"No wonder the anchor can have such a temperament! I'm convinced! Did you hear those barrages just now! The anchor only chooses to give money, not because there is more money, but because of mutual respect, understand? "

"No, no, no! Even if it's because of a lot of money, what is the happiness of others? Barrage without rhythm! "

"I'm really dying! Is it good that the anchor gives money to a gentleman? Whether it's buying those small goods before, or just giving money to the gondolier, it's very gentlemanly and ingenious! It is obviously a very sultry and attractive thing, how did it become a person with more stupid money? "

"I'm a female fan! Anyway, I think the anchor's behavior just now provoked me! My future boyfriend will be found according to this standard of the anchor! "

“??? Sister upstairs, you are sober, a boy of this quality can only be my sister and mine! "

"Don't just drink! The anchor has long been lying in my arms, and he will come to me when he returns to China! "

"I'm a boy, but I also think that the anchor's movements are a bit flirtatious, very free, and I want to learn..."

"Groove! If he hadn't said the last two words upstairs, I thought he was going to fencing with the anchor..."

"It's the devil who is fencing! You guys are so rotten! "


Ye Yi glanced at the barrage again, and found that they were all irrelevant topics, and most of the barrage began to gradually move towards joy, and there was no further discussion on the matter of "charging" or not.

In fact, money is not money, for Ye Yi, it is just a trifle!

He felt that when he came out to travel, he came to a foreign country alone, which represented the Huaxia behind him.

Do not seek to win glory for the country between words and deeds, at the very least, we must not disgrace the country!

Don't be greedy for cheapness, gentleman politeness is relatively fine!

And from the two free ice creams that started in the morning, he did feel the kindness and enthusiasm of the inhabitants of Venice.

Take 10,000 steps back and say, he really doesn't lack this money!

But it was also this trip, Ye Yi understood!

True wealth is not about money!

But be polite, understand etiquette, and be informed!

Money is just an add-on.

But there is one thing to say... The system is really rich!

Ye Yi did not intend to say these words to the audience in the anchor room, because those who understand some things will naturally understand.

Those who do not understand, even if they understand it again, they still do not understand!

So Ye Yi collected his mentality a little, and took a good look at Rainbow Island, as well as the buildings and decorations on both sides of the street.

Colorful ordinary residential buildings are naturally the most eye-catching, but between the intervals between the houses, there are some wooden furnishings or objects.

There are wooden wheels, wooden beer kegs, and wooden damaged plates with hemp rope hanging from the side of the board.

"Look! It's really great for taking pictures, and after walking for less than a minute, I already saw no less than three places where I could take pictures, and I felt that the framing should be very good! But why don't you see the restaurant? "

As soon as Ye Yi finished speaking, there was a barrage to follow.

"It's not a secret! Actually, I was taking screenshots all the way just now! Hahaha! It's really good for taking pictures! "

"Really! If this place had been placed in the country, it would have been a long time ago! Definitely a new internet celebrity check-in mecca! "


"Indeed! Although it was not as shocking as when I looked at it from a distance before, I still found many things with connotations when I got closer. "


Ye Yi kept an eye on whether there was a restaurant as he walked, because it was already noon, and he ate ice cream and bread in the morning, and he felt a little hungry.

There is a seven-hour time difference between China and Venice!

At this time, it is twelve o'clock at noon in Venice, then it is nineteen o'clock in China!

For many families, it's meal time!

Now seeing Ye Yi looking for a restaurant, naturally there is a barrage that can't sit still.

"The anchor is looking for a restaurant? By the way, it seems that the anchor has not eaten yet! Hey...... My family eats cold beef, boiled meat slices, spicy fish and stir-fried vegetables today!! "

"Are you still individuals? The anchor is hungry! You guys started talking about what to eat, isn't this a sincere anchor? By the way, my wife made me a spicy rabbit diced at home, so let's not talk about it! "

"Those brothers are really annoying just now, they don't know what to show off at dinner! Isn't it meat? I just ate a hot pot outside, there are fat cow, fat sheep, waist slices, hairy belly in the hot pot, did I say anything? "

"That's it! I ate two double grilled burgers in the evening and a glass of happy fat house water, and I was embarrassed to open my mouth! "

"Harm! I'm eating a seafood barbecue buffet with my sisters, it's really just every day, it's not interesting at all! "

"Today I eat instant noodles, plus a marinated egg and a ham sausage! Sit back and watch the anchor get hungry!! "

"Hahaha! Laugh me to death! Did Barrage start the Versailles Literary Convention? "

"Hahaha! Well done brothers! Finally out of a bad breath! You don't know, the big meal that the anchor ate yesterday made me hungry! "

"Heaven's Dao is good reincarnation! It's time for us to crave the anchor today! "

"Really fantastic! I'll go downstairs immediately to the supermarket to buy some melon seeds, and I'll also be a gas anchor! "

So the original barrage content, from the layout of Rainbow Island to taking photos, changed immediately as Ye Yi began to look for a restaurant.

There are Versailles, there are direct show-offs, and even direct face-screaming provocations!

The barrage doesn't want anything else now, they just want to take a good breath!

Who let yesterday's grand dinner of half a million cause them spiritual damage!

Or late at night and early in the morning!

They just want to be angry with Ye Yi, at least in the matter of "eating", to find the field!

(Ask for flowers, reviews, tips!) Thanks to the "**hui" brothers for the 100v point tip! )

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