Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1036: The time is too short to be sure, review in two weeks!

After Hei Tan's explanation, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

Since this morning, people have been delivering packages to the Wandering Villa, which are full of all kinds of strange animals.

No need to guess, Qin Xiaobai also knows where these animal couriers come from.

In fact, such a thing happened a long time ago.

At that time, the Wandering Villa was just established, and the group of fans of Su Wanqing at that time, out of enthusiasm, sent a bunch of them by express.

Don't think about it this time.

It must have been Su Wanqing's live broadcast last night that fans saw that the Wandering Villa was destroyed, so they sent a bunch of them.

Although he was mentally prepared, when Qin Xiaobai followed Heitan to the gate of the villa, he couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth when he saw the mountains of cardboard boxes in front of him.

"Fuck! Su Wanqing's fans must be taking revenge on me, Qin! 'This Nima wants these animals to eat Laozi and go bankrupt..."

Qin Xiaobai's heart is very tired at the moment.


If you open your stomach to eat, you don't have to do anything every day, and you will lose tens of thousands of dollars if you open your eyes!

Fifty thousand a day is 1.5 million a month.


Not a lot!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's face looks a little better.

This amount of money is completely within his range. After all, there is a zoo, where a year's profit is more than enough to feed these animals.

"Black carbon, tomorrow I will let people come over and expand this place!

In the future, you can move bricks in the Wandering Villa. Animals are so big, they can't be taken care of by others, so starting from tomorrow, our slogan has to be changed.

Well, from now on, it will be called self-reliance and self-improvement! "

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the group of animals surrounding the door, took a deep breath, and said.

No way.

With hundreds of animals, Su Wanqing may be able to keep busy, but the number has expanded to thousands, and the burden is too heavy for that silly girl.


Su Wanqing will continue to go to school in the future.

So, Qin Xiaobai doesn't care about taking in these animals and subsidizing a little ration money, but I'm afraid he doesn't have the time and energy to come and take care of them.


Black Charcoal nodded, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

If I go to demolish the house in the future, this momentum is enough to overwhelm everything.

And, listening to Qin Xiaobai, the boss, the new homeless villa actually controls the person, and finally he will become a black person... a cat!

"That... Boss, these new little brothers seem to be too weak, do you have any extra for that magical potion?" At this moment, Black Charcoal suddenly remembered something , looked up at Qin Xiaobai again, and then asked.

"You mean this?"

Qin Xiaobai took out the small bottle, glanced at the more than half bottle of the system improvement liquid, and asked.


Black Charcoal nodded.

"This thing, for you guys, is not very useful anymore, but it can recover from the injury, find a pot, I will dilute it for them to drink!"

Qin Xiaobai is not stingy about the system improvement medicine.

This thing is of no great use to him. The people around me need to use it, and they have basically taken it all.

Therefore, it is also a good choice to enhance the physique of new animals.

After all, maybe I will take them out to demolish the house in the future! A little stronger, for him, it can be regarded as a good help.

While Qin Xiaobai and Heitan were busy dealing with these matters in the wandering villa, Su Wanqing also came to the gate of the villa.

When I got out of the car, I saw Qin Xiaobai's sports car parked at the door.

With a smile on her face, Su Wanqing carefully glanced at a report in her bag, and then walked in excitedly.

While reviewing in the library this afternoon, Su Wanqing noticed that something was wrong with her body.

At first, she really didn't think about that, only thought that maybe the air conditioner was too cold last night, so she was uncomfortable.

So I decided to go to the hospital for a check up, and buy some medicine by the way.

After some examinations, the doctor did not have any abnormality. Judging from the symptoms described by Su Wanqing, the doctor finally concluded that she may be pregnant...

At that time, Su Wanqing was stupid.

A little nervous, a little excited…

After all, the last time I came, it turned out to be an oolong time.

So, this time, she did not dare to tell Qin Xiaobai directly, but did a blood test herself...


The result is too short to be sure, but there is a high probability that you are pregnant.

The advice given by the doctor is to come back for a review in two weeks.

So, when Su Wanqing walked into the villa and saw Qin Xiaobai, she stayed where she was, didn't dare to approach, and was hesitant to tell him what happened.


Her strange behavior immediately aroused Qin Xiaobai's vigilance.

"What's the matter with you? Why are you standing so far away?"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at her speechlessly and asked.

"That... ah, I... I'm fine!"

After being called out by Qin Xiaobai, Su Wanqing felt nervous, subconsciously pressed the bag, and stammered and continued: ", how How many animals?"

Of course, Qin Xiaobai saw Su Wanqing's abnormality, but he didn't think much about it.

After glaring at her, she replied helplessly: "***It's your group of fans who did it, when the eldest sister is broadcasting live at night, tell them that I will turn my face when the courier animals come over. Now, whoever sends me will take the animals to demolish his home!"

Su Wanqing: "…"

If someone else said that, Su Wanqing might not believe it, but Qin Xiaobai might be kicked out.

So, she had to take out her mobile phone, start the live broadcast, and then repeat Qin Xiaobai's words in the live broadcast room.

Of course, the fans in the live broadcast room were obviously not convinced after hearing this.

"Anchor, don't scare us, my courier is still on the way, it is estimated that it will arrive at the villa tomorrow..."

"Don't be shy, everyone, continue to deliver animals there. Anyway, the house I rented was demolished by the dog emperor. It's a big deal to run away, hehe!"

"I just sent two silverback gorillas secretly from the zoo, and I'm already shivering, don't say it! I have to go to another cemetery, or else the dog emperor will know about it Will tear down my coffin board..."

"Brother pants, I have no problem with changing the cemetery? But can you talk a little about martial arts, what's the matter with you taking my spicy sticks by the way?"

"It's like you haven't stolen my pants..."

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