Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1121: Oh... so you said live broadcast, I thought...

After chatting with Li Xiaomeng for a while in the classroom, Qin Xiaobai left the school with his son.

It is impossible to accompany Li Xiaomeng to dinner.

After all, there is a silly daughter-in-law waiting for him and his son to return.


Before leaving, Qin Xiaobai told Li Xiaomeng that if she was willing to go home and make a home visit, Su Wanqing would definitely welcome her.

About Qin Xiaobai's suggestion.

Li Xiaomeng pondered for a while, and refused directly. After all, the taste of a **** is a little hard to swallow.

On the way back, Qin Xiaoyu sat in the passenger seat, stared at Qin Xiaobai curiously for a while, and then said with a smile: "Dad, how can I I feel old class, the look in your eyes seems to be a million points wrong?"

After hearing this, Qin Xiaobai was speechless for a while, holding the steering wheel with both hands, and asked calmly:

"What's wrong?"

"I can't tell, it's a bit like..."

Qin Xiaoyu said here, suddenly stopped, and glanced at Qin Xiaobai with some hesitation.

"Like what?"

"Speak out and don't beat me, will you?"


"It looks like I'm greedy for your body..."

Qin Xiaobai: "…"

A sentence almost made Qin Xiaobai vomit blood, but of course he knows what his son said now.

Li Xiaomeng, this stupid woman, has not married for ten years.

Qin Xiaobai wouldn't believe it if he wasn't waiting for him.

Although he is back now, Qin Xiaobai can only silently say sorry for Li Xiaomeng's feelings.

Not all relationships have a happy ending.

Some people are not meant to be together.

But I can’t forget…

Shen Wenwen and Su Wanqing can accept it, that is because they share a common destiny and were originally alone in their previous lives.

Su Wanqing and Shen Wenwen can't hurt them again and again because of their ignorance.

Qin Xiaobai knows this better than anyone else.

Of course.

He wouldn't do it either.

"What do children know?!"

Qin Xiaobai scolded with a smile, then glanced at his son, and suddenly a faint worry rose in his heart.

My son Qin Xiaoyu is only nine years old.

But he is much more handsome than when he was in his grade...

This is grown up.

I'm afraid it's another curse, maybe even worse than myself.

After having his own painful experience, Qin Xiaobai planned to remind his son not to be a scumbag in the future.


Qin Xiaobai looked ahead and called his son softly.

"Huh? Dad, what's the matter?" Qin Xiaoyu glanced at his father with interest and asked.

"Dad, don't worry! Women are big pigs' hooves, how can they be happy to play Ludo, are you right?"

Qin Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, then replied with a grin.

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


This son…

He also thought the same way back then, but that idea was changed by her mother.


In addition to flying chess, there are also demolition, prodigal and wife abuse!

Thinking of this, Qin Xiaobai's mouth can't help but draw a beautiful arc...

At about 11:30 noon, Qin Xiaobai took his son back to the Wandering Villa.

Because the father and son did not have enough to eat in the morning.

Su Wan prepared a table of meals early in the morning, all the meals that their father and son liked to eat.

A family of three.

Have a great lunch.

After lunch, Qin Xiaoyu said that he was going to find a few classmates to do homework together, and it was not far away.

As soon as Su Wanqing heard it, she knew that he was going to sneak out to find brother pants' son, and make trouble with brother Kaipan's daughter, but she thought that the zoo was not far away after all, and her godmother Tang Xiaorou was there, After explaining a few words, nothing was blocked.

After Qin Xiaoyu left, Su Wanqing skillfully cleaned up the kitchen.

At this time, Qin Xiaobai suddenly walked behind Su Wanqing, reached out and hugged her slender waist, and said with a wicked smile: "Daughter-in-law, if we don't take advantage of the little fish, let's start early, lest we Let him see that the impact is not good..."

Although Su Wanqing has agreed to appear in women's clothing, it is still a bit shameful to say such a thing.

If you are being seen by your son.

The image of his tall, handsome and powerful father will definitely collapse...

Therefore, Qin Xiaobai's heart is somewhat empty, and he plans to start early and end early while his son is away.

Maybe she and Qin Xiaobai have been separated for too long.

When his hands touched Su Wanqing's waist, Su Wanqing couldn't help shaking.

But soon, she calmed down.

How embarrassing is that when my son comes back and bumps into him?"


Qin Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, and then continued to say, "It's okay, anyway, you used to live broadcast on your mobile phone often, but wearing women's clothes in the kitchen is a bit like a cook. But it doesn't matter, hehe!"

Su Wanqing: "???"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, Su Wanqing was completely stunned.


It turns out that Qin Xiaobai, the husband, was talking about the live broadcast!

I thought it was…

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing's face turned a little red, and quickly said embarrassingly: " let me go for a while, I'll wash your hands, and then...login to the live broadcast room. "

Qin Xiaobai looked at Su Wanqing, whose face was flushed, and muttered silently in his heart: "What happened to this stupid daughter-in-law? Didn't you all let go of your hands and feet during the live broadcast before? Why now? I'm starting to get nervous... why is your face so red?"

But soon, Qin Xiaobai stopped worrying about this issue.

Su Wanqing had washed her hands and came over with her mobile phone.

Ten years.

The name of Su Wanqing's live broadcast room has not changed. However, the popularity of her live broadcast room is obviously not as shocking as it was ten years ago.

I remember ten years ago, even if Su Wanqing didn't start the broadcast, there were hundreds of thousands of people in the live broadcast room, silently waiting for her to start the broadcast.

Now, there are only a few hundred.

It was as if she had returned to Qin Xiaobai, and had traveled through the scene where she saw Su Wanqing live for the first time.

However, this is normal.

Even if you are the first sister in the beauty area, you can't be popular forever...

On the one hand, after Qin Xiaoyu was born, Su Wanqing devoted a lot of time to taking care of her son, and did not have much free time to live broadcast.

On the other hand, in ten years, most of the fans in her live broadcast room have become 30-year-olds. Family and responsibilities make those fans unable to care about staying in the live broadcast room every day.

After all, watching a live broadcast is not a meal, is it?

Just as Qin Xiaobai sighed slightly, Qin Xiaobai was taken aback by the sudden scene...

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