Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1026: To save the galaxy in the future, please take me with you!


This time, everyone present was stunned again! Where did this guy come from, he is a ruthless man, whoever beats whoever sees him...


How to say!

Seeing those people feel happy, Qin Xiaobai did what they wanted to do but were afraid to do.

A girl of Lin Xiaoxiao's age is about the same age as the daughters of most of the Terra suppliers present.

Businessmen value profits, but it does not mean that they have no feelings.

So, even though Qin Xiaobai beat three people, no one stepped forward to take responsibility for him, but he had the idea of ​​clapping his hands and praising him.

Master Ma got up from the ground, his right eye was a little red and swollen, his eyes swept around the people at the reception, his face suddenly became uneasy, he pointed at Qin Xiaobai and said, "Young man, you don't talk about it. Wu De, come, cheat! Come, sneak attack! I am a sixty-nine-year-old old comrade! Is this okay? This is not good..."

Qin Xiaobai almost couldn't help laughing and screaming.

Just a fight...

What are you doing with a lot of nonsense? When two big men bully a girl, is it really a matter of martial arts?

"If you bully you, you won't fight back?"

Qin Xiaobai didn't care about the three anymore, glared at Lin Xiaoxiao, and after making a fierce sentence, he pulled her out of the door.

" hurt me~!"

After going out, Lin Xiaoxiao saw Su Wanqing beside her, quickly pulled her wrist back from Qin Xiaobai's hand, and complained in a low voice.

"Are you a waste? Don't you dare to fight back when you are stopped by two people?"

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao's appearance, Qin Xiaobai couldn't help being a little angry, staring at her and asking.

Su Wanqing from the gang saw this scene, tugged at Qin Xiaobai's clothes, and whispered: "Almost there, Sister Xiaoxiao is already pitiful enough, you still call her a waste, how can it be? You are like that!"

"I didn't make her cry!" After Qin Xiaobai heard Su Wanqing's words, his face darkened a bit, he glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao, and couldn't help but ask again One sentence: "Why, you are not happy to say that you are a waste?"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "…"

Actually, after hearing this, Lin Xiaoxiao felt a little wronged.


Only these words, Lin Xiaoxiao just thought about it, and didn't really dare to say it to Qin Xiaobai.

At this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao kept her head down, and she didn't know whether it was because of anger or shyness, like a ripe apple, in stark contrast to the fair skin on his shoulders .

"Qin, that 500 billion fund, I'm afraid it will be gone!"

Lin Xiaoxiao finally couldn't help sighing, glared at him with some resentment in his eyes, and muttered.

I can't afford to lose this person!"

Lin Xiaoxiao: "???"

Five hundred billion?

Brother, are you kidding me?

This is not 50 million, 500 million, it is 500 billion, okay... Such a large amount of money, can it be described in two words?

However, at this moment, Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a warm feeling.

This guy Qin Xiaobai, although a little fierce, a little straight...

But he also knew about the 500 billion cooperation project. He had only met Master Terra and Ma in the morning, so he must have known each other.

The consequences of hitting the three of them, Qin Xiaobai is of course very clear.

In this case, this guy can still be in front of so many people, for her Lin Xiaoxiao, he beat those three people.

It means that Qin Xiaobai is willing to give up 500 billion cooperation projects for her.

This guy likes himself too.

Otherwise he is stupid, not even 500 billion...


It must be.

It's just that because he has a girlfriend, this guy is afraid that he won't be able to give him a name...

As a woman who has gone through a lot of things, she really doesn't care about her status.

As long as the man treats him well.

Now it seems that all my efforts are worth it!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes softened. Just when he was about to look up at Qin Xiaobai, he caught a glimpse of Su Wanqing beside him.

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoxiao woke up again.

I couldn't help but scolded myself in my heart: "Lin Xiaoxiao, you can't be so shameless, he has a girlfriend, and he is about to get married! So, don't disturb and destroy other people's happiness. …”

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes dimmed. After clearing up her thoughts, she looked at Qin Xiaobai, and said, "Thank you! I'll think of a solution for the money issue. …”

"You can pull it down! If you do such a shameful thing again, it's not easy for your father to be a congressman. I will beat you to tears!" Qin Xiaobai glared at her, then fiercely Baba said: "Go back and wait for the news, I will solve the money matter!"

Five hundred billion is indeed not a small amount, but Qin Xiaobai is not impossible to get it. It's really not good, let the Hongke Alliance go to the official portal of the United States again, won't it come?

Of course, this is just what Qin Xiaobai thought about it. People are very honest now, so there is no need to start a war.

As for the money, he also has some shares in the company.

Such as Riot Games and Blue Hole Games.

This is 100% controlled.

As long as it is released a little, it should be almost enough.

Of course, Qin Xiaobai would not be stupid enough to sell a lot of shares, and he still had to keep absolute control.

"Ah... well!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Lin Xiaoxiao glanced at him in surprise, but finally nodded and agreed: "Then...then I'll go first!"

"Sister Xiaoxiao, be careful on the road!"

Su Wanqing told her with a smile when she heard that she was leaving.

"I will. Wanqing, have you saved the Milky Way in your past life? If you do something like this in the future, remember to call me, bye!" After Lin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she turned around gracefully , then turned his back to the two and shook his hand.

After she walked into the elevator, Su Wanqing looked up at Qin Xiaobai with some doubts, and asked softly, "Xiaobai, what does the last sentence of Sister Xiaoxiao mean?"

"Who knows?"

Qin Xiaobai shook his head and walked forward.

"Why do I think that Sister Xiaoxiao seems to like you a little?" Su Wanqing followed closely, put her arm around Qin Xiaobai's arm, and then asked with a smile.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Isn’t this stupid daughter-in-law also stupid?

I can see...

"No!" Qin Xiaobai said perfunctorily.

"Yes, haven't you heard that a woman's intuition is accurate?" Su Wanqing asked half-jokingly.

"She's an employee who moved bricks for me. She's about the same as the vitality girls. Don't think about it!" Qin Xiaobai explained helplessly.

"Hee hee, are you guilty? I didn't think too much..."

Su Wanqing looked at Qin Xiaobai and suddenly chuckled.

She would never suspect that Qin Xiaobai would engage in an affair. After all, in terms of Qin Xiaobai's character, even if someone took the initiative to send her to the door, this guy would probably kick her out.

Just as Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing were chatting and on their way to the Wandering Villa, there was something on the Internet that was fermenting frantically...

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