Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

085. Paralyzed Arrow! Four Arrows Hit Four! All Done!

Name the word.

In school days, it means to see if you come or not.

In the army, it means to let you shout.

In the clubhouse, it's a job number...

But here at Lin Ye at this time.

It's a sad ending!

Hear this sentence.

Sister Zhou's eyes widened.

The eyelids kept blinking, Bling Bling's.

"Really?" Sister Zhou confirmed.

Lin Ye didn't even reply to her.

Instead, he directly picked up the hunting bow and came to the top of the mountain.

Sister Zhou hurriedly followed.

And Lin Ye took off the spy's cape.

Then put it on Sister Zhou and said on the live broadcast equipment.

"You just lie on the side and take a photo.

【Wish Lord Lin the best of luck!】

【Wish Master Lin a triumphant return!】

[Special User‧Hunter Guild: Mr. Lin Ye, your bow and arrow level seems to be far beyond your hunter level. 】

【Special User‧Academy of Animal Science: The helicopter will arrive in one hour, Mr. Lin Ye, be careful!】

Sister Zhou nodded quickly.

Holding the cloak and hiding aside, lying on his stomach.

Then cover yourself and your streaming equipment.

At the same time, start to adjust the live broadcast equipment.

Such a high drop.

such a long distance.

You have to adjust the ultra-wide angle and flexible zoom.

There are other settings to adjust as well.

Sister Zhou knows.

This time, she wants to record the most perfect video as possible!

And Lin Ye picked up the hunting bow.

They patted the heads of Xiao Huihui, Xiao Xiang, and Xiao Pink Elephant one by one.

Then he said softly.

"Be quiet, stay by your side for a while."

"I can take the two of you home tomorrow."

Xiao Huihui lay down after listening.

The two baby elephants shook their trunks and fell to the ground.

Sister Zhou has already started recording.

The scene just now was also recorded.

After calming down the three animals.

Lin Ye raised the hunting bow and flicked it between his fingers from behind.

Five fingers on one hand.

Just caught four arrows!

Sister Zhou zooms in and zooms in.

A close-up was also given when Lin Ye pulled out the arrow.

Put one of the arrows on the string.

Lin Ye walked to the top of the hill and squatted down to observe.

In a small camp.

There were three people sitting outside drinking water and chatting.

There is another person whose location is temporarily unknown.

It's different from the hunter's camp.

There are also rectangular wooden boxes inside their camp.

One of the wooden boxes opened.

Inside was a piece of pure white ivory.

The tail of the ivory has been done.

But Red's bloodstains still remain on the roots of the ivory.

Someone is holding a wipe.

But no one else stopped it.

"Wipe what, the mark can't be wiped off, and the price will be easier to negotiate when there is a blood mark."

heard the words.

The person who wanted to come forward to wipe it nodded, went back and sat down.

Lin Ye first observed the weapon.

The shotgun is fine.

He was only two to three hundred meters away from the camp.

Their shotguns couldn't hit that far even with a slug.

Not to mention shotguns.

Note that fully automatic weapons.

Its range is more than two or three hundred meters.

Lin Ye's eagle eyes glanced.

The main thing is to search for the location of fully automatic weapons.

That way he would know who to take first.

First look at the open-air location of the camp.

None of the three people outside had a gun in their hand.

But there were shotguns on the table and by his side, and pistols on his waist.

But the problem is...

"What about fully automatic?"

Lin Ye continued to observe.

Finally, on the side of a box, behind Lin Ye's perspective, he saw a muzzle.

The gun was leaning against the wooden box.

But Lin Ye can only see one muzzle from his perspective.

The muzzle is metal.

Coupled with the jet hole of the muzzle brake.

This gun is fully automatic.

"Is there another one?"

Lin Ye continued to search.

But I watched it for a long time.

There was no sign of another fully automatic weapon as far as the camp could see.

"That's in the tent."

If not out there.

Then Lin Ye judged that there was an 80% possibility that it was in the tent.

And the remaining 20% ​​was put away outside.

This is the least likely.

Weapons should be placed in the best position in the hand.

Just like the fully automatic one you can see.

It leans against the wooden box.

The person sitting on the wooden box can easily pick it up.

So now there is another problem.

Which tent was the last person in.

There are several tents in the camp.

Lin Ye needs to know that he will attack later.

The man in the tent will rush out of nowhere.

At this time.

The person sitting on the wooden box looked towards a tent and asked.

"Is the meal ready? I'm starving to death.`!"

See the direction the man turned his head to look.

Lin Ye didn't even have to wait for the sound.

He already knew which tent the last person was in.

Well now that's for sure.

There are three people outside.

Alone in a tent.

A fully automatic is next to the wooden box.

The other fully automatic is not sure yet.

But it is very likely that the person in the tent is on him.

So Lin Ye is thinking.

How about the roll call this time?

He has two options.

1: All four were shot on the spot.

So first of all, Lin Ye is telling the truth.

He didn't want to shoot him on the spot.


As for the side recording, the effect is not good.

cough cough.

Of course there is another reason.

These people still need to be interrogated. He killed them all, which is really a bit bad.

2: Save one life and shoot the disabled.

This method is good.

But the problem is, it's not safe.

The four of them, even if they hit the thigh, they won't be fully automatic.

But they still have pistols.

With a pistol, it is destined that Lin Ye will not be able to get close even if he is shot.

Otherwise there is a risk of being hit.


Lin Ye is considering whether to choose 1 or 2.

At this time.

The system prompts.


[Host selection detected. 】

【Trigger random task: The last value!】

[Mission introduction: Letting these poachers die on the spot is really too cheap, please ask the host to capture them alive and provide them to relevant departments to squeeze out their last value!】

[Task Reward: Unlock Arrow Type Paralyzing Arrow]

【Note: Mission rewards can be paid in advance. If you shoot and kill the target, it will be regarded as a failure, and the new function will be withdrawn. If all the targets are paralyzed, it will be regarded as a success, and this function will be permanently unlocked!】

[Paralyzing Arrow: First of all, congratulations to the host for unlocking the new system function: weapon branch. Secondly, when you need to paralyze the arrow, you can take out the potion from your backpack and spray it on the arrow, or you can switch it with your mind. It depends on the situation on the spot. . 】

[The paralyzing arrow can paralyze the muscles of the creature being shot, and temporarily loses the body's ability to control the muscles. The onset time depends on the wound. It takes a moment for a scratch, and it takes effect when it is shot. The longest time for paralysis for humans is 30 Minutes, up to 10 minutes for elephants. 】

Lin Ye looked at the introduction.

It actually opened up the new branch capability of the system.

Unlocked the arrow function of the bow!

Paralyze the arrow.

Equivalent to an arrow with its own anesthesia function!

This might be a bit of a nonsense.

But it's so helpful in practice!

When someone is there, you can take out the medicine from the bag and spray it on the arrow.

When no one is around, you can switch with a single thought!

Still so powerful!

Lin Ye saw this.

He took the spray out of his backpack.

Then spray it on the wound of the spy next to him.


The spy, whose body was still tense, began to relax immediately after spraying.

His muscles began to relax.

Then the breath becomes longer.

The whole person seemed to be asleep.

It works great!

So Lin Ye sprayed all four arrows in his hand.

In this way, four paralyzing arrows appeared.

See here.

Lin Ye no longer hesitated to choose 1 or 2.

Instead, he squatted down and began to bend his bow and nock his arrows to prepare for shooting!

Sister Zhou knew that Lin Ye was going to cum when she saw this.

So she quickly adjusted the angle of the equipment and prepared to record the whole process!

Lin Ye snapped his thumb.

Hit the first arrow first.

White's hunting bow is paired with a silver arrowhead.

A cold light pierced in front of everyone's eyes!

Immediately afterwards.

Lin Ye began to draw the bow slowly.

A 120lb hunting bow seems to be pulled apart with no resistance.

And the bending of the bowstring is like the moon in the sky.

First the new moon.

Then half a month.

Last full moon.

The bowstring was fully drawn.

And Lin Ye aimed at the target.

It's the one with the fully automatic weapon on the right.

He's the closest to a fully automatic weapon!

Then he is the first target!


loose strings.

Arrows without fail!


Sister Zhou is not far from Lin Ye.

Both she and the audience in the live broadcast room could hear a gust of wind galloping out!

It's like a voice from outside!

Watching the arrow disappear above the arrow string.

Sister Zhou immediately turned the camera to the three people in the camp!


The arrow just shot.

Sister Zhou turned the camera.

The arrow just hit!

Puff Chi~!

Sister Zhou can't hear the sound here.

But saw the arrow hit the target.

Everyone's minds automatically simulate the sound that penetrates the body!

It's like a rustling sound.

And in perspective.

The one doing it on the wooden box.

He rested his left hand on the box.

Left leg down.

The right hand is lifted up and stepped on the box.

Rest your right hand on your left leg.

But the next moment.

With the shadow for a moment.

His left hand was nailed to the top of the box!

The arrow went halfway in!

His hands were also firmly nailed to it.

Born with a sting.

The man looked down.

First, I instinctively wanted to pull my hand back.

But I found that I couldn't pull it back!

He opened his mouth wide and yelled out in horror.


People around take a look.

He quickly looked around, and then wanted to hide and find a bunker.

But Lin Ye doesn't have to wait a while before ejaculating.

After he shot the first arrow.

And when the first arrow has hit.

The second arrow was already on the string and drawn to the full.


loose strings.

Arrows without fail!


Sister Zhou didn't even respond

come over.

The sound of the second arrow piercing the air was already in the ears of her and the audience in the live broadcast room.

In the viewer's perspective and in the earphones.

This feeling is like being on the battlefield.

The piercing sound in their ears made them all tense up!

But hot blooded!

Puff Chi~!

Immediately afterwards.

From the perspective of sister Zhou's video.

And one guy just got up from a chair!

As a result, the arrow hit him directly in the leg!


The second man screamed.

He clutched his shot leg and ran a few steps forward.

Then fell to the ground and tried to crawl away.

But the effect of paralysis came very quickly.

He hasn't climbed a few times.

I couldn't exert all my strength and fell to the ground.

And the first person to be pierced on the back of his hand.

He had already fallen asleep peacefully on the wooden box.

Two of the three people outside fell down at once.

The last one started to run away in horror.

He didn't even have the desire to pull out a pistol.

Just thinking about running away.

Finally he found a place to hide.

It's just a hiding place...

He hides behind a tree.

Looking in the direction to the right of Lin Ye.

And he exposed half of his body to face Lin Ye.

Sister Zhou had fun watching it.


As a result, I escaped loneliness.

Also exposed half of the body.

At this time, the third person hugged the tree and was looking around in horror.

"What's wrong!?"

The men in the tent rushed out with guns.

"Go back!"

The person behind the tree waved quickly.

"There are snipers!"


The person who rushed out was taken aback.

"Isn't the sniper one of us?"

The hunter who rushed out looked around.

Lay one on the wooden box.

There is an arrow stuck in the back of the hand.

Climb one on the ground.

An arrow stuck in his thigh.

Only then did he realize.

Where is this sniper!

This is Archer!

And the next moment.


Puff Chi~!

Accompanied by the sound of breaking wind.

The man with the gun didn't even react.

Quickly look at the location where the breaking wind sound fell.

He looked back.

It happened to be eye-to-eye with the person who was shot behind the tree.

And the man behind the tree.

He was petrified now.

Because his right hand was nailed to a tree, he couldn't move.

I can't even take it off.

He looked at his teammates in horror.

Then let out a startled cry.


Accompanied by this panicked cry.

The people who rushed out immediately ran back to the tent with their guns.

And so.

Lin Ye really couldn't see him anymore.

The person hiding in the tent was panting heavily at this moment.

He gulped at each other.

Think back to the man who was shot just now.

The tail of the arrow is facing his front at this time.

That is.

On the opposite side of the tent door, Archer is there.


This mountain is so big!

Who knows where the other side is?

What's more, he doesn't dare to go out now!

What should we do now?

get out from behind?


If you go out from the back, you will still be seen!

For the time being, the only way to be safe is to hide in a tent.

(Good Li Zhao) But you can't hide in the tent all the time.

How can I do?

The heart of the last poacher in the tent was beating wildly.

He looked around, bewildered.

It's all in my mind.

Why bow and arrow?

Why do arrows shoot so far?

Why can you shoot so accurately?

What kind of monster is this?

"What to do? What to do? What to do!"

The people in the tent were anxious like ants on a hot pan.

He clearly had a fully automatic weapon in his hand.

But now it is useless at all.

Did he just go out to snipe right now?

How can it be.

Even rifles have farther range than bows and arrows.

But a series of reasons such as mentality, state, poor information, fear, etc. made him shrink too much.

But waiting like this is not an option.

How can I do?

Think for a long time.

The person in the tent took two steps forward.

He wanted to look up the mountain from the angled angle of the tent.

But can't see much.

So he took two steps forward.

But these two steps.

Let Lin Ye pull the bow and smile slightly.

Because from his perspective, high and low, he sees more than what he can see below!

The people in the tent didn't see the mountain yet.

And Lin Ye has already seen one of his feet.

Then inside the tent.

Lin Ye has been able to simulate the position of the sole of the foot behind the toe.

"There's a foot missing."

After finishing speaking lightly.

Lin Ye let go of the arrow string in his hand.


Arrows without fail!

next moment.

In the perspective of sister Zhou's live broadcast.

A black shadow flashed past.

Arrows pierced the fabric of the tent.

Then the people in the tent fell silently and rolled over while clutching their feet.

Sister Zhou stared wide-eyed.

Her live broadcast equipment did not see the toes protruding from the tent at all.

And Lin Ye shot an arrow.

He actually shot the outermost sole of his foot through the tent!

"How did you do it?!"

This is the voice of Sister Zhou and all the audience.

And Lin Ye saw that the hunting bow had been put away here.

Then he stood up slowly and said.

"Let's go, you can go down."

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