Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 110: Do you have many children? (Five more!)

After seeing Su Wanqing agreeing, Qin Xiaobai glanced at the mocking barrage, and did not intend to accompany Su Wanqing on the live broadcast again, and quit the Destiny Wang Xingren account.

Go back to the sofa and go to bed.

At half past ten in the evening, Su Wanqing finished the live broadcast and came quietly. Qin Xiaobai was lying next to the sofa and woke Qin Xiaobai.

Qin Xiaobai, who was woken up, looked at Su Wanqing who was smiling with a dazed face, and almost burst out.

What kind of neuropathy happened in the middle of the night? And let your dog sleep well...

"Xiao Bai, I'm so nervous now, that guy is asking me tomorrow, what do you think I should do? What clothes should I wear, should I wear makeup, should I take a taxi or walk, the first time I see him What should I say, the left foot or the right foot first..."

At this moment, Su Wanqing lost her mind and talked to herself for a long time. Qin Xiaobai stared at her for a long time as if she was insane.

these things?

Su Wanqing talked to Qin Xiaobai for a while, and when she saw Qin Xiaobai, she simply chose to ignore her, and had no interest in continuing, and hurried back to the room.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Wanqing was uncharacteristically, woke up at 7:00 in the morning, and began to try on clothes in the room.

I chose a few outfits and felt unsatisfied, and finally took out the three outfits that Qin Xiaobai brought her last time and bought at Givenchy, and chose a light blue dress from them.

Then began to pick up the eyebrow trimmer and trimmed the eyebrows one by one.

When Qin Xiaobai woke up, it was past ten o'clock in the morning, and he had agreed with Su Wanqing to meet at the restaurant on the top floor of the Lanshan Hotel at 11:30 noon.

Before slipping away, Qin Xiaobai took a look at her room and was immediately stunned.

Su Wanqing is trimming her eyebrows. This was a very common move, but what is exaggerated is that this silly girl is holding an eyebrow trimmer and trims it one by one...


The corners of Qin Xiaobai's mouth twitched a few times. In order to avoid Su Wanqing letting him accompany him in the past, he took advantage of her time to put on makeup and slipped away.

Usually around noon, the high-end box on the top floor of the Lanshan Hotel is already fully booked. Ordinary people go there directly, not to mention the high-end box on the top floor, even a table in the corner of the hall , there may not be.

But it is not difficult for Qin Xiaobai.

Hotels generally vacate one or two high-end boxes, the purpose is to avoid some big customers who suddenly come over and encounter the embarrassing situation of no boxes.

As the owner of the Arashiyama Hotel, it is not difficult to ask for a private room.

Qin Xiaobai entered the box, and after waiting for a few minutes, Su Wanqing gently pushed open the box door, moved her lotus steps, and walked in slowly.

Although she looks very elegant, a discerning person can see at a glance that her movements are a little stiff, perhaps due to some tension.


The corner of Qin Xiaobai's mouth curled into a smile, and he looked at Su Wanqing and asked lightly.


Su Wanqing's voice was very soft, she didn't dare to look Qin Xiaobai's eyes directly, she lowered her head and replied.

"In that case, let's start talking about the hundreds of millions of projects?" Qin Xiaobai smiled and said straight to the topic.

Su Wanqing: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing seemed to hear someone singing to her: "Do you have a lot of question marks, little kid?"

I just entered the door to say hello, why are you talking about the project directly?

Just a straight guy…

Can't you just pretend to be polite? Talk about other things...

At this moment, Qin Xiaobai didn't care what Su Wanqing was thinking, and said directly:

"I plan to buy a piece of land in Nanlinjia Village, Magic Capital City, but it's not convenient for me to come forward, so I want to ask you a favor and buy that piece of land in your name..."

After hearing this, Su Wanqing was taken aback and asked in disbelief, "You mean, let me buy a piece of land for you?"

"That's right! Buy it in your name, hang it under your name, give me your bank card number, and I'll make money for you tomorrow!" Qin Xiaobai replied directly.

"Big... big brother! I've never bought land before, and I don't know what to do..."

Su Wanqing is really a little panicked. She is a student and has never been involved in any business, let alone buying and selling land.

Afterwards, he handed the ordinary photo of Linjia Village to Su Wanqing, drew a circle on it with his hand, and then said:

"The circle I painted just now is about 5,000 mu. You can buy it for me. buy some..."

According to Qin Xiaobai's speculation, 900 million yuan should be enough to get 5,000 mu of land in that desolate place.

Su Wanqing's big watery eyes blinked a few times, as if she couldn't believe it, as if she heard something just now, she was completely stunned.

I even started to get a little scared, and the opening was 900 million, wouldn't this person be a delusional patient? Besides, she didn't know him that well, and they didn't even know each other's names...

He even said that he would pay her 900 million yuan. Whoever heard it thought it must be a joke.

After being stunned for a long time, Su Wanqing asked, "Big brother...Aren't you joking?"

"Who is joking with you? You can tell me if you can help, if not, I'll find someone else..." Qin Xiaobai stared at her and asked with a serious look.


At this moment, Su Wan really didn't know how to answer Qin Xiaobai's question, and she had already begun to wonder if he was joking.

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