A fortune teller only has a shop in the suburbs, an old small building of 80 square meters.

Once you have too much money, something unexpected will happen to you.

Very miserable.

Unlike Liu Wuye.

At the very least, Liu Wuye felt that he had good fortune, wealth and longevity, and quite a lot.

As for why?

Of course he didn't reveal too much.

Liu Wuye's deception skills are much higher than Zhang Yizong's.

And he is cruel enough.

Even if he knew that the other party was in trouble, he would not say anything about it. Sometimes, he would even create disasters and seek money.

As for whether there will be retribution?

Haha, heaven and earth are not benevolent, treating all things as stupid dogs.

How to talk about good and evil?

Under the law of heaven, good people often do not live long, and disasters last for thousands of years.

He takes it for granted. but.

Because of the rise of Qin Yue.

He has indeed been affected recently.

At the very least, Qin Yue was making money selling talismans, which made him very unhappy.

He himself also has a shop that specializes in selling these.

Ping An Fu is to find a factory to mass-produce it with yellow cloth. The cost price is 10 cents and the price is 39.9.

Earn money with blood!

But Qin Yue's talisman actually sold for 10,000.

Not only were people buying it, it was also very popular.

How could he be willing to do this?

At this time, Zhang Wenlong, the eldest disciple who served him tea and water, immediately picked up the smelly feet

"The master is right. This Qin Yue does not have much ability, but he is handsome. The environment now is different from before. The little fresh meat is popular."

"There are many people watching him"

"If he is really capable, why doesn't he live broadcast every day instead of once a week? I think it's all just acting."

"The most important thing is that he is selling talismans now, and he dares to sell them for tens of thousands, which is crazy."

Zhang Wenlong was sarcastic, but he couldn't hide the jealousy in his eyes.

This was too profitable.

His eyes turned red when he saw it.

The younger second disciple, Shang Jiang, also agreed at the same time.

"Master, let me tell you, let’s just go to the gym, slap Qin Yue in the face, and then promote our Feng Shui Pavilion and our peace charm. Each one only costs 39 yuan, and it comes with free shipping!"

"Moreover, we have never had many fans on V-blog. If we defeat Qin Yue this time, we will definitely attract fans and open up the market."

"Don't worry, Master. When the time comes, I will arrange more people to ensure that you can win."

"As long as we catch the other side off guard, we will definitely win."

He patted his chest and promised.

Liu Wuye's eyes flashed, and then he nodded.

"For the sake of my reputation as a Zhengyi Sect, I can’t let this young boy put pressure on me."

"Arrange it"

"I'll go meet him!"

…… the other side.

Qin Yue had no idea that he was now ordered to commit crime.

He took out his mobile phone and directly sent a message to Moments

"Tomorrow the Hangzhou Children's Welfare Institute will hold a report performance. Is anyone going to go with it?"

As soon as his message came out, it immediately aroused a response.

As the number one fanboy, Zeng Qiang immediately left a message.

Zeng Qiang:"I'll go, Master Qin. What time does it start?"

Subsequently, others followed suit.

Su Xinyue:"Master Qin, I'm going too, I've also done volunteer work here!

Zhou Ying:"Can I go?"

Wang Chenhao:"Can I take my girlfriend with me? Let you see (satisfied)."

Cheng Xiangguo:"I told my old man to go and have a look together."

Yang Wenshan:"Master Qin, I will go tomorrow too, just in time to discuss something with you.""

Ning Changlong:"I happen to be free, I don't have children, I'm relaxed, and I'm going through a divorce lawsuit.

Cheng Feng:"Master Qin, I'll take Jiaojiao to have a look tomorrow.""

Qin Yue calculated and just said that he could go.

As for Qin Yue's classmates, when they saw the circle of friends, they didn't understand Qin Yue even more.

"With so many people liking it, why don’t they all go to the welfare home and donate money when they get there? Is it so hard to imagine?"

"No, no time, no holiday on May Day"

"I'd better stay paralyzed, it's the last day of vacation!"

In the end, all Qin Yue's classmates said they were not free.

On the contrary, all those who had their fortunes told by him came.

Qin Yue responded one by one and set a time.

The next day. Early in the morning.

Qin Yue got up early.

Although the Hangzhou Children's Welfare Institute has also been established in the suburbs, the scenic area where Qin Yue is located is one to the west and one to the north.

It even has to take the Ring Expressway and drive for two hours without traffic jams.

It will set off at 6:30 At

8:30, Qin Yue arrived at the Hangzhou Children's Welfare Institute half an hour early.

Banners were hung at the door, and staff were there to register.

After all, a pervert who wanted to retaliate against society had just appeared a while ago. The murder was committed in front of the kindergarten.

Therefore, the review was slightly stricter, and names and contact information were required.

Of course, this list might not be a piece of information from the welfare home.

After Qin Yue appeared, a group of people Surrounded

"Master Qin!"

"Master Qin."

Su Xinyue and Zhou Ying waved to Qin Yue.

Zhou Ying smiled warmly. It was obvious that she had gotten rid of the frightened days before and became much more cheerful.

Then, there was a young couple.

"Master Qin, I’m here too. This is my girlfriend, Tang Cancan!"

"Hello Master Qin"


Qin Yue was polite and kind.

"Master Qin!"

Cheng Xiangguo also came.

Not only that, the other party's father, Cheng Jianye, actually also appeared. Although his hair was gray, his body looked strong and strong. It was not obvious that a month ago, he was still sitting in a wheelchair.

"Master Qin, this is my father, Cheng Jianye, he always wanted to thank you"

"You're welcome, old man."

The two shook hands.

"Master Qin, I’m such a bad old man, if it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be alive for a few more years."

"Strong words."

Then, Qin Yue saw Cheng Feng and Cheng Jiao again.

They hadn't seen each other for a few days. Cheng Jiao had lost a lot of weight, and it seemed that the weight loss was effective.

Ning Changlong, and his brother Ma Shuai all expressed their concern. Say hello to Qin Yue.

Finally, Qin Yue saw Yang Wenshan.

Although everyone present was either rich or noble, Yang Wenshan definitely liked to show off.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to spend huge sums of money to build a manor.

From Rouse As Les got up and down, Yang Wenshan's straight back bent down.

He looked like a bitch.

"Master Qin! Long time no see. I recently went to Shanghai for surgery and just came back. I haven’t visited yet."

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