Cheng Feng looked at Qin Yue expectantly.

Cheng Feng can be regarded as having to seek medical treatment indiscriminately due to an acute illness!

After all, Qin Yue is too young.

But Qin Yue's temperament is outstanding, and yesterday he spent several million, and he is still driving Cullinan.

Even the manor he lived in was sold by Yang Wenshan, saying it was a manor with bad feng shui.

Today he came for the first time and found that this manor was completely different.

The lavender has been removed, but instead the dragon bamboo is planted. After entering, I just feel that my breath is refreshing and it is so comfortable.

This has definitely been changed.

This master must have some skills.

However, long-term illness becomes a cure.

Cheng Feng's daughter has this disease, and because she always goes to see the master, she can more or less tell whether the master is real or fake.

Some masters made their daughters feel better after reading it.

Some masters don't work at all.

But keep watching.

This is a father's responsibility.

At this time, Qin Yue naturally understood that Cheng Feng was only looking at his own financial resources to speculate on his own strength. If he wanted to convince this person to do what he said, he still had to look at his true ability.

Qin Yue looked at Cheng Jiao intently, and the next moment he saw seven connected lines behind the other party's fat body.

Every connection has a substitute.

Qin Yue said speechlessly:"Boss Cheng, do you want me to tell the truth?"

"Master, just say it"

"Boss Cheng, have you ever heard of the saying that the fortunes get thinner and thinner?"

"Ah, I’ve heard of it. Do you mean that I shouldn’t continue to tell my daughter’s fortune?"

Cheng Feng had doubts in his eyes. Doesn't it mean Qin Yue doesn't want to tell his daughter's fortune?

Or can't he solve the current situation?

Qin Yue looked at Cheng Jiao and said,"When your daughter was six years old, she got into trouble. Something, started to have a high fever, talked nonsense, and fell into a coma."

"And she called her grandpa, grandpa, but her grandpa died before she was born."

"You realized something was wrong and asked a master to exorcise the ghost. Finally, the master said, this ghost is powerful and expelling it will cause harm to your daughter, so you had to make a paper man substitute and let the paper man substitute replace your daughter to show filial piety to the old ghost. , you can trick the ghost away"

"Am i right?"

Cheng Feng was shocked when he heard this.

Can this be calculated?

After all, this is a very distant thing, and he can guarantee that he has not told Xie Lu, which means Qin Yue cannot know from Xie Lu's mouth This matter.

This Qin Yue is a really capable master.

"Yes, Master, you are right."

Qin Yue nodded,"The art of paper-tying has been around for a long time, and it has always been a very simple and traditional method."

"Using paper to make buildings, carriages, cars, and even later developed into sending villas, computers, mobile phones, etc., to send things to the dead people to the earthly world."

"The paper figurine is a substitute item. Write your daughter's birth date on it and give it to an old ghost as a substitute."

"This will appease this old ghost and let your daughter go."

"This is indeed a solution."

However, it is definitely a bad idea.

Qin Yue can also understand.

These masters use this method.

In the end of the Dharma era, inheritance is cut off.

Many masters are either half-baked or have no inheritance and cannot continue to practice.

Naturally, there is no way to master the art of Yin and Yang. There is no way to fight evil spirits.

And the method of paper-tying can indeed alleviate the disease.

Isn't it enough to save the person?

Therefore, paper-tying has become a method for many masters to solve the problem of ghosts.

And it is regarded as the truth.

But of these things, one or two doesn’t matter. If there are too many, it will be bad.

Some masters with stronger strength will also sense these, so after a few pricks, they will no longer prick.

It can only be said that there is nothing that can be done.

So Cheng Feng went to find other masters.

For the sake of money, these masters would also take action. They helped him solve the problem for the time being, and then started to make paper substitutes to send away the evil spirits. It took a long time.

Can it be okay?

Qin Yue He continued:"When your daughter was ten years old, she encountered another dirty thing. It was said that children always wanted to play with her. She started sleepwalking and climbed into the window at night. She had to be tied up. In the end, she was sent away with a paper man as a substitute."

"That's right!"

Cheng Feng nodded sharply again.

"When you were thirteen, you met a dirty person and said you wanted to marry her as your bride, so you made another paper figurine."

"When you were fifteen years old, you met a dirty person who said he wanted to capture her as a scapegoat, so you went ahead and stabbed her."

That's four."

"At the age of 18, a girl in your community failed the college entrance examination and jumped off a building. Your daughter passed by the place where she jumped to her death. When she came back, she was different. She insisted on saying that she was called by another name. She also went to the dead girl's home and said You are their daughter, so this is obviously a ghost. The master who showed you later inserted another paper figurine to replace your daughter."

"When she was in college, your daughter was frightened by dirty things again and always wanted to go swimming. Fortunately, you were well-informed and found someone immediately when the situation happened. This time, the paper man was not burned and was sent directly to the water."

"Also, last year, the person who said he wanted to find your son or daughter as his girlfriend was sent away with a body double."

"From this time on, your daughter became very lazy and began to overeat, and her weight soared to more than 200 pounds."

When Cheng Feng thought about it, he suddenly realized

"Master, that’s right, since last year, she has stopped working after graduating from college and has no plans to continue taking postgraduate examinations.

I didn’t force it. My family was rich, and my child was already sick. Once he got sick, he wouldn’t eat or drink. This might last for a month or half a year.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't go to work, she is always at home, eats well at first, and sleeps after eating. She is as fat as a pig, and there is nothing I can do about it. After all, she is doing well when she is not sick, and she can still talk to me.

But once she gets sick and gets caught in dirty things, she won't talk or eat for a whole day, just in a daze. I'm afraid she will die!"

Cheng Feng sighed.

He also pitied the parents in the world.

Qin Yue nodded,"Currently, your daughter has seven avatars. Have you ever thought about it, assuming that the avatars with the eight characters written on them are used as a spiritual carrier, they can also be extracted. Your daughter's spirit"

"This is equivalent to your daughter putting in seven efforts, all of them next to the dirty things."

"Your daughter does nothing every day, eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and doesn't work, but she is tired every day and feels lazy. The reason is because of these seven substitutes."

"As for overeating, of course it is because she consumes a lot and wants to eat, but in fact, what she consumes is not physical energy, but spiritual energy."

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