Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1058: There's no reason not to do something that kills multiple birds with one stone!

Forty-nine yuan and ninety-one boxes of bird's nest, each fan in the live broadcast room is limited to ten boxes?

This man is about to lose his money again...

You must know that her fans in the live broadcast room, although the number of downcasts has decreased by more than half, but there are still nearly 800,000!

If all these fans buy it, it will cost nearly 400 million soft sister coins.


If Qin Xiaobai gave fans hundreds of thousands, millions, or even tens of millions of gifts and benefits in her live broadcast room, Su Wanqing might not stop her at all.

But now it's 400 million!

Several hundred million in one sentence!

Is this still a human thing? This guy is the devil...

The fans in Su Wanqing's live broadcast room immediately exploded after hearing Qin Xiaobai's words.

If someone else said these words, these people would not believe it at all.

It costs five hundred dollars after all!

The mouth of the anchor, the deceitful ghost…

No matter what you say, the money is yours, no one will be stupid enough to believe it.

But Qin Xiaobai is different.

Let's not talk about his identity as the richest man in the magic capital, just the identity of a tiger fish boss is enough to make these fans trust his words.

After all.

If the boss of Tiger Fish openly deceived fans during the live broadcast, it is estimated that the platform will not be able to continue.

Not to mention.

It's not like Qin Xiaobai has never done such a thing.

During the time of his own live broadcast, the mouse and keyboard with the goods had quality problems, and the merchant ran away directly, but he paid the full amount by himself.

The amount at that time almost reached hundreds of millions of soft sister coins.

It can be seen that what he said this time was definitely not a joke.

However, there are still some fans, with doubts in their hearts, who send barrage inquiries on the public screen.

"Fuck! Are you crazy? We have 800,000 people in our live broadcast room...Aren't you afraid of going bankrupt?"

, is it just a drizzle, okay?"

"Fuck, I can't stay in this live broadcast room any longer. Now, with a monthly salary of 3,000, I even feel that hundreds of millions of soft sister coins are not money anymore..."

"No, I'm a little confused, Gouhuang is giving welfare, why is Mao going to support that anchor Sinde! Did he scold us and the anchor?"

"Why are you asking so much, isn't it stupid not to take advantage of it?"

"Yes, don't ask! When I finish taking off my pants, I can buy a dog king and go bankrupt..."

"Fuck! What's the matter at this time, Xiantian Daoti brother, you still have the mind to take off your pants, and it will be sold out and out of stock, wait and cry!"


For the questions of fans in the live broadcast room, Qin Xiaobai naturally couldn't tell them.

Of course, he wouldn't do a business at a loss.

Although it seems that he will pay a price of 400 million for this, as long as things are as he and Su Wanqing guessed, then it will be a win-win deal.

However, this multi-win is a bit different from the multi-win that everyone often says.

It does not refer to the Taomao platform, the anchor Sinde and the manufacturer.

It refers to Qin Xiaobai winning more than one person...

As long as it is confirmed that the anchor Sinde sells fake goods.

Then first of all, the 400 million he spent will become 4 billion back.

In just a few days, ten times the return.

What other return on investment can compare to something like this?

Even Warren Buffett, the godfather of investing in his previous life, would probably fall behind...

Secondly, as long as Qin Xiaobai doesn't reconcile with him privately, then the anchor Xinde will definitely not escape legal sanctions.

The family will not be ruined, but at least the family will be ruined, and the prison will be worn.

After all, it is not a small crime to openly sell fake goods and deceive consumers.

In this way, his goal of hammering the anchor to death can be considered achieved. Even if the Taomao platform wants to protect Xinde, it is impossible.

In addition, merchants who sell fake products will definitely be held accountable, and they will certainly not escape legal sanctions. It is also a good thing for the vast number of consumers that there is one less company in the world that manufactures fakes and shoddy products.

He Qin Xiaobai really did a good job.

Maybe you can take the animals of the stray villa to a pleasant house demolition operation!

In the end, this incident happened on the Taomao live broadcast platform. As long as Qin Xiaobai secretly let people make a little hype, although it is not enough to bring down the Taomao platform, but for Taomao The reputation of the platform is also a big blow.

In this way, it will also be an invisible help for him to enter the e-commerce industry in the future.

Of course, step back.

Even if the product that the anchor Sinde bought was real.

Then he Qin Xiaobai has the most and lost 400 million soft sister coins.

But it can be exchanged for the favor and support of Su Wanqing's fans in the live broadcast room.

And, such a thing will definitely be on the hot search news.

Whether it is to increase Su Wanqing's popularity, or to increase the popularity of the tiger fish live broadcast platform, it is of great benefit.

The worst result is to spend 400 million soft sister coins to buy people's hearts and make an advertisement.

No matter how he calculates it, Qin Xiaobai will at most keep his capital, and he will definitely not lose blood.


What is the reason for Qin Xiaobai not to do it once?

Thinking of this, the corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth could not help slightly upward, raising a beautiful arc.

Su Wanqing, who was driving, saw this familiar smile and always felt as if he was going to do something bad again, so he couldn't help but asked again: "Xiao Bai, what are you going to do? What are you doing? It always feels like you are holding back..."

"Concentrate on driving! Do you want to murder your husband's family?"

Qin Xiaobai glared at her, and then added angrily: "I'm going to the imperial capital soon, don't overturn! It won't take long for you to understand..."

"Uh... well!"

Su Wanqing didn't want to talk when she saw Qin Xiaobai, so she turned around helplessly and continued to drive the car with concentration.

At the same time, Xin De, the anchor who was selling goods on Taomao live broadcast platform, knew nothing about Qin Xiaobai's revenge.

He was holding the teacup in front of him with a blushing face, drinking tea with a look of enjoyment.

He couldn't be more satisfied with today's live streaming.

Although what happened before was a little disturbing, but at this moment he looked at the sales, and his mood finally seemed to be sunny after rain, and the haze was swept away.

Originally, he thought that today's sales must be overturned.

But what he didn't expect was that after arriving on the Taomao live broadcast platform, not only did there not appear to be a downturn, but instead it exploded directly.

The sales of just one bird's nest product has far exceeded his previous target.

A terrifying 370 million!

This is just one product, all 150 kinds of commodities, if added together, today's sales have every chance to exceed the 400 million mark.

This not only made him the first anchor with over 100 million sales.

And the height he has reached, in the entire network, will be for a long time, no other anchor can surpass.

Even now, he can claim that he is the first person in the world of live streaming!

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