Live: Husky Tianxiu at the Goddess’ House

Chapter 1127: Who said let you wear it, let me wear it!

"Stop pretending, neither of us are good people, or we are not people, okay?"

Qin Xiaobai pouted, and muttered in his heart with extreme disdain. After a while, he asked, "Are you going to tell me?"

System Brother: "…"

After listening to Qin Xiaobai's words, the system brother was speechless for a while.

This man is a real dog!

I even scolded myself...

No way!

Meeting a strong host, the system brother finally could only hold back with tears, after a moment of silence, he slowly explained: "He is already above the existence of Heavenly Venerate, and he does not If I need this system, I’m still with you every day, it’s a little more interesting to cry all those female anchors.”

Qin Xiaobai: "…"


This system guy is probably a pervert, how could he have such a weird idea?

He Qin is a serious person.

"Host, stop muttering, you are serious or not, the system does not know, but you are definitely not human!"

The system brother silently complained.

Now he has no powers.

Even if you are rich enough to rival the country, if you want to go to Earth to bring back Shen Wenwen and Qin Xiaoyu, it can only be a fantasy.

So, although Qin Xiaobai didn't believe what the system brother said in his heart, there was nothing he could do. To get Shen Wenwen and Qin Xiaoyu back, maybe he really had to rely on the system brother. I knew that the dog system might have other purposes, but I could only choose to ignore it.


As Qin Xiaobai guessed, the system brother did come back for other purposes, but there was no disadvantage to Qin Xiaobai or his family.

After rescuing the purple-clothed girl, the Lord of the Back Yin Mountain predicted that a catastrophe would be imminent.

Just pinning my hopes on him...

Plant a new seed!

Of course, Qin Xiaobai is not interested in this matter, and now for him, being able to take back another legal wife is the most important thing.

"Isn't it women's clothing? It's not that I haven't worn it..."

Qin Xiaobai's tone softened a bit, and muttered silently in his heart.

Su Wanqing, who was beside her, saw Qin Xiaobai motionless, stared at the phone for a long time, and asked worriedly: "Husband, what's the matter with you? Me and my fans It's all a joke, if you don't want to wear women's clothes, forget it..."

After hearing Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai came back to his senses, then smiled slightly, and said, "By the way, did you buy stockings?"

Su Wanqing: "???"

Ten years!

Has this man's obsession with stockings still not changed?

"Buy...bought! But...I haven't worn it, a little..."

Although Su Wanqing is no longer the shy and beautiful girl she used to be, she has not worn stockings once for so many years. At this moment, when I heard Qin Xiaobai mention this matter, I still felt a little embarrassed in my heart.

"Who told you to wear it? Bring me to wear it..."

Qin Xiaobai glared at her and said speechlessly.

Su Wanqing: "…"

Can this husband still have it?

I'm afraid there is something wrong in the past ten years... There are billions of things wrong!

He used to wear women's clothes, and he always had a dark face, but now he even took the initiative to wear stockings...

Is it bent?

Who can stand this…

Thinking of this, Su Wanqing's eyes widened a little, and she stared at Qin Xiaobai blankly, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

The fans in the live broadcast room couldn't help but get excited when they heard the conversation between the two.

"Fuck! Did I hear it right? Did the King of Dogs just say he was going to wear women's clothes?"

"Big brother, be confident, remove the word like! That's what the dog emperor said, and you have to wear the anchor's stockings..."

"I'm going, can I find a way to live? I just want to watch a live broadcast today. You keep forcing me to take off my pants because of the wool? I have to take it off again when I wear it..."

"Hey, do any of you want Xiantian Taoist brother's pants? The output is a little too large recently, I'm afraid it will suddenly depreciate, and it will be sold at 50% off! There is also a future opening bet, and pants are not accepted Now, use the stockings worn by the dog emperor!"

"Stop talking, brothers, hurry up and go to the Wandering Villa to steal Gouhuang's stockings!"

"Shocked: The richest man in the empire, who has been missing for ten years, suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room. Why did he suddenly put on his wife's stockings? Is it a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality? True Fragrant Documentary "The Improper Man is Back"!"

"No way! The King of Dogs is missing, the anchor has stopped broadcasting, and there is no business! So a few years ago, we all switched to carrying coffins, but now I announce that the shock department has been reorganized, and there is no more The spirit boy is coming to sign up?"


While fans were happily discussing this matter, Qin Xiaobai had already pulled Su Wanqing out of the live broadcast room.


In fact, Qin Xiaobai doesn't want to wear women's clothes at all, let alone stockings!


But there is no way, in order to have an unforgettable love with the system brother...Bah, to cooperate again, Qin Xiaobai can only wear women's clothes again with tears.

At this moment, under the guidance of Su Wanqing, he is choosing a suitable women's clothing kit.

Although Qin Xiaobai is taller than Su Wanqing.

But fortunately, Su Wanqing is not short, so wearing her clothes does not seem out of place.

Looking at the handsome and slim husband in front of her, Su Wanqing's heart collapsed directly...

Why do you do this yourself?

Why do you have to abuse yourself!

This man put on women's clothing and stood in front of him. He was just a little sister who only knew how to use Aba Aba... He has been missing these years, so he wouldn't go to Lanxiang to take a women's clothing course Bar?


Su Wanqing seemed to remember a serious problem, then she shook her head speechlessly, looked at Qin Xiaobai again, and asked softly, "Husband, does Shen Wenwen often wear stockings to show you?"

Actually, Su Wanqing didn't mean anything else, she just thought that Shen Wenwen had a good figure and long legs. If I wear stockings, I don't know who looks better than myself.

Women have this mentality of comparison, which is normal.

After listening to Su Wanqing's words, Qin Xiaobai shook his head decisively.

That stupid woman is even stupider than Su Wanqing, not to mention the stockings, even the most basic clothing match is not good?

While the two of them were chatting about women's clothing, a few special fans suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room...

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