Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1047: If these two meet, it should be very interesting!

I'm speechless!

Cousin's lie, to deceive Su Wanqing and Jiang Xue, others may believe it.

But who is Chu Yunlan?

Qin Xiaobai is his wife.

Cousin's lie is definitely not going to go on.

Fortunately, black charcoal is still a mechanism, I immediately understood what Chu Yunlan meant, and explained:

"That... Auntie, my name is Heitan. Qin Xiaobai is my eldest brother. I have no father or mother since I was a child, so the moment I saw you just now, I felt the brilliance of maternal love that I have never had before. , so I couldn't help but call you Mom!"


Black Charcoal's tone is full of sincerity.

Chu Yunlan was melted in an instant, she glanced at the black charcoal softly, and said, "It turns out to be like this, and she is also a poor child. Okay, just like Xiaobai, call my mother in the future. Bar…"

Qin Xiaobai almost vomited after seeing this scene.

Now he finally understands a little bit, why for the girls of Mao Lanxing, why they always like to call him father, it turns out that his own attributes may be inherited from his mother...

Suddenly, Chu Yunlan seemed to remember the business. After getting in the car, she looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked seriously, "By the way, son! What did you just say, who do you want to marry?"

"Didn't you see it? Su Wanqing!"

Qin Xiaobai then replied.

After hearing this answer, Chu Yunlan didn't seem surprised, but the expression on her face suddenly became a little dignified.

"Son, you haven't thought about what to do with Xiaowen? She is pregnant with my grandson. If she finds out, I'm afraid of her..."

At this point, Chu Yunlan did not continue.


There was a worried look on her face.

Qin Xiaobai didn't think too much about the old lady saying that Shen Wenwen was pregnant with her own flesh and blood. This thing was originally fabricated by him.

It's been so long, why haven't you seen the clues yet... Last time I didn't ask if I was pregnant with Nezha, why didn't I mention it this time?

Just when Qin Xiaobai was thinking about something, he suddenly heard Chu Yunlan's dissatisfied complaining sound in his ears.

"What a sin! I don't care, if you dare to hurt either of them, my mother will chop you up and send it downstairs to feed the cat! If you don't believe me, try it!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After listening to Hei Tan's words, Qin Xiaobai turned his head and glared at him.

I then looked back at my mother, and then said: "Mother, don't worry! I have my senses, everyone else is a daughter-in-law, is it bad for you to have two? Double happiness..."

Hearing this, Chu Yunlan looked at her son in surprise: "So you plan to marry two?"

"Can't you?"

"Nonsense, of course not! Start in three years, the highest is five!" Chu Yunlan said angrily.

"Others may not! But sometimes I am not a human being, there is nothing wrong with this matter, you can rest assured!" Qin Xiaobai replied with a sigh, and then asked:

"By the way, where's Dad? Pack up and wait until you go to see Wanqing's parents."

Seeing her son doesn't seem like she's joking, Chu Yunlan finally shook her head helplessly, sighed and said: "Playing flying chess with my former colleagues in the community, you and Heitan first Go up and wait for a while, put me down in front, and I'll call Qin Dabao back!"

In a few moments.

Qin Xiaobai stopped the car, let his wife get out of the car, then looked at the black charcoal and said, "Let's go, go upstairs and wait for a while, I need your help with something!"

"It's okay to help!"

Black Charcoal pouted and said, "Boss, I suddenly found out that you seem to be a scumbag too!"

"Shut up!"

Qin Xiaobai glared at him, then roared: "You are so embarrassed to talk about me? I'm not too simple compared to you, at least I didn't start with animals, right? "

Black Charcoal: "…"

After coming upstairs, Qin Xiaobai poured a glass of water for the black charcoal, and then his face flickered a little, after hesitating for a while, he said to the black charcoal: "Black charcoal, wait for me Mom and Dad are here, look at what I want to do, don't worry about it so much, just knock it out and talk about it!"

Black Charcoal: "???"

After hearing this, Black Carbon was stunned.

Looking at Qin Xiaobai with frightened eyes, guessing in his heart, Qin Xiaobai's identity as a scumbag will not be exposed, and he intends to kill him?

Those are his parents, can this be done?

In fact, Qin Xiaobai let the black charcoal do it because he couldn't do it himself.

No matter what, Chu Yunlan and Qin Dabao are his biological parents. Although he was only stunned with his hands, as long as he moved his hands, it would be called a treason.

"Take it lightly, just knock them out! If you hurt them, you can take them back for a sterilization operation!" Qin Xiaobai thought for a while, then looked at the black charcoal and threatened.

Black Charcoal: "…"

I had known that I would not come with Qin Xiaobai, but nothing good!

Just as Qin Xiaobai and Heitan were discussing this matter, the door of the house was suddenly pushed open.

No surprises.

It was his parents who came in.

After Qin Dabao learned about his son, his attitude was obviously a little different from that of Chu Yunlan. Instead of blaming himself, he gave Qin Xiaobai a look that understood you as a father .

"You don't need to prepare anything, just go alone!" Qin Xiaobai replied.

"No, it's the first time I see my in-laws, should we prepare some gifts?"

Qin Dabao asked again.

"Dad! No need, if you want, just bring your flying chess board with you!" Qin Xiaobai shook his head, then suddenly remembered something, stared at Looking at his father, he said.


Hearing this, Qin Dabao's eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked excitedly, "Son, you mean..."

"That's right! Like you, your father-in-law is also a senior flying chess player. You can compete!"

The corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth rose slightly, thinking that if these two guys met together, it would be very interesting...

"Hahaha...Xiao Bai! I'm very pleased that your marriage is a father!"

When Qin Dabao finished saying this, he couldn't help but become fascinated, and Qin Xiaobai winked at Black Charcoal when he saw this.

Afterwards, Hei Tan got up abruptly, walked behind Qin Dabao, took advantage of him not paying attention, raised his hand and knocked him unconscious...

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