Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1004: The principle is the secondary ignition of the rocket to accelerate!

There are still many differences between Blue Star's PUBG Mobile and Earth's. In this update, there is a feature that allows you to watch strangers.

As long as the corresponding ID is found, you can watch the battle from the first perspective.


Soon, many people began to search for this ID, and then silently started watching the battle from the first perspective.

Of course Qin Xiaobai knew nothing about it.

After seeing that the three dishes and one soup started to match, he also clicked the match button.

Another mediocre game begins.

In this game, there are also three places that will never be calm, the airport, the school and the G port. Due to the flight route, Qin Xiaobai chose to parachute and land at the airport.

Of course he didn't do it to show how to operate a steel gun.

The main reason is that there are a lot of materials here, so it is easier to pick them up.

After he killed more than a dozen players in a row, many people watching him were shocked.


Is this **** human?

This guy doesn’t even need to play single-player four-row, and he can slaughter the entire airport by one person…

Is this guy a hooker?

But these people who watched Qin Xiaobai soon rejected the idea.

Because of the whole process, this guy called The Undertaker showed no sign of being open at all, it was purely technical crushing.


What happened next made these spectators even more puzzled.

This guy called The Undertaker, the armor on his body has been beaten to pieces, but when he passed by various advanced armors, he didn't even look at it, as if it didn't exist at all .

It would be stupid not to pick up san-level armor!

Therefore, many people complained in their hearts soon.

Brother, are you blind?

However, these spectators did not influence what Qin Xiaobai was to do. He was still running around the various housing areas of the airport, looking for the supplies he wanted.

Before the first wave of poisonous circles came, Qin Xiaobai finally found all the supplies he wanted.

Then on the roadside of the airport, I found a motorcycle, and took a look at the live broadcast of four women with three dishes and one soup.

"I'm going, I've made a fortune...Look, my decision is right! This is a **** outfit..."

Little girl looked at herself in a san-level suit and couldn't be more excited.

"It's okay, little girl, you're finally smart, it's not good for us to be fat, we hope to eat chicken!"

Cheng Xiaoguo praised.

"I tell you, this is our equipment, if you don't eat chicken, I will cut off the head and give it to you to play as a ball..." Xiao Tuantuan looked at his high-level armor, and the fully equipped M4 and an airdrop AWM, said with oath.

"Duanzi, do you want to be so ruthless? What if we encounter that mourner?"

Su Wanqing was speechless after listening to Tuanzi's words, shook her head and asked.

Squat in the fake garage, come and destroy one team!"

Because of the route, no one jumped in this G port.

Dai Xiaomei suggested that after a few people skydive on the plane, she would find a car and come to G port to search for supplies.

Things are going well.

After a few people came to G port, they didn't find the player. After a good search, they also picked up a face-smashing airdrop.

Therefore, this one should be the best one that several people have developed on their own strength since they played the game.

And the poison circle is also brushed towards them.

The weather, the place, the people!

All three!

So, the four of them were all excited, and they felt that they were sure to eat chicken.

When Qin Xiaobai saw this, he put down his mobile phone silently, and then drove the car all the way to G port.

In a few minutes.

There was a burst of intense gunfire in Qin Xiaobai's ear.

So he drove his motorcycle to the top of the high mountain next to Port G.


Three dishes and one soup in the fake garage and another team in Qiaotou, playing you and me, very happy!

After seeing this situation, the corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth rose slightly at first, but soon pulled down...

This distance... is too **** far!

Even if the height of the top of the mountain is counted, the motorcycle after the explosion fell in a parabolic manner.

The distance of this small half of the map is completely beyond the range of the explosive speed.

Take ten thousand steps back and say that even if you can finally fly to the fake garage, the explosion of C4 is only 16 seconds.

With such a long distance, C4 has a high probability that it will explode during the flight. After some calculations, the probability of blowing the cannon is very high, and there is almost no possibility of success.

But Qin Xiaobai had no intention of giving up.

The surface-to-surface missile plan he thought of before was set for this ultra-long distance. After some thought, Qin Xiaobai slightly modified the previous plan.

Due to the great distance, Qin Xiaobai adjusted the angle of the front of the car several times.

No way.

The difference is a thousand miles, even if the angle deviation is one degree, it will affect the final landing point of the motorcycle.

However, this is not difficult for Qin Xiaobai.

After a few adjustments, he successfully completed the first step.

The second step was to enter the venue as usual, put the gasoline barrels, and then shot four times.

What matters is the next move.

Qin Xiaobai first installed a C4 time bomb on the rear of the motorcycle, and then pulled down the grenade in his hand.

After the grenade landed and before it exploded, he took out a second C4 bomb, which was also installed on the motorcycle.

This is a bold idea.

Qin Xiaobai intends to use the explosion of the first C4 to form a wave of thrust in the air, and the shock wave will accelerate twice to make up for the problem of too long distance.

This principle is equivalent to the secondary ignition acceleration of the rocket!

There is a certain interval between the installation time of the first C4 and the second C4, so there is no need to worry about the lack of time and the problem of exploding in the air.

Of course, all of this was carefully calculated by Qin Xiaobai.

The explosion time of the second C4 happened just after the motorcycle landed.

Of course, for now, all of this is still Qin Xiaobai's reasoning. As for whether it will be successful, it is still uncertain.

After this series of operations, those who watched him were all dumbfounded.


What is this? What is this guy doing?

Just as the crowd was stunned, the explosion of the grenade sounded…

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