Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

044. Discover The Poisoned Hunter, See The Blood-Sealed Throat Tree

See Blood Throat Tree.

Scientific name: poison arrow tree.

Its sap is pure white, but it is extremely poisonous, and the sight of blood will kill you.

Once in contact with the wounds of humans and animals, it can paralyze the heart of the poisoned person, seal the blood vessels, coagulate the blood, and even suffocate to death, so people also call it "seeing blood to seal the throat".

Many hunters in ancient times used its juice to smear arrows for hunting.

And the hunting objects are wild boars and monkeys and other animals.

The purpose is the same as that of using the poison of the poison dart frog to smear the arrow in the tropical rainforest.

Such a multi-person hunt or even a single-person hunt can easily poison the prey as long as a few arrows are shot at the prey.

There is no need to look for any harm at all.

Just scratch the skin.

Of course, the deeper the shot, the better.

This way the toxic effect comes the fastest.

And this tree utilizes a good best record.

It was the aborigines who used the woods to fight guerrillas and repelled Yinguo's muskets and cannons.

So this tree has a great reputation.


Immediately afterwards.

The hunter who was asked by Lin Ye twitched all over.

His mouth is black and blue, his face is purple, and his brain has already started to lose blood and oxygen.

Even the skin started to turn purple.

Asked loudly by Lin Ye.

He instinctively opened his mouth a little, and replied in a very low voice.



Needless to say.

See this effect and reaction.

Lin Ye knew right away that he had just met the blood-sealed throat tree.

Lin Ye looked around.

Juice smeared on a dagger.

Juice was dripping from the same shotgun round.

May be scratched.

If it gets scratched, it can still be saved!

Because in this way, the toxins that flow into the blood are much less than those hit by arrows!

So next.

Lin Ye said nothing.

Grab the hunter's clothes.

Drag it directly to the river and start watering him.

He has no antidote.

The only way is to water to dilute the toxicity.

It is dead or alive.

We can only see how much the hunter is poisoned.

Next is irrigation.

Keep watering.

Whether the water in the stream is dirty or not is not a problem now.

The most important thing is to survive.

Lin Ye has been watering the hunter.

Sister Zhou was a little scared watching from the side.



After pouring an unknown amount of water.

The hunter finally started throwing up.

The water poured in is sprayed out like a water column.

Sister Zhou closed her eyes slightly.

"It's too awful..."

At the same time, the barrage in the live broadcast room is also being sent.

[I went to check, it seems that there is a kind of grass called red-backed bamboo pole that is the antidote, it grows near the blood-sealed throat tree! 】

[Sister Zhou! Quickly tell Mr. Lin about the red-backed bamboo grass! 】

[Really, is there such a grass? 】

[Fake it, the poison of the poisonous arrow tree controls the nerves through the blood, what does this have to do with grass? 】

the other side.


Lin Ye continued to pour water.

The hunter kept throwing up.

As a result, after vomiting three or four times, the hunter couldn't vomit.

But at least he looks better.

The skin also changed from sauce purple and black purple to light purple.

But it's still a sign of poisoning.

Sister Zhou saw this.

Still stepped forward and tried to say.

"Someone in the live broadcast room said that there would be an antidote to the red-backed bamboo grass near the blood-sealed throat tree."

"Fake, rumor."

Lin Ye let go of the hunter and put him on the bank.

Then looking around for something.

"Fake?" Sister Zhou nodded.

But seeing what Lin Ye was looking for again.

she asked curiously again.

"Then what are you looking for?"

"found it!"

While sister Zhou asked.

Lin Ye gathered a clump of green Black grass and replied at the same time.

"Looking for plants similar to what you mentioned."


Miss Zhou was dumbfounded again.

The studio was also confused.

But Lin Ye immediately twisted the grass in his hands together like a hemp rope.

Then go to the poisoned hunter.

Come to the Poisoned Hunter.

Lin Ye put the grass in front of his mouth, and slowly began to wring it hard.

squeak squeak~~~

Grass juice began to trickle down.

Then it all went into the mouth of the poisoned hunter.

The moment the juice enters the mouth.

The poisoned hunter's eyebrows immediately frowned slightly.

Lin Ye quickly squeezed it out after seeing it.

It just so happened that the hunter's mouth was also closed.

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Ye didn't give it a chance.

Still press him by the river and start watering.

And irrigation is also very simple.

Unless you're biting the bullet after passing out.

Otherwise there is always a way to get it out.

After that, just raise your head and pour it hard.

After a while.

The hunter who couldn't vomit started to vomit again.

And it is no longer necessary for Lin Ye to do it himself.

He regained consciousness and a little mobility.

Then started to induce vomiting.

Sister Zhou asked curiously after seeing the hunter's health improved.

"Why is that? What kind of grass is that grass?"

"The grass that induces vomiting."

Lin Ye washed his hands by the river.

"Red-backed bamboo grass is a rumor, a vomiting grass that grows next to a really useful tree."

"When this grass is eaten, the stomach starts to cramp."

"And then you can't help but start throwing up."

"But it will hurt your stomach a little. If you want to lose weight with special effects, don't think about it."

Lin Ye was joking seriously.

Sister Zhou couldn't help laughing.

[I just wanted to say that it can be used to lose weight. 】

[Hahaha, that's right, I thought so just now, so let's forget it. 】

[However, even if it hurts the stomach, it is still worth it in the face of survival. 】

[Indeed, the hunter started to improve, his complexion became normal, and he was able to move on his own. 】

Hearing this, Lin Ye turned to look at the recovered hunter and asked.

"I'm curious, you are all Intermediate hunters, how can you be poisoned by the poisonous arrow tree?"

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