Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1061: What if I said, I have all of the things you considered?

According to the prompt of the information, Qin Xiaobai quickly boarded the official website of SGS, and then found the product reports he sent for testing.

No more words.

Qin Xiaobai directly clicked on one of the reports, and after a brief glance, he clicked on the other one.

This reciprocation more than ten times, Qin Xiaobai's face gradually became a little difficult to look.

"Fuck! This time I really miscalculated, blood loss!"

Qin Xiaobai is stupid.

Among the dozen or so test reports he read, in addition to the bird's nests that fans in the live broadcast room had previously bought, there were more than a dozen other commodities.

No exceptions.

There are more than a dozen commodity inspection reports, but none of them are qualified.

The heavy metals in cosmetics and food exceed the standard seriously.

What makes Qin Xiaobai speechless the most is that the so-called bird's nest is only a flavored drink, and there is no bird's nest ingredient at all.

The reason why Qin Xiaobai felt blood loss was because he only let his fans buy bird's nest. Let fans buy 400 million.

In that case, you will make a fortune just by claiming.

According to one hundred and fifty products…

Never mind!

Forget it, he Qin Xiaobai is not an unreasonable person. If you round it up, it's almost the same as losing one trillion.

But unfortunately.

He only made fans buy 400 million products.

However, that was enough to kill Sind.

However, what Qin Xiaobai wants is far from letting an anchor cool down, but wants to take this opportunity to enter the e-commerce circle.

After a while, Qin Xiaobai walked out of the hotel and drove directly to the Imperial Capital International Airport.

Sinde's matter, it's not a big problem to temporarily postpone it for a day. There is one more important thing that he needs to do right now.

Three at night.

Although it was late at night, a sea-view villa in Dachan Bay on the north side of Qianhai, Shencheng, was still lit.

On the sofa in the spacious living room, Twist frowned slightly, looking up at the door from time to time.

It seems to be waiting for some important guest.

"Ding Dong!"

The crisp doorbell rang. Then Ma Hua stood up directly and walked towards the door.


The door opened, and the young man standing in front of him was Qin Xiaobai who came by plane from the empire.

"Brother Ma, your villa is really nice, facing the sea, spring flowers are blooming!" Qin Xiaobai grinned and praised.


The villa of Ma Hua may not be as big as his own, but the location is obviously much better than his.

"You came to my house in the middle of the night, shouldn't you just come to praise the house I live in?"

Twister was a little speechless, frowned at Qin Xiaobai, and asked.

"Of course not!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced at him without any courtesy, stepped into the living room, and then said, "There is a business, Mr. Ma wonders if he is interested?"

Twinkle didn't have any displeasure at Qin Xiaobai's actions.

"You want to sell Blue Cave or Douyin?"

Ma Hua knows a little about Qin Xiaobai's industry, but he is not very interested in most of them, except for Landong and Douyin.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


Is this grandson always thinking about his two industries?

"No! There is another project, I want Brother Ma to talk about it!" Qin Xiaobai smiled mysteriously, sat on the sofa, and answered calmly.

Hearing this, Ma Hua's face changed a few times, then she looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked, "Is it a live broadcast platform? But this is what I sold to you before, you don't want to pay a high price again. Sell ​​it to me?"

Seeing that Ma Hua has been speculating wildly, Qin Xiaobai has no intention of continuing to sell off, and staring at Ma Hua's expression, he asks directly, "Brother Ma, is there any interest in e-commerce? "

"What, you want to do e-commerce? This is basically courting death, don't pull me, I'm not interested!"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the corners of Ma Hua's mouth twitched a few times, and then she refused decisively.

"Really not interested?"


"Forget it, I'll take it for nothing and say goodbye!"

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the door.

Twist: "…"


Will you hold on? Make things clear before you go...

"Brother Qin, come back first, you have to tell me what to do?" Ma Hua shook her head speechlessly and stopped Qin Xiaobai.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai had already guessed that Ma Hua would definitely stop him. If Ma Hua was not moved by such a big cake in the e-commerce circle, it would be a ghost.

However, this guy is more of a chicken thief, and he belongs to the type of hawks who don't see rabbits.

In fact, it's no wonder that Ma Hua is too cautious.

He has secretly invested more than a dozen times in e-commerce, but without exception, almost all of them ended in bankruptcy, which is unacceptable even for individuals!

So, when he heard that Qin Xiaobai wanted to invite him to develop e-commerce together, he subconsciously refused.

But seeing that Qin Xiaobai is really leaving, I seem to think that this guy might have something, so it's okay to listen.

"I have some test reports in my hand, Mr. Ma will read it first and then let's talk about it..."

After Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, he opened the laptop he brought over, went to the official website of SGS, and then pushed it in front of Ma Hua.

Five minutes later.

Twist frowned, looked at Qin Xiaobai with a puzzled face and asked, "So, what does this mean?"

"Although this is just a product brought by an anchor, but this happened on the Taomao live broadcast platform. With a little hype, Mr. Ma should know better than me, right?" Qin Xiaobai asked with a half smile. road.

After hearing this, Ma Hua's face suddenly became serious.

Qin Xiaobai is right.

Once this matter is hyped, it can indeed make Taomao's brand image suffer a lot.

"But that's it, it's not very helpful for us to enter e-commerce..." Ma Hua seemed to see some hope, but in the end she shook her head helplessly.

The layout of Taomao has long been perfect.

It's hard to really shake its foundation just by relying on one negative news.

"You have a payment system and a lot of traffic, right?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and then asked.

"That's right! But these are still not enough! Warehouses, transit, logistics, etc. are needed..."

Ma Hua also thought the same thing before. She has a payment system and huge traffic to support an e-commerce platform. It should not be a big problem, but after more than a dozen failures.

He finally understands that these are not enough.

Also have a good layout.

Warehouse, transit, logistics, distribution, etc.

None of these things can be built overnight, and it will take at least several years to complete them all.

Moreover, these things are a huge investment, and it is difficult to see returns in the short term.

Therefore, some of the company's short-sighted shareholders would not agree with him to do so.

Although he is the chairman and CEO of Goose Factory and the largest shareholder, his shares do not exceed 50%, and he has only one veto power and no decision-making power.

Some major decisions still need to be decided through the general meeting of shareholders.

"What if I said you thought about it, I have it?" Qin Xiaobai looked at the twist with a serious face and asked.

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