Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1071: So... the evil in the two of you together?


Qin Xiaobai pondered for a moment, then spit out two words seriously.

"Just ask, why are you so serious?" Su Wanqing shook her head, muttered softly, then seemed to remember something, exclaimed: "Yeah, tell you this , almost forgot the business.

Sister Xiaoguo and the others invited me to play games at night! "

Qin Xiaobai: "???"

Still playing games?

Have the last C4 psychological shadow passed so quickly?

However, Qin Xiaobai has been thinking about the dream problem that Su Wanqing just mentioned, but he has no intention of doing his wife abuse.

And Su Wanqing has already passed the exam, so playing games is not a big problem.

"Come on, let's go to the hotel!"

Although the Wandering Villa has been restored, Su Wanqing's previous live broadcast equipment is no longer there, so it is obviously impossible to play games and stay in the Wandering Villa.

So Qin Xiaobai said casually to go to the hotel.

However, after the content of the conversation between the two was heard by the fans in the live broadcast room, it was natural that they had to complain.

"Fuck! This is too much. It's okay for you two to feed dog food. Now, in front of us, you say you're going to the hotel..."

"After the single dog heard this sentence, he was hurt by 100 million critical hits!"

"The big brother upstairs, don't say that you are a single dog, the anchor's Erha is more nourished than you, is it because he has not appeared in the live broadcast room for too long, so you have already Have you forgotten that you are not as good as a dog?"

"Fuck, cruel! Do you want to remind me all the time..."

"Don't say it! I just said that, I have already taken off my pants, and the opener came over to cover my coffin board, this kind of thing is better to be low-key..."

"I'm so... I suspect you're trying to deceive me, and then do something excessive to me! The last time you looked at me was wrong..."

"You are actually driving at this time? Hurry up and fill the bowl with rice. Seriously, I haven't eaten anything for a month..."

"I'm a little afraid to watch the next live broadcast. I'm afraid that a few of them will plant rice in my mouth again, or a hybrid..."


Su Wanqing picked up her phone and was speechless after seeing these barrages.

At first she planned to justify a few words that they were not good, but it seemed she couldn't find any excuse at all!


They are really outrageous…

However, this does not affect their love for games.

I don’t want to become a professional player, and while having fun, I also bring joy to the fans in the live broadcast room, which is not bad.

At this moment, a voice message of Cheng Xiaoguo suddenly popped up in the WeChat group of the mobile phone.

"Wanqing, you are too unreasonable! What about the game at 7:30? I'll wait for you now, hurry up and go online, I'll tell you something weird later …”

"Coming soon, already on the way!"

Su Wanqing replied with a message, then looked at Qin Xiaobai, and said, "Xiaobai, let's hurry up, it is estimated that they have been waiting for a long time!"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

The woman's words are obviously unbelievable!

This silly girl told Cheng Xiaoguo that she was on her way...

Twenty minutes later, the two arrived at the suite at the Arashiyama Hotel.

After Su Wanqing and Qin Xiaobai said a few words, they walked directly into the game room.

Then skillfully turned on the computer, started the live broadcast, and boarded the game.

Coming soon.

She was pulled into the team voice.

"Wanqing, you're finally here, it's incredible. Brother Gou just said she was jealous of your little white... Do you two want to go out and fight? Hey!" Said with a wicked smile.

After listening to Duan Xiaomei's words, Cheng Xiaoguo was a little speechless, and quickly defended:

"You keep talking nonsense, little girl, let's fight first! Am I talking about greedy Qin Xiaobai?"

After Su Wanqing heard the conversation between the two, she was a little confused. After a while, she asked in the team voice with some doubts: "What are you talking about? Why are you talking about it again? Qin Xiaobai is gone..."

"Wan Qing, don't listen to the nonsense of the little girl! I never said that.


When Cheng Xiaoguo said this, he suddenly stopped, and after a while, he slowly asked, "You said I'm not going to get rich? I always dream of a coffin, how dare you letter?"

Before Su Wanqing could open her mouth, Little Sister Duan laughed and said, "Hahaha, Brother Gou, you must have done a lot of tomb robbing scenes, right?"

"Maybe so! Well, I think I might need to see a psychiatrist!"

Cheng Xiaoguo sighed, and then asked, "Have you encountered such a strange thing before?"

After hearing this, Su Wanqing was stunned.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly asked, "Sister Xiaoguo, you also dreamed of...a coffin?"

"That's right! It's just these two days, it's been two or three days..."

Cheng Xiaoguo replied, and then suddenly felt that something was not right, and then asked: "Wanqing, shouldn't you tell me, are you the same?"

"Cyan, on an altar, and when I got close, I could only see a blur of purple, and then I woke up, right?"

Su Wanqing hesitated for a while, and did not answer Cheng Xiaoguo's question directly, but said everything she saw in her dream and still remembered.

" did you know?"

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Cheng Xiaoguo was obviously taken aback, and her tone of voice began to stutter.

No wonder Cheng Xiaoguo was surprised.

Su Wanqing's description is almost exactly the same as what happened in his dream.

She didn't say anything about this when she was chatting with the little girl just now, but only after she saw Su Wanqing coming.

"It's a little weird..."

Su Wanqing frowned, and then said: "Sister Xiaoguo, I want to say that I also had such a strange dream in the past two days, do you believe it?"

"I'm going, are you two kidding me?"

Did the two of you fall for evil together?

I don't have any for the yarn... Did I miss something? "

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