Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1105: I don't want to go to the cup, nor do I want to watch others fill the cup!

But when he looked back and saw the appearance of the person who came, a sense of disgust rose in his heart.

The person who spoke, Qin Xiaobai did know.

Chen Guang, the monitor in high school.

However, this person Qin Xiaobai disliked a little in his heart. The reason is actually very simple, he likes to pretend too much.


After graduating from high school, I never interacted with this guy again.

But those things are in the past. Since they met here and the other party came over to say hello first, Qin Xiaobai had no intention of pretending not to know each other, so he smiled and called Say hello:

"It turned out to be Squad Leader Chen. I haven't seen you for a few years. I didn't expect you to recognize me. It's a little surprising."

"Haha...Qin Xiaobai, what you said is out of the question."

After Chen Guang finished saying these words, he looked at Shen Wenwen with some surprises, and then he said:

"Qin Xiaobai, today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of our high school. Many old classmates have come back and gathered money upstairs. As the only one in our class that year, you were admitted to a key university. , why should you show up to say hello to your old classmates?

By the way, Li Xiyan is here too! "

When mentioning the three words Li Xiyan, Chen Guang deliberately increased his tone, and his words seemed to have a bit of show off.

Speaking of Li Xiyan, Qin Xiaobai is no stranger.

The manor where Shen Wenwen lives now was purchased from Li Xiyan's father.

When she was in school, Li Xiyan was definitely Bai Fumei in the class, with a wealthy family and beautiful appearance, she was the goddess in the hearts of countless male students in the school.

But she prefers to stick to Qin Xiaobai.

For this reason, Qin Xiaobai suffered from the scorn and jealousy of other boys.

This Chen Guang is one of them.

Now that Li Xiyan's family is in decline, the former Bai Fumei has become Chen Guang's girlfriend, so she naturally wants to show it off.

Qin Xiaobai can see through Chen Guang's careful thoughts at a glance.

He has absolutely no intention to cooperate with each other in acting and act as a background for others.

So I didn't think much about it, and rejected it directly:

"I have something to do later, so I won't go up."

Qin Xiaobai just planned to have a meal with Shen Wenwen and then buy something.

I didn't want to make a cup, and I didn't want to watch others make a cup.

"That's a pity, Xiyan mentioned you some time ago!" Chen Guang shook his head, sighed, and then continued: "Since Qin Xiaobai, you don't want to go, then I won't force you. I'll go up first..."

In Chen Guang's opinion, Qin Xiaobai must be doing well, and he is afraid of being laughed at when he sees acquaintances.

After all, for things like school celebrations, students who can come back are basically considered successful people.

A few are the ones with an annual salary of 200,000.

Otherwise I would be embarrassed to come...

I really don't need to hold a cup in front of a person who is not of the same rank, so there is no sense of accomplishment, after all, he has no shortage of audiences now.

After the sudden episode ended, Qin Xiaobai didn't think much about it.

Ordered a few dishes.

Then they chatted with Shen Wenwen about small things.

For example, the black carbon found a girlfriend, the strength of the demolition group has grown a lot, and the wandering villa has also been renovated once.

While the two were chatting about these things, the dishes were almost ready.

However, before the two of them could move their chopsticks, a loud noise came from the elevator upstairs, and then a group of people came from it.

Because the voice is too loud.

Qin Xiaobai subconsciously frowned and looked back.

At this moment, a thin figure in the group also looked at Qin Xiaobai.


It is the Li Xiyan mentioned by Chen Guang just now.

Seeing Qin Xiaobai eating, Li Xiyan seemed a little surprised. After hesitating for a while, she walked out of the crowd and walked straight towards Qin Xiaobai.

"Qin Xiaobai, thank you!"

When Li Xiyan came to his side, she glanced at Qin Xiaobai, and then said sincerely.

For this thoughtless thank you, Qin Xiaobai was suddenly a little stunned. After being stunned for a while, he asked curiously:

"Did I do something?"

"When I moved out of the manor last time, I was in a bad mood. I forgot to say thank you, don't mind!" Li Xiyan looked at Qin Xiaobai's face again , went on to say:

"Thank you for your willingness to buy that manor, otherwise my dad would have gone in."

"For this matter? Then you don't need to thank me, it's just a fair deal..." Qin Xiaobai shook his head. He didn't even know that Li Xiyan's father sold the manor when he bought it. , let alone help her.

"Anyway, thank you!"

After saying this, Li Xiyan glanced at Shen Wenwen in front of her, and added with a smile, "Is this your girlfriend? Very beautiful!"

Qin Xiaobai didn't feel anything, but after Shen Wenwen heard this, she immediately lowered her head a little embarrassed.

When the three were chatting, the group of people beside the elevator seemed to recognize Qin Xiaobai.

Immediately whispered.

"That person seems to be Qin Xiaobai, shall we go over and say hello?"

"Fuck, it's true, no wonder Li Xiyan pushed me away like crazy and ran over, so she saw Qin Xiaobai..."

"Tsk tsk, what the **** is going on with this grandson, he is still as handsome as when he was in school!"

"Didn't you say that time is a butcher knife? We've all become bacon, Qin Xiaobai is still a little fresh meat... It's not fair!"

"Hehe, Squad Leader Chen, didn't you say that Li Xiyan is a girlfriend? Why do you want to come to Qin Xiaobai when you see Qin Xiaobai..."


After hearing the discussions of the people around him, Chen Guang's face turned green.

No reason!

Is it more attractive to be handsome than rich?

This guy Qin Xiaobai didn't even dare to attend the school's celebration class reunion, because Mao Li Xiyan still misses him...

The key is that he was showing off to this group of classmates upstairs just now. Li Xiyan is his girlfriend. After going downstairs, this dead woman ran directly to Qin in front of so many people. Xiaobai went to reminisce by his side.

This goddamn...isn't he hitting someone Chen in the face?

"Actually, being handsome can only confuse the ignorant female classmates in high school. Men still have to be financially strong..." Chen Guang looked at the three of them, feeling a little angry. However, his tone was very calm.

After he said this, few people around him refuted it, but anyone with a discerning eye could hear the sourness in his words...

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