Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

696: Why don't I have such a good big brother

696: Why don't I have such a good big brother

The woman nodded, sighed, and said slowly:

"My name is Meng Ting, and the person lying on the hospital bed behind me is my husband, Wang Tao. 99

Meng Ting said, moving aside from the seat next to her, and lowered her head to the hospital bed.

I saw a pale man lying on the hospital bed with a thick bandage wrapped around his head.

Hands are full of needles.

The man's eyes were closed, and there was no sign of waking up at all.

Seeing this, Meng Ting sighed again and continued:

"Our husband and wife have a daughter named Wang Meng. 99

"Twenty years ago, we caught up and made some money.


"I came back to do a few projects and opened a company, which is one of the best in our county.

"My husband is also a lover, he is the eldest in the family and has many younger brothers and sisters.

"At the time, my family was very poor. My husband went out to work hard. Now that he is rich, he doesn't forget his younger brothers and sisters."

"Sometimes this family buys a car, the other buys a house, and they need to borrow money from my husband."

"My husband is also a bad guy, he can borrow any amount of money.

"Originally, it was okay for brothers and sisters to borrow money, but they never thought about paying back the money!

"And it's not a small amount of money, it's one or two million! 99

"Ordinary people don't necessarily earn this kind of money in their lifetime.

"I have quarreled with my husband many times about this matter, but he is still like that, responsive to his needs."

"Not only that, during the New Year's Eve the year before, my husband drank too much, and started talking big in front of everyone. 35

"He blushed and started shouting, in the future, if your nephew and niece want to go to school, just ask him for money, and he will cover the tuition and living expenses.

"Results the next day, just the next day!"

"His second brother ran over and said that his daughter is going to study in a beautiful country."

"My husband is also generous and gave 500,000 yuan on the spot."

"On the third day, his third brother came again and said that his son was going to study in a small island country, and my husband paid another 500,000 yuan.

"I didn't even discuss it with me, I didn't even ask (acej) to ask.

"In the end, when I did the reckoning, I found out that there were millions less. 35

"He just told me, and he said it's fine, they're brothers, and it's nothing to spend a little money. 35

"I was about to die of anger!"

Meng Ting said that in the end, she had gritted her teeth, clenched her fist and slammed the hammer on her leg.

Panting heavily, his chest rose and fell violently, and it was obvious that he was out of breath.

But the audience in the live broadcast room remained skeptical when they heard this:

"Is there really such a bad guy?"

"Why don't I have such a good big brother. 35

"I also doubt... even my brother can't borrow millions without paying it back.

"This story is also made up a little bit like, direct borrowing of several million millions, even if you have money, you can't be so complete."

"Yes, if this is true, I will doubt how his IQ earned so much money."

For Meng Ting's statement, the audience in the live broadcast room did not believe it at all.

Directly say that Meng Ting is lying, and some even let Meng Ting go down, stop lying on it.

Seeing that the audience in the live broadcast room did not believe it, Meng Ting was not too angry.

Instead, he laughed at himself:

"I don't blame you for not believing. 35

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really don't want to believe that such a bad guy really exists.

"However, I did not lie."

"I still have evidence. I'll take out the evidence, and you'll know when you look at it."

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