Qin Yue's every move.

It all fell into the eyes of the head teacher, and she was also very surprised.

Qin Yue finished feeding and left the classroom.

The head teacher’s mood is also complicated.

"This Master Qin... Master Qin, although you have indeed accomplished things that others could not do before, there are also conditions for adoption, and you seem to meet none of them."

As an orphan, Qin Yue has superior intelligence and has memories from when he was three years old. He naturally knows what conditions are needed to adopt an orphan.

According to national regulations, families without children can adopt orphans.

And the adopter must be 30 years old. If He is a single man without a spouse, adopting a girl.

There needs to be a 40-year age difference.

Qin Yue is so young, so it is naturally impossible

"I don't qualify, but some people do."

Qin Yue looked at Cheng Xiangguo

"Boss Cheng, don’t you mind having one more granddaughter? I see that you are destined to this child. From now on, she will be my apprentice."

Obviously, Qin Yue wants Cheng Xiangguo to adopt this girl.

After all, Cheng Xiangguo has a very upright family style and a strong background, which can suppress evil spirits.

Cheng Xiangguo was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, also full of surprise.

"Of course, my grandson happens to be the same age as Xiao Yan, so Xiao Yan will be my granddaughter from now on!"

Subsequently, he communicated with the head teacher and made a phone call to ask his children to come over as soon as possible to complete the procedures.

Originally, according to national regulations, the family adopting the child must have no children.

However, according to the adoptee, who is an orphan, In some cases, this restriction is not required.

That is, the adopted orphan has no parents or is disabled.

It does not matter if the adopter has children.

Xiaoyan's parents are both dead and one of his eyes is blind.

Obviously, it fully meets the requirements.

"I will ask my son to complete the next procedures."

"Let's go have lunch first!"

"Are you all hungry?"

Cheng Xiangguo said.

Everyone naturally agreed.

Zeng Qiang and Yang Wenshan also finished the interview at this time. The group drove to the Shenghao Hotel and had a feast.

Originally, according to the process, this application would definitely take ten and a half days. The moon can't even set.

However, Cheng Xiangguo made a few calls, and the matter was passed quickly without review.

Even that afternoon,

Xiao Yan had already packed his things and walked out of the orphanage.

The other party's two hands were raised. , it looked like two adults were holding her hands.

But there was nothing on both sides of her.

The head teacher also followed out.

She added Qin Yue's WeChat account, so that she could contact her frequently in the future to learn about Xiao Yan's current situation.

"From now on, please ask Master Qin to take good care of Xiao Yan!"

The head teacher knows that Xiao Yan's matter is obviously not something that ordinary families can take care of. It is a last resort to leave it to this young fortune teller.

But everything has a way.

When Xiao Yan is left in the orphanage, when he thinks of his parents, By my side.

This head teacher is also very scared.

"Don’t worry, teacher, she will be my apprentice from now on!"

Qin Yue doesn't accept disciples casually.

Xiao Yan is definitely a rare cultivation genius in this world.

Qin Yue rubbed Xiao Yan's little head and said:"Call me Master"

"It’s okay if you don’t call me dad, after all, I have a dad!"

Xiao Yan looked at his right side.

Then he looked at Qin Yue and called out softly.


"Ah! Quite cute. He smiled and said:"Let's go, get in the car.""

Qin Yue opened the car door and carried Xiao Yan into the back seat.

Even Xiao Zi was behind the car, taking care of Xiao Yan.

"This is Xiao Zi, she will be your relative from now on, you can call her sister"


Xiao Yan looked at Xiao Zi with strange eyes, and then he didn't care anymore.

"Sister, you sat on your mother’s skirt and she was very angry"

"It doesn't matter, I'm not afraid of her, she can't beat me"

"Sister, you are so powerful, even my father can't beat my mother."

The two of them were talking like children, but what they said might make outsiders' hair stand on end.

The car was speeding on the road.

Two hours later, they finally returned to the manor.

Xiao Zi went to cook, while Qin Yue started to prepare materials.

He planned to A new puppet has been made.

However, this puppet is different from the Tianji puppet.

It is a ghost puppet.

The resentful soul is sealed in the jade tablet, and finally placed in the puppet, so that the ghost can control the puppet and carry out activities in the world.

The jade tablet's Of course he had the materials. He directly carved them out and embedded them into the Yin Gathering Formation, the Soul-nurturing Formation, and the Child-Mother Heart-Connecting Formation.

As for the materials for the puppet,

Qin Yue directly uprooted the large locust tree in the back garden of the manor.

Using this locust tree , making wooden puppets.

Sophora trees, because half of them are ghosts, will always attract dirty things.

Planting sophora trees by the river is very unlucky and can easily breed water ghosts.

This breeding does not mean that they are born out of thin air.

But if someone is here If you drown in the river, the soul will become more resentful and eventually become a powerful ghost, doubling the harm to people.

Therefore, the manor designed by Yang Wenshan is really a surprise to the Feng Shui master.

If it weren't for the huge locust tree, he would be a little bit... I wanted to wait for Xiao Zi to make cakes when the locust tree bloomed.

It had been chopped down long ago.

Of course, it is not too late to chop it down now!

Two hours later, two wooden puppets also appeared in Qin Yue's hands.

One male and one male. Females, one is 70cm tall and the other is 50cm tall. They are equally proportioned and very handsome and beautiful.

But they have no clothes and no gender.


"Xiao Zi, make some clothes for these two puppets, just a red skirt and a black suit."

"Good boss!"

Qin Yue waved to Xiao Yan again.

Ask her to come over.

"Give me your hand!"

Xiao Yan handed his hand to Qin Yue with trust.

"I'll give you two gifts."

Qin Yue pricked Xiao Yan's finger and dripped blood on the jade talisman.

The next moment, the two souls around Xiao Yan seemed to be absorbed by a strong suction force, and quickly fell into the jade talisman.

Then , a jade talisman turned black.

A jade talisman turned blood red.

Qin Yue put the jade talisman into the dolls and put on the clothes made by Xiao Zi.

These two dolls were very It’s so lifelike.

The male doll is handsome and the female doll is beautiful.

And you can’t tell at all that it’s made of wood.

"Dad, Mom!"

Xiao Yan hugged the two dolls and was very happy.

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