy, maybe his son can't do it!

"Hey, no, I think there must be some kind of ulterior hobby. 35

“It’s a bit problematic to designate if you’re not married at thirty. 35

"Really, I was almost deceived, I really thought which girls had high vision.

"Brother, hurry up and tell me what's going on with your son, I'm going to die of curiosity.

After the circle is over.

They were all curious about what happened to He Youwei's son, and they couldn't find the target.


He Youwei's face in the camera is full of embarrassment of being dismantled.

His face flushed red.

But still stubborn!

"Don't talk nonsense!""

"My son is fine!"

"It's all those girls who have no vision! 99

"I don't want my son, so don't slander him here!

Ye Xuan laughed: "Then look at this.

"Just like that, does it mean that your son is okay?"


Ye Xuan stroked the red dust beads with his right hand.

next moment.

The red dust beads appear on the screen.

On screen:

He Youwei took a thick stack of documents and walked into a store called "Fate and One Line".

As soon as I walked in, I was kicked out in a few seconds.

Information was thrown all over the floor.

The clerk also scolded:

"You don't know what your son is!"5

"Don't come next time!"

"I feel sick when I see pictures of your son!

"You are not welcome in our store!"

He Youwei's face was flushed, and he just wanted to scold.

A "touch" sound.

The door was slammed shut.

He Youwei picked up the information on the ground and walked towards another blind date shop.

He also scolded: "It's really blinding 4.9 light."

"Not wanting my son is your loss, do you know that! 99

"My son is so good, yet no one wants her! 35

With that said, he walked into the second store again.

As expected, after a few seconds, he was kicked out again.

He Youwei didn't give up and went to the third...fourth...

Each one did not stay for more than a minute.

All were kicked out.

"Good guy, then your son is really miserable.

"In this case, give me a peach blossom talisman, otherwise this reputation will not be easy to find.

With Ye Xuan's words.

The audience in the live broadcast room also believed in He Youwei.

The sympathizer, his son, was pitted so miserably by an old woman.


Lin Xuan said: "However, He Youwei did not complete the words."

"There is still a prequel to the 850.

"You can watch the prequels, and then decide whether his son is really miserable.

"You can decide again whether you want to give the peach blossom charm."

Ye Xuan said, his right hand stroked the red dust beads in his hand.

next moment.

A screen appeared in the red dust beads.

on the screen.

He Youwei is sitting in a bar drinking with friends.

After a few drinks, He Youwei's face was flushed, and his eyes were already confused.

Annoyingly shouted:

"I've been annoyed to death by my dad lately.

"I was asked to find someone every day, and I wanted to find it too, but I couldn't find it! 35

At this time, a friend next to him pointed to the middle of the bar and said:

"Dacheng, I see such a beautiful girl, look!

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