Live Hunting: Hundred Steps Through Yang She Crying For Sister Zhou

093. Girl Maya! Miss Zhou Is Jealous! The King Of Gem River Records Is Her Mother!

You see.

Lin Ye is still an Intermediate hunter now.

But the academician is already talking about super hunters.

The Hunter's Guild also said to give a small gift.

Say it again in this situation.

In addition to the Advanced hunter certificate, shoulder badges, and medals in this box.

What else could it be?

Lin Ye nodded and smiled.

"This won't be the Advanced Hunter certificate.

"Of course!" Academician Ma couldn't answer, so the young girl jumped out and said it.

"And broke the record of becoming the fastest Advanced Hunter in history!"

"Before we came, we learned about your story from the Hunter's Guild!"

hear this.

Lin Ye took the box.

When it was opened, there was indeed a hunter certificate inside.

At the same time, there is an epaulet that usually represents identity.

There is also a medal representing honor that can be collected.


After reaching the Advanced Hunter.

There will be a small metal badge.

You can take this medal out every day if you like to show off.

Or keep it at home.

In short.

It is a badge of honor.

With it, it means that you are out of the range of mass hunters.

Has become the elite among professional hunters.

The existence of the mainstay.

Look at this beautiful medal.

Lin Ye put them away.

But only found out when I received it.

Below the bottom certificate, there is another certificate!

Lin Ye took it out to have a look.

"Intermediate Hunter Certificate"


See here.

The young woman smiled happily again. "Two fifty"

"The guild said it was for you. You didn't take it last time. This time, you took it along the way."

She said so.

Lin Ye just remembered such a thing.

When he became an Intermediate hunter.

Only the epaulettes were taken.

Did not get a certificate.

In general.

If you don't have a certificate, the epaulets don't count.

I understand everything.

Although Lin Ye wants this thing to be useless.

But something is better than nothing.

"That's it, I have three certificates in my bag."

Lin Ye smiled and stuffed them into the bag together.

"3 books!?"

Sister Zhou was taken aback for a moment.

Then I realized that there were really three books.

Primary, Intermediate, Advanced.

Once into the mountains.

I took all three.

And these three books were taken.

Still very down-to-earth! Nothing to say!

The Intermediate certificate is a major discovery.

The Advanced certificate is even more awesome.

Calculate carefully.

After that snake.

How many people did Lin Ye save?

How many animals were saved?

How much do you do?

How many more poachers were caught?

Too much.

Lin Ye is after the Intermediate hunter.

Doing things far beyond the upper limit of the ability of other Intermediate hunters!

The live broadcast room also agreed.

【It's finally here! You'll know it soon!】

[No one complains about this certificate? Saving people, saving animals, completing missions, and catching poachers, what else is there to say? 】

[Come on, I have to say a few words, this Advanced hunter is not enough! Give me Master Lin a special hunter certificate! 】

【Exactly, how is the Advanced one enough? Let others see it, and think that I am just like Mr. Lin. If you go to the premium class, one person, one certificate!】

Accompanied by the "arrogance" of the audience in the live broadcast room.

The officials couldn't help but come out and make an announcement.

[Special User‧Hunter Guild: Mr. Lin Ye’s contribution has actually far exceeded the quota of an Advanced Hunter, but there are still some conditions to reach the standard of a Super Hunter

I believe that in a short time, Lin Xingsheng can become a super hunter. 】

Accompanied by the official explanation.

Only then did the audience know the strictness and promotion system of the hunter rank.

Primary liter Intermediate can be worn with time.

Intermediate upgrade to Advanced requires a huge contribution.

And Advanced is upgraded to a special level.

Then it's not just a massive contribution that can be upgraded.

It also requires the hunter to make an outstanding overall contribution to the entire professional hunter community.

it means.

Want to be a super hunter.

You can't just earn money and fame.

You have to use your own abilities to contribute to the entire group of professional hunters.

You have to benefit everyone.

Even just a little bit!

That is to say, it is no longer enough to be happy alone, you have to be able to enjoy it together.

Of course there are exceptions.

For example, Yingzi Aunt.

Although she made a small overall contribution.

But her actions and meaning are a spiritual example for the hunter group.

So it is also worthy of a super hunter.

However, Yingzi Aunt never wore the epaulettes of a super hunter.

Didn't even mention it.

As if he was not a hunter.

"It's all right."

After receiving the certificate.

Lin Ye looked at everyone and said.

"It's okay, let's move things, there just happened to be a poacher's camp below, and it was taken down by us.

Hear these three words typed down.

Everyone couldn't help laughing.


You are right.

It was shot down.

"It's all right, let's move."

Ever since.

Except for academician Ma to get some information.

Everyone more or less carried some things needed for scientific research down the mountain.

Sister Zhou was in charge of filming.

She has nothing to do.

I just happened to be watching Academician Ma from the back while going down the mountain.

To ensure the safety of the elderly over 70 years old.

Of course, Lin Ye also moved some things.

On the way down the mountain.

The young girl who was active before also carried her things and ran to Lin Ye and said happily.

"Wow! You are amazing!"

"I didn't know you until the night I came, they were all talking."

"As a result, when I went to investigate, you are too good!"

"Why are you so awesome?"

Lin Ye looked at her.

In your twenties, it is the time when flowers bloom.

She has a pretty face.

There is also a smile that makes people happy together when they look at it.

And her eyes.

Those eyes were lively and jumping, and slowly filled with thirst for knowledge and curiosity.

It's like saying it over and over again.

I'm curious, I'm curious, I'm curious just the same.

"You said this."

Facing girls' curious inquiries and compliments.

Lin Ye smiled and replied happily.

"Is there a possibility that I am a cow, so I am a cow."


The girl was taken aback for a moment.

Then he laughed heartily and happily.


The average girl laughs in a low voice or covers her mouth.

But she was able to laugh so openly.

And it sounds great too.

She walked away laughing.

As a result, just after laughing, she thought of another thing.

"By the way, I saw in the information that you are only 18 years old, is it true or not?"

"Pull a helicopter with bare hands at the age of 18."

"When I was 18, I was a laboratory tool for my grandpa who was crying and haha."

At this time.

Before Lin Ye could answer.

The 40-year-old Aunt next to him said.

"You cry again to Academician Ma, be careful he will ask you to test your feces later."

"Slightly slightly~" Facing Aunt's words, the girl stuck out her tongue and said, "Just test it, I haven't tested enough, I'm used to it."

"And like dung is not ugly, it smells like grass!"

have a look.

Industry specializing in surgery.

This girl knew immediately that it smelled like grass.

Unlike sister Zhou who doesn't know.

Then I was tricked by Lin Ye to take a sip.

And the girl's answer made that Aunt very helpless.

She looked at Lin Ye and said embarrassedly.

"Academician Ma is her grandfather."

"Bringing her here this time is to learn and gain knowledge."

"You don't have to pamper her, and her grandfather doesn't pamper her either, just order her around."

Do whatever you want?

Hear these four words.

Lin Ye couldn't help laughing.

He looked at the girl, what did he mean?

The girl pretended to be angry and said nothing.

But quiet for less than a second.

She remembered one more thing and said to Lin Ye.

"By the way, you don't know our names yet.

"My name is Maya, which is the word for Mayan civilization. My mother is an explorer, so she gave me this nickname."

"They're called XXX..."

After listening.

Lin Ye nodded.

But Maya's mother was curious to him.


"Then where is she now?"

"In..." the girl Ma Ya thought for a while before replying: "It seems to be in Africa or somewhere, I forgot the specific country, are you looking for gems?"

"Looking for gems?"

Gem veins are now technically explored and mined.

Artificially looking for gems.

Isn't that a needle in a haystack?

"Oh, she likes all kinds of gems herself, and she believes in a gem Legendary, saying that there are some big gems hidden there or something."

Maya shook her head and shook her hands, also incomprehensible.

"My mother visited places with gemstones all over the country before she gave birth to me."

"Then she wanted to go on an adventure abroad."

"My grandfather won't give it, saying that we must get married and have children."

"Then she got married at the speed of light and left me to give birth to grandpa."

"In the end, I went to a foreign country to find gems."

"My grandpa scolds her every year, and she sometimes makes a video call during Chinese New Year, and she only comes back once every two or three years.

Lin Ye:  …


Although I haven't seen Maya's mother.

But just by hearing this, it is clear that her mother is definitely a professional explorer.

This is unprofessional.

Where do you get a professional explorer then?


Lin Ye nodded in admiration, giving Maya a thumbs up, which also meant giving her mother a thumbs up.

Recall Maya's words.

Lin Ye suddenly remembered.

If you have explored all of them in the country, have you explored the jewel river in this mountain range?

Lin Ye asked: "Has your mother ever explored this mountain range?"


"But that was many years ago."

Maya nodded affirmatively.

"She has notes on her domestic expeditions."

"Before she left, she threw it to me."

"There's a place in this mountain range called the Jewel River."

"My mother dug out a very beautiful gem there and sold it for 8.88 million."

"In the end, I was robbed by my grandpa cough cough, persuaded for a day and a half to donate to the research project led by my grandpa.



8.88 million?

Lin Ye was taken aback for a moment, then realized.

Good guy, it turns out that the record for the highest gem price here is held by your mother!

It turned out that your mother dug that gem too!

"It turned out that the treasure

The stone was dug out by your mother.

Lin Ye sighed: "Then your mother is also a powerful person."

The profession just now was a guess.

The current strength is real.

Good guy.

This whole family is pretty darn good.

And at this very moment.

Sister Zhou was broadcasting live from behind the crowd, looking at Academician Ma and Lin Ye with gritted teeth.

Watching Lin Ye and Maya talking and laughing.

Sister Zhou was so angry that her back molars were about to be crushed!

Riding on horses!

That girl smiles so happily, are you teasing her? 0.8

You two still talk so much, are you interested in her?

Why don't you do this to me!

My sister Zhou is not worthy?

Although there was no sign of Sister Zhou in the live broadcast room.

But through the sound of gnashing of teeth.

The live broadcast room turned into Sherlock Holmes one after another.

[I guess sister Zhou is grinding her teeth, I heard this sound even in the North Pole. 】

【Hiss, it's so sour, who cooks vinegar in the daytime? It's so sour!】

【I'm dying of laughter, Zhou Heng's back molars are about to be crushed. 】

【Sister Zhou is in crisis, this girl looks really good to me~!】

Sister Zhou looked at the barrage by grinding her teeth.

It turned out that it was all about this.

She immediately rolled her eyes.

"There is no never-ending feast!"

"When they leave, it will be my sister Zhou who will accompany the king!"


I saw Sister Zhou's face in the live broadcast.

Everyone immediately opened a partnership, and it was obvious that Zhou Jie broke the defense.

So there was a scene where the anchor and the audience "fighted".

Academician Ma was walking.

While switching his gaze back and forth between Lin Ye, Maya, and sister Zhou.

Then he smiled gratifiedly and said to himself.

"It's good to be young."

"Play however you want."

"It's right to live out your own career history."

Speaking of which.

Academician Ma also felt that his daughter was not such a jerk anymore.

Of course there are still some.

After all, she has traveled so far, and she doesn't often come back to see her daughter and herself.

Don't let your daughter get married by then.

She doesn't know yet.

When I came back, the account book was wrong. .

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