Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1077: The e-commerce platform opened, and the turnover was terrifying.

After the supper, the two took Tang Xiaorou back to the zoo, and then rushed back to the Lanshan Hotel.

Silent night.

The next morning, when Qin Xiaobai woke up, he glanced at Su Wanqing who was still sleeping beside him, smiled, and did not wake her up.

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai suddenly received a message from Ma Hua.

At twelve o'clock today, Jingxi and Pinxixi will be officially open for business. Although he has done continuous promotion there, it seems that the strength is still not enough.

Let him arrange the Gobi live platform and Douyin, and promote it at the same time.

Speaking of this, he was indeed negligent.

I have been so busy with my marriage that I have forgotten to arrange such an important thing.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai shook his head.

Then picked up the phone and made a call to Liang Chenghai, asking him to arrange the advertising of Tiger Fish and Douyin.

For Qin Xiaobai's arrangement.

Liang Chenghai didn't ask too many questions, he just did it.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the tiger fish live broadcast platform, basically all the live broadcasters, began to promote the two shopping platforms.

Of course.

Douyin short video is basically the same.

Viewers who swipe short videos can see an advertisement on the Jingxi shopping platform or Pinxixi shopping platform almost every three videos.

I have to say.

This kind of brainwashing advertisement is still very effective.

Since Tianhe announced its entry into e-commerce, the pre-downloads and cumulative downloads of the two shopping apps have reached 7 billion and 5 billion times respectively.

This result also made Godfather Ma, who was originally holding a joke, gradually felt a huge pressure.

He didn't even dream of it, just seven days.

There are really two shopping platforms that can be on an equal footing with Taomao…

At present, the downloads of Jingxi and Pinxixi shopping apps are still a long way from Taomao.

But they are only seven days old!

If this is a year or a few years of development, who knows what the result will be?

Of course, just the number of APP downloads will not make Godfather Ma so flustered. The key is that all the advertisements of Goose Factory and Douyin have been removed from the shelves.

The other party would rather lose money and breach the contract rather than continue to run Taomao's advertisements.

This is the worst!

So, he had to hurriedly organize an emergency temporary meeting and called all the Taomao executives over!

"Everyone! What do you want to say about the opening of Jingxi and Pinxixi today?" Godfather Ma flipped through the report on Jingxi and Pinxixi in his hand, He looked up at his surroundings expressionlessly and asked.

"The number of APP downloads is not necessarily accurate. If we want to, we can completely brush the downloads of the Taomao APP to 100 billion times, which is of no use!" The person who once reprimanded Liang Chenghai's President Chen replied after pondering for a while.

"Mr. Chen has some truth in what he said. Others don't know this, how can we not know? It's just bluffing, Tianhe, a company that has not yet been listed, has the ability to support two e-commerce platforms ?"

Another senior management of Taomao agreed.

"You all think like this?" Godfather Ma suddenly turned dark, and then asked coldly:

"Have you all been at ease for too long and have lost your ability to think? Goose Factory and Douyin colleagues have removed our advertisements, can you still arouse suspicion?"

Obviously, Godfather Ma has guessed that this matter will never be so simple.

Just one Tianhe shopping mall is indeed not enough.

But what if there are Goose Factory and Douyin behind it?

Then, with the traffic guidance of the two, Jingxi and Pinxixi, two platforms, it really needs to attract enough attention.

"Even if there are people behind them, but they only opened today, can it be possible that they can surpass our Taomao shopping? Well, I have also investigated the reason why Tianhe announced its entry into e-commerce. It's because we Taomao Live, which shielded a goby-hopping anchor.

If the combined sales of Jingxi and Pinxixi today can exceed 10 million, I will take the blame and quit Taomao shopping unconditionally! "

Mr. Chen seemed a little angry when he saw Godfather Ma, and immediately said.

Anyway, in his opinion, a newly opened shopping platform with one million sales is not bad.

After all, when Taomao was first launched, the sales on the first day were only a few thousand dollars.

Qin Xiaobai washed briefly, then drove to Tianhe Shopping Center.

It was almost half past twelve when he arrived at Tianhe.

Tianhe commercial shopping center is not deserted, but it will definitely not be as bustling as it is today.

Businesses hit by e-commerce are all busy at the moment.

At the door of almost every store, there are many kangaroo riders waiting to pick up the goods.

Jingxi and Pinxixi open at twelve o'clock.

In less than ten minutes, almost all the merchants who checked in have experienced the phenomenon of bursting orders.

The turnover exceeded 100 billion in five minutes.

Break 200 billion in ten minutes.

At half past twelve, basically all businesses had to temporarily close their stores.

No way!

Stock is sold out.

Although the transaction volume was not so exaggerated for a while, but in half an hour, the transaction volume of Jingxi alone exceeded 400 billion, and Pinxixi was even more exaggerated. directly reached 500 billion.

Is this a concept?

Tao Mao's Double Eleven Shopping Festival, the sales for 20 days, are almost the same.

Now it takes less than an hour for others…

Compared with the popularity of Jingxi and Pinxixi, the Taomao platform is much deserted.

Usually at noon, there can be sales of about 500 million, but today there is indeed not even 50 million...

Shrunk by 90%.

At this moment, a group of Taomao executives were sitting in the office, watching the increasing sales of Jingxi and Pinxixi, and almost vomited blood on the spot.

People are stupid!

Originally, they thought that the status of Taomao shopping was stable enough.

Even those two platforms, with stray support, are at most just taking part of the market.

But now they finally know that this is not to grab the market, it is simply to kill the job...

Who can stand this?

Almost all the customers were snatched away!

In addition to customers, of course, there are also many high-quality merchants who have announced their withdrawal from Taomao Shopping at this moment, and are ready to join Jingxi or Pinxixi. For Tao Mao, this is undoubtedly a draw from the bottom of the pot, which makes things worse!

When Ma Hua and Dong Guangzhu sent the good news from the shopping platform, Qin Xiaobai was not surprised.

Instead, everything was expected.

The population of the Blue Star Empire is about ten times more than that of the previous Earth.

The turnover of hundreds of billions can be achieved on Earth, so it is not difficult to do it in Blue Star.

As for crushing Taomao, it can be said in the past.

After all, Jingxi and Pinxixi have stubborn shopping subsidies.

In addition, the so-called world has been suffering for a long time, and it seems to be almost suitable for Tao Mao.

Of course Qin Xiaobai also knows that Taomao has been operating in Bluestar for many years, and it is difficult to completely squeeze it out of the e-commerce circle.

However, it's just a matter of time.

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