Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1052: Don't say it, 20 million fans are ready to grab a kiss!

The fans were somewhat unconvinced about Su Wanqing's statement that she could be admitted to graduate school.

After all, when she usually broadcasts live broadcasts, she looks like a silly and sweet image, playing a game is simply a breakthrough in the sky. If this person can be admitted to graduate school, then the fans in the live broadcast room must at least graduate from overseas returnees with a Ph.D.!

Su Wanqing obviously doesn't care about fans' complaints, after all, she's used to it.

Although Qin Xiaobai said that his parents were not easily woken up when they fell asleep, Su Wanqing deliberately lowered her voice a bit during the live broadcast.

So it sounds a little weird to those fans. Immediately in the live broadcast room, fans posted a barrage asking about this.

"What's the matter, am I the only one who thinks the anchor's speech is weird today?"

"That's not right, the anchor is not the broadcast anchor of the report, why is my voice not good after the exam?"

"Cough, I seem to understand something suddenly, can I help?"

"You are very dangerous, young man! Don't say it, unless there is a medical miracle, I am afraid that time is running out..."

"Fuck! The two big brothers upstairs, your car was caught off guard and almost hit my waist..."

"No, so you can drive too? Young people don't talk about car ethics, and attacked me, a 69-year-old comrade!"


Seeing that some incomprehensible bullet screens suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room, Su Wanqing explained a little speechlessly: "What are you talking about? Someone was resting in the car, so the anchor The voice can only be a little lower, you guys will stop!"

After she finished speaking, she pointed her phone at Cullinan's back row and gave the fans a look.

Although the camera just flashed by, there are still some fans who have seen it and found that Qin Dabao's appearance is somewhat similar to Qin Xiaobai.

So immediately in the live broadcast room, I asked the person sleeping in the back if they were Gouhuang's parents.

These fans are not malicious, they are just pure curiosity.

Under the repeated questions from fans, Su Wanqing felt a little helpless, got close to Qin Xiaobai's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Xiaobai, can you tell us about going back to prepare for the wedding? fans?"

Qin Xiaobai actually has no opinion on this matter. After all, his relationship with Su Wanqing, fans in the live broadcast room, have long known.


When he discussed marriage with Su Wanqing before, he planned to invite a group of fans from the live broadcast room to come to the wedding.

After all, Su Wanqing was able to ascend to the position of the first sister of the tiger fish beauty area, not only thanks to Qin Xiaobai's secret help, but also thanks to the support of these die-hard fans in the live broadcast room.

"You can say what you want, if those fans are willing to come, it will be more lively!"

Qin Xiaobai looked ahead and said something casually.

Seeing that Qin Xiaobai agreed, Su Wanqing had no worries, with a smile on her face, she explained to the fans: "Well, you guessed right, it is Qin who is sitting in the back resting. Xiaobai's parents.

If there are no surprises, we are about to get married in the middle of next month. If you are free, you can come to the magic capital to play. "

Su Wanqing's unpretentious remarks were like a depth bomb, which immediately caused an uproar in the live broadcast room.

"Fuck! The anchor means, is he going to marry the dog emperor in the middle of next month?"

"Although I have long expected such a day, it still feels so uncomfortable to hear the anchor say it in person!"

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; "Woohhhh ... don't stop me, let me take off my pants and cry for a while, open the market, come to help me cover the coffin board!"

"Xiantian Daoti brother, I suspect you are kidding me! I don't even know where your new cemetery is, how do you let me go..."

"Although I have agreed to this marriage, but I still want to go to the magic capital to grab a relative, is there a group to go together?"

"Stop talking, book tickets! Brothers, defeat the dog emperor and **** the bride!"

"Twenty million fans, there are still thirty seconds to reach the battlefield..."

"You people are too dark, can't you see other people's happiness? Emmm... Actually, I want to say that today is another day of bad news. Lemons are mixed with dog food, and people are caught off guard... "


In addition to the full screen of ridicule barrage, of course, more fans are sending out the barrage of blessings.

In just a few minutes after Su Wanqing said these words, the popularity and gifts in the live broadcast room instantly rushed to the first position on the tiger fish platform overall list.

This time, many of the anchors who are currently broadcasting are confused.

No idea what happened.

Especially the anchor who was at the top of the overall list before, he just jumped to the tiger fish platform, in order to increase the popularity of the next live broadcast, he opened a small account to give himself a wave Gift, brushed to the first position in the overall list.

The live broadcast is about to start, and the first place in the overall list was suddenly squeezed out.

Of course he can't stand it!

So I immediately gave myself another wave of gifts, and once again squeezed into the top of the overall list.

Originally, Su Wanqing didn't pay attention to any list at all, she just started the broadcast to explain what happened last night, and the way, she just announced that she was going to get married.

I really didn't think about competing for the number one position in the overall list.

Now that Su Wanqing has a live broadcast, she already looks very Buddhist.

After all, she no longer needs to compete for some fame to prove her status in the live broadcast circle. She's already the first sister of Tiger Fish's face value area, so what else are you fighting for?

Of course, on the other hand, it is also to take care of the newcomers in the face value area, and I want to give them some opportunities to get ahead.

She participates in any event. With her wealth of more than 20 million fans, other anchors in the Yanzhi area don't need to play at all, okay?

It will never be the first.

Although Su Wanqing didn't care, the fans in the live broadcast room were obviously a little unhappy.

On such an important official announcement day, they helped Su Wanqing rush to the top of the general list, and they were also expressing their feelings. They had just reached the top of the general list, and they were immediately brushed down.

This is obviously to find fault!

So, the fans in the live broadcast room discussed it on the public screen for a while, and brushed out almost all the fish **** and shark fins in stock.

Although everyone didn't give a lot of gifts, the number of fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room was too much.


The No. 1 place in the overall reward list of the tiger fish platform that day was taken back by Su Wanqing.

And a big gap.

The live broadcast anchor Xinde, after seeing this scene, his face immediately darkened, thinking that this anchor called Dawang Xunshan is here to find fault on purpose?

Su Wanqing didn't appear on the overall list very much during this time, and the anchor named Xin De had just changed jobs and had never heard the name of the king patrol mountain.

And he will have a live broadcast to bring goods.

So the popularity bonus at the top of the overall list is very important to him, so he has no plans to give up at all.

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