Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1090: Do you even suspect that I am false?

Around twelve noon, Qin Xiaobai drove to the Wandering Villa.

Because the news that he was going to marry Su Wanqing was spread by several disguised members, almost all the animals in the villa now knew about it.

The atmosphere of joy in the villa is as hot as the scorching sun hanging overhead.

Black Charcoal and the others, while enjoying the shade in the attic, discussing what gifts to give.

"The boss is also a person who is short of money, and giving other things seems a bit tacky. We are all just human beings, and we can't afford any expensive gifts. Specialty!"

Black Charcoal looked around and finally landed on Huahu.

"Brother Tan, tell me, we will listen to you on this matter. As long as I can help, Huahu will never refuse!" When Huahu spoke, his face rose again. The flattery of the past.

No way.

Originally he thought that after the transformation, he could compete with Black Charcoal and compete for the title of the first cat family.

But what I didn't expect was that the result of the challenge was not unexpected.

He was beaten to tears by the black charcoal again...

Big brother and big sister-in-law have been together for a long time, and now there is no brother or baby..."

After these words, the other people present all looked at him with dazed expressions, as if waiting for his next words.

"Don't look at me like that..."

Black Charcoal shook his head, and then said helplessly:

"It's not me saying bad things about the boss! I suspect that there is something wrong with him. There are so many good-looking girls around him. This guy is either playing flying chess or making them do math problems..."

Although what Black Charcoal said was a little vague, the other animals present felt that it made some sense after hearing it.

"So, what are you talking about, Hei Tan? You are not allowed to slander Brother Xiaobai behind your back!"

Xiao Huang glared at him angrily, his face slightly red.

"Who slandered him, after all, he is my boss! However, for this kind of thing, I guess he is too embarrassed to speak..." Hei Tan looked distressed. After a long time, he continued:

"Huahu, the boss treats you well, right?"

"Entong Rebuild!"

Hua Hu didn't quite understand what Hei Tan wanted to express, but since he came to the Wandering Villa, Qin Xiaobai and Su Wanqing both treated him very well.

"If that's the case, then borrow something from you to make wine...and send it to the boss, you won't have any opinion?"

Black Charcoal looked at Huahu and asked.

Huahu: "???"

After listening to Hei Tan's words, Hua Hu was a little stunned, blinked a few times, and suddenly his expression changed:


Crocodile Brother: "!!"

After listening to Hua Hu's words, Brother Crocodile almost jumped up on the spot and punched him directly.

Can leather shoes treat kidney deficiency?

"Hey, I'm not a human at all. Besides, the boss has a way to make you grow again. Don't be so stingy, okay?"

Black Charcoal pouted, smiled and said.

Huahu: “…”

This goddamn, black carbon this guy is going around, it turns out to be playing his mind...

Qin Xiaobai, who was standing outside the door, turned green instantly after hearing the conversation of several people!

This is your sister!

I regard you as brothers, but you are suspicious of my kidney deficiency... Who the **** can stand it!

"Heitan, one kilometer away from the villa, a new pet hospital has been opened. I heard that the doctor in charge of the operation is a professor of Magic City Medical University. Do you want to experience a new type of sterilization without anesthesia? Operation?"

Qin Xiaobai walked into the attic while talking with a black face.

After hearing this, Heitan couldn't help but shudder, then looked at the door, saw Qin Xiaobai walking in, and immediately smiled awkwardly and said: "Boss, open What a joke, why mention the sterilization operation?"

"Let me hear you say my false words behind my back in the future, and **** can't save you!"

Qin Xiaobai glared at Hei Tan and said with a cold snort.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai's face was a little scary, Hei Tan was afraid that if he continued talking, he might be finished, so he began to change the subject: "Hey, boss, you are not with the sister-in-law and the others in the villa, come and look for them. Are we doing something?"

After hearing these words, Qin Xiaobai remembered the serious business, and his face became a little better.

"That...tomorrow I will marry your sister-in-law. In order to prevent some accidents, you will bring all the animals in the villa." Qin Xiaobai finished speaking, pondered for a moment, and then spoke. said:

"Xiao Huang, bring all the animals in the villa and surround the Arashiyama Hotel. People without invitations should not be allowed to enter the hotel."

The night when the invitation was written, these guys were cleaning the villa, but Qin Xiaobai wasn't worried about what they couldn't help coming to the invitation.

"Okay, little white brother!"

Xiao Huang nodded obediently and agreed.

Seeing Xiao Huang agreed, Qin Xiaobai then said:

"Black Charcoal, Huahu, Brother Flathead, Brother Crocodile, you guys will follow a woman named Moyu tomorrow, she will tell you what to do."

"Yes, boss!"

After seeing the reaction of the animals, Qin Xiaobai nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's do this first, call all the brothers, now go to the Lanshan Hotel with me, follow the Make a plan!"

Although Qin Xiaobai didn't know, what means would the shadow-level assassins mentioned by Mo Yu use to assassinate him.

But according to his guess, those guys are very likely to have entered the Arashiyama Hotel in advance through some methods.

So, before Mo Yu came, Qin Xiaobai planned to take the animals of the villa to conduct an investigation of the hotel.

See if you can spot some suspicious people.

At this moment, the Arashiyama Hotel has basically no other guests except those invited relatives and friends.

Once he finds someone he doesn't know.

Let's not say whether he is an assassin, he must not be allowed to stay in the hotel.

These title demolition members have a sense of smell that is not comparable to ordinary people. Once there are strangers in the hotel, they will be able to easily find them.

So, although the Arashiyama Hotel is very big, it is not too difficult to do this, it just takes a little time.

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