Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1073: He didn't go to clean at all, but he committed the addiction of tearing down the

Because she played the game in the middle of the night, after Su Wanqing went off the air, it was rare to get a solid sleep, and she did not have that weird dream again.

Woke up the next morning, full of energy again.

Turn to look at Qin Xiaobai, who was still sleeping beside him, Su Wanqing pinched his nose mischievously.

Kin Xiaobai who was woken up had a displeased expression on her face, glared at her, and asked, "Stupid woman, are you planning to murder your husband?"

After hearing Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing didn't care, lay beside him, and said with a smile: "Xiaobai, let's decorate the new house today and buy something festive.

Then write some invitations, and it's almost time to send them out. "

Although Qin Xiaobai has never been married, he has seen others get married a few times, so after thinking about it for a while, he thinks what Su Wanqing said seems to make sense.

August 2nd is only a few days away.

, it must be done!"

"Are you sure?"

Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai in disbelief. She seemed to have never seen Qin Xiaobai do housework!

Besides, she cleaned the villa herself before, and it took a whole day to clean it all up, can Qin Xiaobai really do it alone?

"Don't worry, I can handle this kind of small thing in an hour!"

Qin Xiaobai swears by his words.

Actually, Qin Xiaobai didn't plan to clean up by himself. After all, he is so lazy. After cleaning a villa of more than 1,000 square meters, can't he be exhausted?

The animals in the Wandering Villa have been eating and drinking for so long, and it is time to exercise their muscles and bones. It shouldn't be a big problem for them to do small things like mopping the floor and wiping the table.

"Okay, I'll ask Xiaorou to accompany me to buy things later, you go and clean up the house!" Su Wanqing saw Qin Xiaobai speak very seriously, although she was still a little afraid I believed it, but I didn't ask any more questions.

"You lie down again, I'll make some breakfast, I'll call you later!"

After she finished speaking, Su Wanqing got up from the bed, then changed out of her pajamas and started to get busy.

Su Wanqing is very happy to do something that seems ordinary.

Qin Xiaobai stared at Su Wanqing's back, not knowing what to say, do you really want to uncover the so-called past?

In fact, she is like this, isn't it good?

If there is a choice, Qin Xiaobai would rather think like this...

After breakfast, Su Wanqing drove to the medical school to pick up Tang Xiaorou.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaobai called the main force of the demolition group, about fifty animals.

The animals surrounded Qin Xiaobai, all of them were a little excited.

They've all been exercising according to the Animal Fitness Handbook all this time.

Although they are all bald.

But the benefits are also obvious. The combat power is now several times stronger than before.

The title of the animal generation purpose... hehe!)

Huahu's eyes flickered with excitement.

After this period of tempering, it already feels that it can fight against black carbon. Therefore, the title has also changed from the previous charcoal to black charcoal.


Xiao Huang also echoed.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

Hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was speechless.

He yelled at them with a black face: "Damn, I asked you to help me clean up. Why are you all trying to demolish my villa?"

Demolition: "…"

Isn’t the house demolished?

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, all the members of the demolition group couldn't help but feel lost.

However, since Qin Xiaobai has already spoken, they will naturally not go against his opinion.

Following Qin Xiaobai's footsteps, he rushed towards his villa in a mighty manner.

Although the number of animals this time is not as many as before, but after all, it is daytime, so not long after walking out of the wandering villa, it immediately attracted the attention of many pedestrians.

Many young people among them immediately recognized the members of the demolition group, started recording videos, uploaded them to Douyin, and @Su Wanqing.

But hesitantly, Su Wanqing was driving and did not notice the messages of these fans.

But Tang Xiaorou, who was sitting on the co-pilot, quickly became a little weird.

A group of Su Wanqing's fans ran to her live broadcast room and asked her to help inform Su Wanqing that her animals were on their way to tearing down the house again...

At first, Tang Xiaorou didn't care much.

But as the number of people increased, she gradually felt that something was not right, she turned her head and looked at Su Wanqing and said in a low voice: "Mother, look at this video... Fans are talking about dad I took the animals to demolish the house..."

Su Wanqing: "???"

After hearing Tang Xiaorou's words, Su Wanqing was so excited that she almost drove the car onto the curb.

I finally found a place to park.

After Su Wanqing stopped the car, she picked up her phone and glanced at it, and she suddenly felt bad.

"Didn't you say you want to clean up? What the **** is Qin Xiaobai doing?"

After taking a look at the videos of fans @her, Su Wanqing muttered a little speechlessly, then her expression suddenly became tense, and then she said: "Is this guy going to run away from marriage and bring animals with him? Let's tear down our wedding room..."


Have you met your parents?

There is no reason for Qin Xiaobai to escape from marriage... Even if he wants to escape from marriage, there is no need to demolish his own villa?

Su Wanqing suddenly remembered something.

In the middle of the night last night, Cheng Xiaoguo and Danzi, the three of them, insisted on video meeting Xiaobai from her family.

No way!

In order to avoid exposing Qin Xiaobai's transformation into a human being, Su Wanqing had to beg Qin Xiaobai to change back to Erha and leave the country for a while.

Is it only in such a short period of time that Qin Xiaobai's thinking was led by Erha again?

If you think about it this way, Qin Xiaobai would make sense when he said in the morning that he was going to clean up.

He didn't want to clean up at all, but... the addiction of tearing down the house was committed again!

"Xiaorou, let's not go shopping first, I have to stop Qin Xiaobai, or the family may be gone..." After Su Wanqing finished speaking, she immediately turned the car and moved towards the villa rushed over.

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