Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1115: Ou Shen Qin Xiaoyu is online!

At this moment, Su Wanqing finally realized what it means to be sad.

The man who waited ten years is back.

I don’t mention things like tenderness at all. When we meet, I will join my son and force her to play flying chess together…

Is this still something that can be done?

Why does this guy do something completely different from someone else's husband and wife after a long absence?

However, although she was a little dumbfounded, she also had a hint of happiness. He has been away for ten years, but when he comes back, he is still the same boy...

"Mom, you know how to play Ludo... Then why did you always say you couldn't?"

Qin Xiaoyu looked at Su Wanqing with some doubts, as if she was always rejected for playing chess with her in the past, full of puzzlement.

"Enough is enough! What sin have I done..."

Su Wanqing, who was emotionally broken, almost cried on the spot.

It appears now.

I must not have saved the Milky Way, but destroyed the Milky Way before I met such a pair of superb father and son.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, our family is finally reunited, and we won't play a few games of flying chess to celebrate, how can it be?" Qin Xiaobai grinned and laughed a few times, then looked at The son next to him then asked:

"Are you right, little fish?"


After hesitating for a while, Qin Xiaoyu nodded and replied.

Actually, he still had some grudges in his heart for Qin Xiaobai's father.

However, since this man also likes flying chess, it can at least prove that he is not a bad person.

Because the father and son duo took turns to coax and deceive, Su Wanqing still fell into the pit...

Qin Xiaobai is still the European Emperor ten years ago.

First half of the night.

The mother and son can only stare at him and play with relish.

In order to get closer to her son.

After midnight, Qin Xiaobai deliberately tossed a five.


What he didn't expect was that Ou Shen Qin Xiaoyu was online...

Since then, Qin Xiaoyu has been winning consecutively until dawn, but he and Su Wanqing have nothing to do with him.

This moment.

Qin Xiaobai seemed to understand.

Why the girls who played flying chess with him back then either jumped off the building or went to herd the cows.

No wonder Su Wanqing still has a shadow in her heart when she sees flying chess!

I don't have a **** game experience, okay?

However, Qin Xiaobai is quite relieved, at least it shows that the blue is better than the blue. After this son, it is estimated that it is not an ordinary role, and it can be considered that the style of the Qin family has been carried forward.

After dawn, Qin Xiaoyu heard the alarm sounding next door, and finally stopped to continue to abuse her parents. He glanced at Qin Xiaobai's slightly tired face, and after a moment of hesitation, he asked:

"Dad, I have a parent-teacher meeting this summer, will you accompany me or let Mom go?"

"What did you... just call me?"

When Qin Xiaobai heard the word "dad", his heart was about to melt. He looked at Qin Xiaoyu in disbelief and asked in a daze.

There's no reason to deny your father."

Qin Xiaoyu pouted and said, "You let me take that one, right? Otherwise, you can win to the sky!"


Qin Xiaobai looked at his son speechlessly.

This is ten years old!


He is indeed the son of someone Qin!

"However, Dad, you missed my childhood after all. If you round it up, you should give me at least 10,000 yuan of pocket money! Well, when you attend the parent meeting today, no matter how old you are What do you hear, don't beat me, how about that?"

Qin Xiaoyu blinked a few times, looked at Qin Xiaobai and asked seriously.

At first.

Qin Xiaobai was almost moved to tears, but when he heard the last words, he always felt that something was not quite right.

It seems to be a trick by this son.

Hearing this, Su Wanqing glanced at Qin Xiaobai helplessly, then shook her head and said, "Husband, don't listen to Xiaoyu, he must have failed in the final exam. Otherwise, I'll get into trouble again at school..."


Qin Xiaoyu was still a nine-year-old child after all. After hearing what his mother said, he was still very empty.

"Okay, pack up your schoolbag and I'll accompany you to school later. If someone bullies you, we'll tear down the school for him!"

Qin Xiaobai's face was indifferent, and the more he looked at this son, the more he liked it.

After hearing the words that the school was demolished, Qin Xiaoyu's eyes suddenly showed a trace of undisguised excitement.

Su Wanqing on the side, after listening to the conversation between the father and son, immediately became stupid.

How do you feel that the two of them are not going to participate in the parent-teacher meeting, but to hold some inheritance ceremony.

Teach your son how to dismantle the house?

It won't be so pretty...

"How can you be a father like this, so used to him, something will happen sooner or later..."

Su Wanqing shook her head, stared at Qin Xiaobai helplessly, and then complained, "Husband, can you be a person? Don't teach Xiaoyu about things like demolition?"

"Why are you so nervous? I just went to a parent-teacher conference..."

Qin Xiaobai followed Su Wanqing into the kitchen and asked with a smile.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about your father and son!"

Su Wanqing had a big head, then remembered something, hesitated for a long time, then slowly said, "Go and bring her back!"


Qin Xiaobai's eyes widened a little, and asked Su Wanqing blankly.

"Are you going to hide it from me for the rest of your life?"

Su Wanqing suddenly looked at Qin Xiaobai with a serious face, and then said:

"The night you went to the polar region to open the coffin, I dreamed of Sister Xiaoguo and Shen Wenwen, and there was more of that memory, and there was also a section about the two of them, were the three of us the same in the previous life? personal?"

"How do I explain this to you?"

Qin Xiaobai's face was a little embarrassed, his eyes flickered at Su Wanqing, and then he asked, "You don't mind them?"

"Mind! But since we were the same person in our previous life, it seems that we don't mind that much anymore." Su Wanqing sighed, and then continued: "Besides, I'm not that selfish, and besides A little fish needs a father, doesn't it?"

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai struggled for a long time.

Although he didn't know what these women dreamed about the night he opened the cyan jade coffin, one thing is certain, what he thought was a seamless plan ended up overturned.

Fortunately, this silly girl Su Wanqing did not collapse, and seemed to be able to accept this fact calmly.

For him, this is a fortune of misfortune.

Actually, although Cheng Xiaoguo also incorporated some imprints, really speaking, there is not much substantial emotional entanglement between the two of them.

Only Shen Wenwen is a little different.

She, like Su Wanqing, is also her legal wife...

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