After watching for a while, San Cai Yi Tang did not intend to shoot the player on the glider.

Its height is too high, with their marksmanship, there is no way to cause any damage to the players above. Second, once they shoot, their position will be exposed immediately, and it may attract the siege of the group of people in the school.

Of course, they don't recognize the player of the glider above, so what harm will it do to them.

So a few people just thought it was just passing by, and they happily distributed the equipment.

When the glider flew directly above the heads of several people, Su Wanqing adjusted her vision and looked at the plane, vaguely she seemed to see an unknown object falling from it.

There was something strange in my heart, so I couldn't help saying to a few people: "Hey, look! It seems that something has fallen from above!"

After hearing her words, Xiao Tuantuan couldn't help but ask curiously: "Is it an airdrop? This one won't be so lucky... The airdrop hits the face?"

"It's not an airdrop! It seems to have fallen from that glider..."

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Sancai and the others were all puzzled.

I was about to adjust my field of vision, and when I was looking over my head, there was a sudden beeping sound.

The seasoned dumpling suddenly changed his face, and hurriedly shouted in the team: "No, hurry up is C..."

It's just that before she finished speaking, there was a roar of explosion in the earphones of several people at the same time.

Because several people were standing close to each other and there were no obstacles, the C4 dropped by Qin Xiaobai just landed in front of several people, and the time he calculated was just right. Give several people time to react.

In an instant, the four people became a box.

At that time, there were four people with three dishes and one soup.

And the fans in their live broadcast room, after seeing this scene, started their daily ridicule.

"Fuck! Strange ways of dying added..."

"Pfft...hahaha! Is this a different kind of justice from heaven? The guy who drives the glider is like a straight light!"

"I waved my sleeve, left one C4, and then took four boxes..."

"Which water friend's operation is this, come out and be praised by the old man! Cowhide, is it really a **** operation?"

"I suspect that this guy and I are not playing a game, because his glider can lose C4, but I will only crash..."

"Congratulations to the anchor, unlocking the new boxing method, sprinkle flowers!"

"This operation is no longer a meal. I suspect the anchors and the others are planting rice in my mouth..."


Faced with the complaints of millions of fans in the live broadcast room, the four people with three dishes and one soup were also slightly embarrassed.

But this way of dying is a shame, right?

After being stunned for a long time, Cheng Xiaoguo recovered from the shadows and said to the other three: "'s alright, sisters! This is an accident, that guy is definitely lucky, just be We're out of luck!"

"Uh...that's right, but I think tomorrow's "The Anchor Really Can Play" will definitely have shots of the four of us..." Xiao Tuantuan sighed with some annoyance.

"The anchor really knows how to play" This is a program that collects some anchor operations every day.

In the past, three dishes and one soup were regular guests, but recently, they have finally escaped the bitter sea.

But after this scene appeared, I'm afraid they can't escape the fate of the show again.

After a few people chatted for a while, their mentality finally stabilized, and then they were ready to start the next game.

A few more times.

Of course, the method of throwing C4 at high altitude is obviously not enough.

After all, as long as the three dishes and one soup are not stupid and mindless, there are times when they have some precautions...

So it's impossible to think about it.

However, Qin Xiaobai is obviously not stupid enough to continue to use the glider to lose the C4 routine. Just when the three dishes and one soup were stunned, he thought of a more exciting method.


This method is called the explosion speed by Qin Xiaobai.

It is to detonate a motorcycle with a grenade and a gasoline barrel. Under the action of the explosion, the motorcycle will lift off in place and fly in any desired direction.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai didn't want to kill them by motorcycle, but planned to install a C4 time bomb on the motorcycle. When the motorcycle fell to the position of the three dishes and one soup, the C4 on the motorcycle was just detonated, and then sent them into boxes again.

The game starts soon.

After Qin Xiaobai glanced at the places where they landed, he didn't plan to care about them anymore, and jumped to port G along the route.

This explosive speeder needs more props, and he needs to find these materials as soon as possible. Otherwise, after he has collected everything, the three dishes and one soup are already cold, then his plan will go bankrupt...

After a fierce exchange of fire, Qin Xiaobai slaughtered the entire third team of G port and dominated all the materials.

Of course, he only picked up some of the things he could use.

A grenade, a barrel of gasoline, an M4 and a C4 time bomb, as for other materials, Qin Xiaobai has no interest at all.

Then he ran a distance on the side of the road in Port G, and found a two-person motorcycle as he wished.

Everything needed was ready, Qin Xiaobai found a safe place to stop, and then took a look at Su Wanqing's live broadcast room.

At this moment, she and Sancai are in a small two-story building at the head of a bridge.

Seeing this, the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth rose slightly, and then the driver's motorcycle rushed towards the location of the four.

Obviously, the four people were a lot more careful about this three dishes and one soup.

After hearing the movement of the motorcycle, the four of them couldn't help but become vigilant.

"Someone, someone! Everyone be careful..." Xiao Tuantuan reminded in the team voice.

"I saw that he was riding a motorcycle. There was only one person, like a lone wolf. Shall we rush over and surround him?" Seeing that there was only one person riding over, I was relieved.

"Don't, don't! We don't go out, we're lucky, it's like a circle of destiny! We're hiding here, we don't dare to say it, but the top five must be stable!" Cheng Xiaoguo After taking a look at the map, she hurriedly stopped the little sister.

"Yes, Sister Xiaoguo is right! We only need to stay on the second floor, even if we are very good, we can still enter the top five..." Su Wanqing glanced at the number of remaining players , agrees.

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