Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

089. The Herd Of Elephants Arrives! Mission Accomplished! Start Treating The Wound!

Time passed slowly.

Half an hour had passed before.

The audience just thought it was too long.

But the last half hour.

What the audience felt was the torment of living like years!

How is the bull elephant?

Is the bull elephant still alive?

Is the bull elephant in the team?

Countless questions are lingering in everyone's mind!

A total of one hour passed.

The herd still didn't come.

But the stomping vibrations of the period were getting closer.

"Why haven't you arrived yet?"

Sister Zhou was a little anxious.

She can't sit still, and she can't stand honestly.

Can only keep walking back and forth.

But Lin Ye sat on the side, stroking Xiao Huihui's head and said slowly.

"I wish they were a little slower."

Sister Zhou was confused: "Why?"

"Because it hurts."

"So the elephant herd will take care of the weak and slow down appropriately."

"If they're getting here faster than usual, it means they don't have a wounded bull in their ranks."

"And if the speed is slowed down, there is a high chance of it."

Sister Zhou's eyes lit up: "Yes!"

If the elephants run fast, there will be no injured elephants.

And now the herd is running slower than normal.

Then there's a good chance the injured bull elephant is in the herd!

That's why the elephant herd slows down appropriately!

【Reasonable, slow down!】

【Yeah, soon it means the bull elephant is gone...】

【Then wait, slow down, okay!】

that's all.

The crowd quietly waited for the arrival of the herd of elephants.

I don't know how long the time has passed.

Maybe 10 minutes.

Maybe half an hour.

Sister Zhou kept looking around from time to time.

And Lin Ye closed his eyes and meditated, waiting for the final result.


at some point.

Xiao Huihui, who was lying on the ground with her chin resting on Lin Ye's feet, suddenly stood up.

It looked in a certain direction of the forest.

And Lin Ye also looked at 02 at the same time.


Although Sister Zhou didn't hear or see.

But she knew Lin Ye and Xiao Huihui's reaction.

The audience in the live broadcast room also held their breath, looking at the direction of sister Zhou's filming, expecting the herd of elephants to appear!



First came the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Wow~ Wow~ Wow~

Then there is the sound of leaves and bushes being poked.

In the shadows of night.

A giant shadow more than two meters high stepped out of the darkness.

Its feet are bigger than a human head!

The nose is as thick as a fire hose!

The thighs are as thick as elephant legs.


It's big anyway!


Accompanied by a huge black shadow approaching.

Sister Zhou's originally expectant mood became a little scared.

Don't blame Miss Zhou either.

in the wild.

When an elephant comes towards you.

That two-meter-high body is indeed scary.

If you are really not afraid.

Maybe there is only Lin Ye now.

【The trough is so big!】

[Is the elephant so big when it is in front of you?]

[Sister Zhou's perspective, reaching to the elephant's chin...[

And at this time.

After seeing the herd of elephants.

The two baby elephants beside Lin Ye were excited.


They are called born.

Wandering around Lin Ye.

Then came to Lin Ye again.

Start pushing Lin Ye!


Lin Ye was supported by two baby elephants.

Then push it all the way to the front of the elephant herd.

After coming to the elephant herd.

When the elephant herd saw the two baby elephants, they shouted in unison.


This sound is very loud.

It was no less than the sound of a gun being fired.

Immediately afterwards.

The elephant herd surrounded the baby elephant.

Including also surrounded Lin Ye.

The elephants stretched out their trunks to caress the baby elephant's body.

At the same time, he stretched out his nose and touched Lin Ye's hand.

Sister Zhou took notes seriously.

This kind of picture.

Not only has she never called.

Nothing like this has ever happened online!

The elephant herd surrounded Lin Ye and the baby elephant together.

What does this mean for elephants?

Sister Zhou doesn't know now.

The audience is also less clear.

But the Academy of Animal Sciences looked excited.

[Special User‧Academy of Animal Science: Incredible! It’s incredible! Elephants actually regard humans and small elephants as their own! They are protecting the small elephant and Mr. Lin Ye, and they are also thanking Mr. Lin Ye!】

[Special User‧Motion Science Institute: This is the first time in human history that elephants actively surround and protect humans! This kind of behavior, elephants will only do it to their own kind!]

【Institute of Animal Science:...】

Immediately afterwards.

The Academy of Animal Sciences also said a lot.

But the words are all shock and explanation.

They couldn't believe it either.

Elephants take care of Lin Ye like this!

It's like seeing them as the same kind!

If you use idioms.

That is considered your own!

This is so rare in animals!

This is hardly ever seen, whether it is an elephant or any other kind of animal!

on this planet.

Lin Ye is the first case!!!

No wonder the Academy of Sciences is so excited!

"OK OK."

Lin Ye is among the elephants.

Reach out and fist bump elephant after elephant trunk.

Yes, it is the magnetic fist.

Every nose stretched out was to thank Lin Ye.

And Lin Ye touched their noses, in return.

at the same time.

A system prompt also came from his mind.


[Congratulations to the host for completing the task: hosting the baby elephant!]

[Mission Reward: Favor and trust of all elephants! A special gift for Asian elephants! Lingquan water x 100 liters! Encyclopedia of elephant knowledge!]

[Note: Lingquan can be stored in the space, and special gifts will be met in the future. 】

There's nothing to be concerned about with this quest.

Gifts are random.

He wants what the elephants give him.

Lin Ye continued to fist bump the elephants.

But when it comes to one of the elephants.

Its nose was flabbergasted as it stretched.

Lin Ye looked at the elephant.

It has a very bad skin texture.

The eyeballs are also slightly sunken.

Especially the sides of the mouth.

There are two dark red blood holes left there, it looks scary and disgusting.

"Just this bull elephant!"

This kind of wound.

You can tell it is Lin Ye's mission target at a glance!

Lin Ye said nothing.

He took the bull elephant by the trunk, then stroked it and said.


Lin Ye led the elephant's trunk and walked out slowly.

The light is not good here.

It is very inconvenient to have surgery.

So Lin Ye needs to bring it to the campfire.

Originally, Lin Ye thought so.

The bull elephant was being pulled by the nose like this.

Most likely not to come.

Lin Ye needs to be coaxed by food.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lin Ye pulled him, the bull elephant immediately followed Lin Ye.

The elephant herd also took the initiative to get out of the way.

Let Lin Ye and the bull elephant leave.

Wait until Lin Ye holds her hand.

They followed and came to the campfire together.

After leading the bull elephant by the trunk, he came to the campfire.

Lin Ye has already taken out all the things needed for the operation.

But a male elephant cannot be operated on while standing.

Even Lin Ye is 1.8 meters tall.

However, the male elephant's height of more than two meters and faster than three meters is still much lower than that of Lin Ye.

Even if it hurts near the nose and mouth.

But Lin Ye still has to raise his hand.

This is very difficult to operate.

So Lin Ye patted its nose, then lay flat on his palm and said softly.


Xiao Huihui heard the order from the side.

It climbed down immediately.

The two baby elephants bent their legs and wanted to get down too.

The male elephant looked at Xiao Huihui, and under the gaze of everyone, he slowly bent his legs and crawled down.

until then.

The light from the bonfire did not reach the bull elephant's wound.

It was a hole close to the size of a fist.

It was dark red, a bit dirty inside, and a bit swollen dark red.

All in all it looks bad.

Even a little queasy.

Sister Zhou looked at the wound, frowned, and immediately moved the camera.

That shot just now is enough.

The audience knows how serious it is.

[Fuck! This is so serious! The wound]

【I feel a little worse!】

【Oh, it hurts so much to look at it, and I became even more emotional after resisting it in my heart. 】

[Special user‧Academy of Animal Science: Mr. Lin Ye, it’s useless to talk too much. After saving this bull elephant, we will also send an official recommendation letter to the Hunter Association!】

Although the Academy of Animal Sciences said so.

But Lin Ye didn't even look at it at this time.

How can he have time for this?

Looking at the bull elephant's wound, Lin Ye didn't have any other thoughts.

Because he is already thinking about the best treatment plan.

Lin Ye sat cross-legged on the ground.

Keep the tools you need close by.

Then he began to read silently.

"Redness, inflammation, and a bit of an odor.

"It's definitely infected."

"Need to be sterilized, dispose of the broken flesh and tissue, re-sterilize, and suture the wound."

Lin Ye was talking.

At the same time, I wanted to pick up anesthesia and give an injection to the elephant's wound.

Why do you do this?

Because the wound that needs to be disinfected is too deep.

He needed to sterilize the wound that had been inserted into the pressed ivory.

And this disinfection method will definitely cause severe pain.

So no anesthesia is impossible!

But here comes the problem again.

Anesthesia will also sting when inserted.

Will the bull elephant remember the scene of the ivory being cut and be afraid to struggle?

I saw Lin Ye picking up the anesthesia needle.

Everyone held their breath.

Everyone in the scientific research team of the Academy of Animal Sciences crowded in front of the screen to watch the live broadcast.

They know deeply.

How dangerous it is to give a wounded wild animal another sting!

If the elephant is stimulated to go crazy.

That's it.

No one wants to see this kind of consequences.

Once it happens.

I dare not even think about it!

But Lin Ye suddenly thought of it after picking up the anesthetic needle.

Why should I use a needle?

Didn't I have the paralyzing spray that paralyzed the arrows?

Think here.

Lin Ye put down the anesthesia needle.

Xu Huang changed hands from the bag and took out the paralyzing spray in the system. 953

This thing can be much better than anesthesia!

Lin Ye took it.

Spray on the elephant's wound.

Puff a few times.

The elephant only felt a chill.

shortly after

He bowed his head and fell asleep.

It's done.

Put away the spray.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ye began to disinfect.

The first disinfection is the disinfection of a large area.

The brown disinfectant is directly soaked in a towel and stuffed into the tooth hole of the bull elephant, or poured.

Sister Zhou grinned.

If you compare root canal treatment to surgery.

Well, Lin Ye looks fiercer now!

It's so fierce that you will have a toothache when you look at it.

Sister Zhou just watched from the sidelines, and she felt a dull pain in her teeth!

And that's really just the first part.


After extensive disinfection.

Lin Ye got all the dirty yellow water and liquid out.

Then start examining the wound.

Some flesh has festered or died.

Then these meats need to be removed before suturing.

Lin Ye held a scalpel in one hand.

He rummaged through the tooth cavity with one hand.

Just find bad meat.

The next moment it will rattle.

that's all.

Lin Ye probably cut out a few hundred grams of either black or rotten bad meat.

He took out the healing spray again for a final cleanup.

This thing is produced by the system.

Much better than in reality.

But Lin Ye only has three bottles, so I don't use it often.

And as the second procedure of disinfection.

Lin Ye just needs to spray it into the wound.

These sprays have no effect.

Lin Ye checked again after spraying.

As long as there is no problem, you can sew.

that's all.

Lin Ye sat cross-legged on the ground and took a good look at the cavity.

After confirming that there is no problem.

He can start sewing.

Flat nose pliers, absorbable thread, tweezers, suture needles, and more.

After preparing these.

Lin Ye looked at the bull elephant's wound and thought about it.

Just decide where to suture the opening and the end.

This is very important.

Where to start sewing, where to end, and what is the process in between, etc.

The difficulty of suturing is defined by the shape of the wound.

Like why the triangular thorn is known as the king of bloodletting?

Because the wound of the triangular thorn is too harsh!

Can't sew at all in the wild!

The male elephant's wound is round and as big as a fist!

So the difficulty of sewing is not low at all!

But well.

In the eyes of Lin Ye, who has dual Advanced medical abilities.

easy to solve.

Sprinkle water.

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