Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1065: The first mission after the nine stars!

At around five o'clock in the evening, Qin Xiaobai originally planned to go to the Wandering Villa to find Heitan and the others, and the next time he flew chess to relieve his boredom, but after arriving at the Wandering Villa, he did not find the shadow of Heitan. .

This made Qin Xiaobai a little puzzled.

According to the time, the black carbon guy should be due to change shape today, he should be very clear about this.

Could this guy run to find Jiang Xuelang again and forget about it?

This is especially true in front of Jiang Xue, from a human to a cat.

What a joke!

At this moment, the door of the Wandering Villa suddenly sounded a siren.

Qin Xiaobai's first reaction was, why should he be reported by someone, and then come to a live broadcast to arrest him?


I haven't started a live broadcast, nor have I done anything illegal...

Could it be this guy, Black Charcoal, who led the animals in the stray villa behind his back, demolished other people's homes, and then caught the attention of the police uncle?

This is even more impossible!

In addition to black charcoal, other animals are basically all in the villa.

With a hint of doubt, Qin Xiaobai frowned and walked to the door of the Wandering Villa.

When he came to the gate of the villa, he happened to meet two uniformed people and got out of the car.

Qin Xiaobai glanced at the two of them, the young police flower, who had been to a wandering villa once, had also criticized and educated Su Wanqing at that time because the animals had demolished the hot pot restaurant.

So, Qin Xiaobai still has a little impression of her.

As for the young man next to the young police flower, it looks like an intern who just graduated from the police academy.

However, the young policewoman, Qin Xiaobai, who obviously did not know her human form, originally planned to come over to ask about things, but after seeing Qin Xiaobai's handsome face, the young policewoman , I forgot what to ask for a while.

In response, Qin Xiaobai could only shake his head speechlessly, coughed a few times helplessly, and then asked: "Eldest sister, you look at me in such a panic, you see Do bad people look like this?"

When Qin Xiaobai said this, the young police flower immediately realized that he was a little rude, his face turned slightly red, and then he said a little embarrassedly: "That... We are investigating a case, Is Miss Su inside?"

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Listening to this woman, it seems that the case is related to Su Wanqing...


Qin Xiaobai was a little surprised.

Su Wanqing's silly girl, her IQ is often offline, and she is not yet in the magic capital, how could there be a case related to her?

Isn’t this nonsense…

If she can commit a crime, it is estimated that there are no good people in this world!

"No, what case did she commit?"

Qin Xiaobai frowned, looked at the young policewoman suspiciously, and asked.

"It's not that Miss Su did something wrong, but this case involves the Wandering Villa. We're going to come and ask about the situation! By the way, Miss Su is inside?" the young policewoman explained.

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But since the matter involved the Wandering Villa, Qin Xiaobai felt that it was necessary to know more about it.

"She's not here, she's back to her hometown in the imperial capital! What's the matter, you're the same as me, I'm her fiancé, and I also know some things here!"

Qin Xiaobai glanced down at the policewoman in front of him, and then answered.

"That's it...that's fine!"

The policewoman nodded, and then instructed the intern beside her: "Xiao Tang, make a record!"

"Okay, Sister Li!"

The young man took out a small notebook and a pen, and respectfully stood aside, ready to start recording.

After seeing this scene, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

What's going on?

Will every word I say become evidence in court?


"Qin Xiaobai!"

"This afternoon, there was an accident at the Tang's Auto 4S store. A bald man hit a Mercedes-Benz and an Audi while testing the car. Then, the bald man took advantage of the The name of the toilet disappeared from the toilet of the 4S store..."

The young policewoman glanced at Qin Xiaobai's face, paused for a moment, and then said, "According to our investigation, when the bald man went to the 4S store, he claimed to be living in a wandering villa. So we wanted to investigate."

Shaved man?

4S store?

Crashed a Mercedes and an Audi…

Mysterious disappearance…

Claiming to be from the Wandering Villa?

When I heard this, Qin Xiaobai was stupid!

I don't need to investigate, let's just solve the case?

It’s black charcoal…


Qin Xiaobai guessed right, it was indeed black charcoal.

Since the black carbon experienced the thrill of drag racing on earth, another door to a new world opened to it.

The joy of life in black charcoal has added another activity - drag racing!

Qin Xiaobai went to the imperial capital a few days ago, and Heitan and Jiang Xue chatted about this. Jiang Xue, who was overwhelmed by love, immediately took out all her savings and planned to let Hei Tan buy a car.

The black charcoal was so itchy that she immediately went to the Tang's Auto 4S store, planning to buy a car of her own.

But he didn't have a driver's license after all. He made a mistake during the test drive and hit the car of the sales director and the boss parked in the 4S shop.

It was nothing.

Pay some money to repair it, and it will be no big deal.

But when the other party knew that Hei Tan did not have a driver's license, he immediately thought of extorting money.

After all, for this kind of thing, they concluded that the black carbon did not dare to call the police.

Although Blue Star's driver's license is easy to obtain, driving without a license is also a very serious crime, the kind that is less than three years old.

Therefore, one asked for half a million and the other asked for 450,000.

When he heard the black charcoal, everyone was stunned. The money Jiang Xue bought him a car added up to 200,000, which is not enough to even compensate one person...

And he also saw that these two guys were planning to blackmail him.

This kind of loss, he obviously can't eat it.

Therefore, I simply did not do it, promised the two of them on the surface, and then went to the bathroom on the pretext.

It's almost time to transform.

After returning to cat form, she ran out of the 4S store directly from the vent.

The sales director and boss of Tang's Auto 4S shop waited for two hours before feeling that something was not right, so they went to the bathroom to check it again, but there is still black charcoal. Shadow.

So, the two chose to call the police.

That's why the two in front of you drove a police car to the Wandering Villa to investigate.

After understanding the whole thing, Qin Xiaobai really wanted to beat the black charcoal and cry on the spot.

But at this moment, a cold and ethereal reminder sounded suddenly in his mind.

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for refreshing the task, please go to the task interface in time to check."

After hearing this voice, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

As he guessed.

It is a task to help Black Charcoal solve troubles, reward +5000 evolution points, and nine-star lottery +1.

Qin Xiaobai knew about the fact that Black Charcoal didn't have a driver's license, so he could only helplessly smile, looked at the policewoman in front of him and asked, "I don't need to bother you two about this. I'll go to the 4S store to find them private..."

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